It would mean that you abandon your battle honed body and form yourself a new one made out of anima though.. it just wouldn't be a good one. For half the covenants that is the equivalent to downgrading to a budget car from a super car.
In general I still don't see them being playable. It feels like there are way too many issues compared to other races people have been asking for years. Not to mention that 3/4th of them are rather underwhelming anyway. I'm sure here is a small subsection that really wants to play reskinned goats or the bonesacks that have absolutely no relevance in maldraxxus, but the only ones who feel sufficiently fleshed out are the aspriants and the venthyr, with aspirants being the lamest form of creatures in bastion. I'd rather play a steward, because they at least have the joke factor. We certainly won't get winged characters. It would also tear down the last bit of meaning of death in WoW.
Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2021-08-29 at 03:12 AM.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
Death is already meaningless when the veil between life and the afterlife has been shattered, characters can travel to Oribos with a portal, as seen from random Elwynn NPCs being there, and also the one in Icecrown. Also, what's the issue with wings? Characters can already transmog pretty hefty backpieces, including wings. Wings wouldn't affect mounts or transmogging gearslots either, and even if they did, mechagnomes set a precedent that Blizzard is perfectly fine with literally banning players from transmogging certain slots.
Last edited by therumblings; 2021-08-29 at 05:23 AM.
Ez solution - we die during SL's final showdown and get choice: review or get Covenan'd.
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Because people wont be playing them just for the looks? Please. I saw so many players picking Void Elves purely for the aesthetics and the fact of "finally Alliance High Elves".
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
The tiny flaps on your back are hardly wings. Certainly compared to actual winged creatures. You definitely won't get to play an ascended Kyrian, so I see no reason to futilly pretend otherwise.
It's also still quite a difference if people can leave the shadowlands villy nilly or only on special missions. Right now we are still in a setting where the dead, after being ready to ascend, can visit the mortal plane while sticking to the veil and grab some souls (as seen during the Kyrian quests) or in the case of maldraxxi infilitrate other cosmic domains by as yet unknown means.
Them just traipsing around on Azeroth is quite different, even if every mortal could come and shake hands with their ancestors in oribos. So far the portrayal is different though. Not every westfall farmer is actually a maw walker that now also can resurrect like a legion demon. Even with the dodgy state of the shadowlands as it is, the only people running around oribos are high ranking people in the factions and the forces of the ebon blade. Exchanges between oribos and the shadowlands realms are even more rare. For all the gaping plot holes of the shadowlands, even Blizzard hasn't gone that far yet and frankly even with all the half-assing Blizzard does, even they are probably not fond of going that far.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
You've yet to give a reason as to why. Wings do not interfere with combat, transmog, or mounting.
Not sure if you count them as high ranking, their only lore of note is appearing at the gathering in Arathi, and running around Stormwind for 15 years.
Last edited by therumblings; 2021-08-29 at 06:52 AM.
Philia is supposedly a decently high ranking Kirin Tor mage from what I believe, certainly at least enough so to be able to get into wherever the portal is. And Emma is coming along with her.
She doesn't seem to be a massively important person, but she is at least high ranking enough, or has the skills needed to make the trip.
Griftah being in Oribos is far, far worse as far as lore breaches go.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Maybe I'm just too old school, but it's kinda an unwritten rule of RPGs that you don't hand out angel/flying races without some downsides. It's essentially a variation of the old star wars galaxy jedi problem. Who plays some scrub smuggler when you can play the race of superhumans. It would also definitely cause issues with back sheating and capes. Even Blizzard, who infamously doesn't care for clipping, does let you use the kyrian wings and sheated weapons right now. While the solution seems similar, it would be kinda odd that kyrian don't get to have 2h weapons on their backs ever, which feels quite the step up from the missing pants of diapergnomes.
I mean maybe I'm just odd, but I definitely wonder who here would honestly think we'd be getting ascended kyrians. Or for that matter, Stoneborn.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
I just hope that in 10.0 when Blizzard will inevitably come up with yet another bunch of bullshit system riddled with limitations that make little actual gameplay sense, they will take a deep breath somewhere mid-Alpha, step back and think what these limitations will do 3 months after launch, when honeymoon season dries up and players start looking for something to do.
9.1.5 should have been 9.0.5. And some of 9.0.5 stuff should have simply been there from launch. What's most shocking is how they try to hide behind lore to rationalize covenant limitations, what happened to "Gameplay first"???
So my wish for 10.0 is that its inevitable 10.1.5 will be 10.0.5 or even preferably 10.0 from the get go.
That part of the announcment has really gotten to you, eh?
