1. #6201
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    You know what we need now?

    A Shadowlands Flight Master Whistle
    This. I seriously have no idea why that was removed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Would be nice if they could add a few floating rocks in Korthia so we can jump over to the vault.
    They added a grapple hook to that area a few weeks ago

  2. #6202
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    I agree. One of the things I've always wanted is a way to earn old Elite PvP transmogs again. Like, they required 2000 rating before, have them require 2400 rating now just to be fair. And only one transmog set per character per season.
    I agree. Just add a system where you get a certain rating and that gives you a token (a la Vicious Saddle) to buy a current or past elite set, and you can only get one per season.

  3. #6203
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    You know what we need now?

    A Shadowlands Flight Master Whistle
    We need thing that would be obsolete for 2 months now?

  4. #6204
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    We need thing that would be obsolete for 2 months now?
    They should just make it a spell or toy and make it usable in all zones.

  5. #6205
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    They should just make it a spell or toy and make it usable in all zones.
    Is it time to discuss the idea of removing FPs entirely and just going with a teleport system?
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  6. #6206
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Is it time to discuss the idea of removing FPs entirely and just going with a teleport system?
    If you seriously think this is a good idea then you must also not understand why them adding disjointed zones in Shadowlands rather than seamlessly connected zones was a bad idea as well. It's a similar level of out-of-touch.

  7. #6207
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    I've seen half a dozen times now in a few discords and other venues today that the "twist" for Legion Timewalking is that they are bringing back Mage Tower in some way.

    Not sure how people would feel about that. I assume they'd let you once again earn the skins with an appropriate difficulty?
    If mage tower comes back then I want WoD and MoP cmode stuff back

  8. #6208
    Quote Originally Posted by Veya30 View Post
    I can't remember off the top of my head, but the new book just released by Blizzard, the broker author mentions a cartel going to 3 different areas within the Shadowlands to find information about the Sepulcher. Korthia, which we have in game right now and two more; he also mentions the Zereth Mortis zone, which is mentioned in game after the 9.1 campaign finishes.

    If they decide to not adhere to the 2 year expansion cadence due to current events; then we could see a 9.2 containing those two zones leading up to the Sepulcher and 9.3 being Mortis.

    Also interesting; the broker mentions that the tear above Icecrown won't remain forever. Could be Zovaal had it shattered to access something; maybe 9.3 will lead us back to Azeroth. Maybe this Zereth Mortis is located somewhere on Azeroth; don't know though.
    I’m thinking it was shattered so Sylvanas could travel to the maw

  9. #6209
    Quote Originally Posted by Arcinatoss View Post
    If mage tower comes back then I want WoD and MoP cmode stuff back
    Also this. As somebody who got some Mage Tower stuff and MoP CM gear on my Paladin.

  10. #6210
    The ripcord has been pulled
    They must admit defeat
    They are still holding onto the ego trip “without these restrictions the players wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much” fuck off
    The intro skip which was in at launch for the last two expansions are finally here
    No mention of MoP TW raid is a tad worrying however I really want the mage tower back and am interested in how it will work

    The interesting thing about all of this is that the changes seem like what you get around the final patch….if 9.2 is the final one then it will be a looooonnnnngggg one

  11. #6211
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Let me save you the trouble:
    "They're gonna make some changes to the stuff you guys have been complaining about." You should probably go ahead and tweet that now though, rather than waiting to predict something is gonna happen after the devs have already announced it or the community has already narrowed it down.
    You got me bro. That is how I handle all my info since 2016. You caught me red handed lol.
    http://twitch.tv/towelliee TowelRapaport #WoWsheet

  12. #6212
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    The ripcord has been pulled
    They must admit defeat
    They are still holding onto the ego trip “without these restrictions the players wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much” fuck off
    The intro skip which was in at launch for the last two expansions are finally here
    No mention of MoP TW raid is a tad worrying however I really want the mage tower back and am interested in how it will work

    The interesting thing about all of this is that the changes seem like what you get around the final patch….if 9.2 is the final one then it will be a looooonnnnngggg one
    I think that much of it just par the course. Not the first they do something like this. Defeat? More like set up faux excitement during the drought.

    They sort of do this shit all the time - create a rigid system with restrictions/grind and then over time with patches relax it, it's like adding new options without really doing much new stuff.

    It's really an old stunt. It's a good stunt that works, but it's just a trick.

  13. #6213
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    I think that much of it just par the course. Not the first they do something like this. Defeat? More like set up faux excitement during the drought.

    They sort of do this shit all the time - create a rigid system with restrictions/grind and then over time with patches relax it, it's like adding new options without really doing much new stuff.

    It's really an old stunt. It's a good stunt that works, but it's just a trick.
    Oh I agree
    But this time they did more than the usual “we hear you and we agree”
    It will happen again because they refuse to admit fault I mean that post reads like “we aren’t saying we were wrong but you are right”
    They kept conduit energy knowing it was a garbage system

    I’m just glad I can play alts and that I can enjoy the full launch game instead of 25%

    It will happen again in 10.2 but now we have a public post that players will shove in their face

  14. #6214
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Well I don't doubt it's a "shit hit the fan" salvage operation mode. It's sort of premediated though.

    I do think they need to get out of their bunkers and start communicating more though. Even if it's at risk of being misinterpreted down the road.

  15. #6215
    I don't know why this site hates Towelliee in particular as much as they do, probably because he actually posts here. I could be remembering wrong but from my memory he has always been honest about him having vague information told to him from friends at blizzard, which is usually somewhat accurate.

  16. #6216
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Will there be more Zandalari customizations?
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  17. #6217
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    Will there be more Zandalari customizations?
    Probably eventually but they've said they have their sights set on the Highmountain Tauren next, I've been hoping for something good for my Highmountain Druid

    Source: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wo...ion/200920/660

    Quote Originally Posted by Linxy <Community Manager>
    We’ll be continuing to expand our character customization in the future, with our sights set on Highmountain Tauren next.
    I hope they expand the customization for Dark Iron Dwarves along with the Highmountain
    Last edited by Jackknife35; 2021-08-28 at 01:19 AM.

  18. #6218
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    Will there be more Zandalari customizations?
    I think there will be more customizations period even for races that already got them.

    People like it and I'm sure Blizzard will take a note of it. They need these small wins to get on players' good side.

  19. #6219
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    I think that much of it just par the course. Not the first they do something like this. Defeat? More like set up faux excitement during the drought.

    They sort of do this shit all the time - create a rigid system with restrictions/grind and then over time with patches relax it, it's like adding new options without really doing much new stuff.

    It's really an old stunt. It's a good stunt that works, but it's just a trick.
    There is actually someone on twitter via Blizzard that did admit wrongdoing FYI. Its also not a shit hit the fan, these changes probably took a bit to do.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  20. #6220
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    There is actually someone on twitter via Blizzard that did admit wrongdoing FYI. Its also not a shit hit the fan, these changes probably took a bit to do.
    Oh please. The way covenants interact mechanically is something that is most likely handled with a few flags. Stuff like TW takes time, but some of the asinine changes like Covenants and Conduit Energy don't take much from them, as they are already seperate system that you are just locked out of artificially, yet all the progress is stored. So instead of getting teleported out and the NPC not talking to you, you just remove those checks and suddenly you have access to all covenants and one variable tracks which is your main one right now. Not to mention conduit energy which is entirely artificially placed on top and could be removed at the drop of a hat.

    This scheme is indeed completly transparent and they have been shown to repeat it time and time again. That their excuse is the lore (rofl) speaks volumes here, because everyone with eyes can see that the lore was never the issue, but even they did not dare to blame their own programming, even though that would have fooled alot more gullible munchkins. They probably didn't want to claim that as they know it would make the skin crawl of anyone with even novice programming experience; it's akin to claiming our programmers are complete idiots and shitting on their own staff is not big right now.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

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