Anyway, I agree, very much like the first two times back in legion and then twice or thrice in BfA and now once again in SL, it would be nice if the obvious weaknesses of these systems could be addressed right off the bat. The fix should get worked into the base game. If covenants had unlocked after the original campaign everything would have been mostly fine in that regard, even if it would still have been annoying time gating. Nothing in 9.1 was needed to make it plausible now.
I mean everyone with more than 2 brain cells can see that this is all done on purporse, it would be nice if they finally learned from this and would stop trying to fuck people over on purpose until they reach the breaking point. Alas, I don't believe this was actually the point where they learned. While it clearly happened sooner than in the past (at least for an expansion long feature like covenants), it's also clearly motivated by the current state of the games population. And I'm surely not the only person that would think that Blizzard simply missed their breaking point window on covenants by about half a year. If they had hit it properly, they might have gotten away with that aspect at least.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
We don't get flying immediately because the current version of flying is antithetical to actual gameplay.
Even basic things like roads are pointless if you can simply mount up and use autorun while you alt-tab out of the game.
No flying means we get more room for stuff like teleporters and limited flight to shine instead of immediately being overshadowed by an infinitely better movement option.
Even flight points are overshadowed by flying. At this point the only use they really have is due to Blizzard making them required for traversal between zones, and without that the only realistic use for them is if you want to get from one end ofa continent to the other while also being AFK.
Ideally flying should get a revamp so it isnt so grossly OP. No other game where movement is even remotely important has flying this good. Even Just Cause requires the bare minimum amount of skill to use, and that game is built almost entirely as an excercise in wild abandon.
The world revamp dream will never die!
And yet somehow we had in TBC and WoTLK and actual gameplay did not end there.
See this argument, it just does not fly. We already had it and somehow the world (of Warcraft) did not end there.
If Blizzard wants people to experience the zones, they can do same shit they did in TBC/WoTLK - flying only after you purchase it somewhere at the end part of leveling. They could absolutely allow flying in 9.0, but let's say make covenant campaign progress as requirement for it, so you get it after a month, when all them new zones fresh paint starts wearing out.
Heck they could take a page out of their TBC/WoTLK playbook and make parts of the zone accessible only with flying too. That would add some new stuff to do 1-2 months later.
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In short, Blizzard really needs to get off their limitations on everything fad.
If people want to bloody fly in X.0 - then bloody let them, lock it behind a month of initial campaign questing, but that it.
Same goes for everything else. You want covenant choice to matter in 9.0? Wonderful, make it like it launched until you hit 40 renown and 40 renown reward being what we get in 9.1.5. You can even justify it by you being 40 renown and doing everything you did - every bloody cov would want you or want you back pronto.
Like these redemption quests made no fucking sense - you literally saved us from total doom and destruction during covenant campaign, but we can't have you back without you picking up some chests and killing a few lieutenants and shit.
Last edited by Gaidax; 2021-08-29 at 11:11 AM.
It really sort of did though. As soon as you got flying in TBC the world became a complete non-threat, which especially at the time was a major difference. Even areas full of elites that had been extremely threatening and dangerous areas were suddenly "lol, just casually fly right over to the thing you need." It also immediately destroyed any real sense of zone navigation, because even a fairly complex zone to navigate like Blade's Edge got turned into "alt tab while flying in a straight line directly to objective".
I think it's fine to like flying, but also it very, very literally takes the player out of the world. Before it you have a bunch of actual gameplay choices "do I enter this area from the front or is it easier to get to the objective from the side entrance", "Would it be quicker to jump down off of here or is that gonna aggro a bunch of things at the bottom and be a hassle?" "Should I take the long way around or just cut through these mobs and try to avoid getting dismounted?" "There's a herb/minning node up on that cliff/over that little mini canyon... is it worth looping around to get up there/to the other side? Which ore/herb is it?"
When you having flying, all of those gameplay choice moments become "lol doesn't matter, fly straight to the thing". A huge chunk of gameplay does end.
Adding actual flying was a massive mistake. They should have made flying mounts able to jump very high and then glide, either like a lower altitude Aviana's or like the goblin jump-pack things that were sometimes around in BfA. Then at least you'd have to consider approach and how to get around, as well as where you're going to land each time.
I think they did flying great this expansion. I think renown is the best version of timegating, if they're going to keep timegating stuff. Putting flying in with renown as apart of 9.0 would have been perfect. I'm hoping 10.0 has flying at launch as part of some questing/renown type system.
Because this way, at least you are forced to experience the gameplay without flight, at least once, for a short period of time (Just a few weeks into max level/the .0 patch), without being forced to arbitrarily grind reputation and achievements.