Here we go again. I've read this after Sargeras dropped his sword into Silithus right before BfA, I've read this right after N'zoth was disintegrated right before Shadowlands and I've read this right after the Jailer supposedly sucked out Azeroth's energy right before Dragonflight was announced...
By the way, I cannot stress enough how amazing it is to go back to Uldaman. That dungeon was epic in Vanilla, it was still epic in Classic and it will be nice to revisit it once again. Such a cool place Blizzard created almost 20 years ago.
Last edited by Nyel; 2022-07-16 at 02:12 PM.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
I'm pretty sure it is present day Uldaman because the way they made it sound is that we discovered a new area there. Also the map comparison definitely makes it look like Uldaman as we knew it is more run down and damaged. The new area was untouched when we ransacked the place before so that might be why it looks shiny and new.
Some files for 10.1 already are good sign, but remember all of it could be scrapped like Farahlon and Tal'Dranath. Blizzard after WoD doesn't scrap announced content, but it's just datamining.
If they want to continue starting new seasons in major patches, I think having some 10.0.5 similar to 9.2.5 would be good idea. It doesn't even have to update raid/PVP/M+ core, just add new stories and few rewards to collect. Funny thing, I realize same thing could be achieved by gating some rewards similar to Renown mechanic, but it's all about psychological effect that game is supported.
And of course patch like this can't delay next big chunk of content/season, it's still more important that every season will last this ~22 weeks on average (including final one before 11.0, since they come up with great idea of 'recycled' season).
Considering all the stuff at launch pointing to an eventual underground area like the moles plus wind, frost and fire being the launch elements, I think underground is still likely going to happen.
Also they've mentioned the SL content delays a lot in the interviews so I am pretty sure that wont happen again save for a global/US catastrophe.
Last edited by Cheezits; 2022-07-16 at 02:41 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Until they stop adding as-of-now-unused human houses in the files, I would say it's not really copium. Unless there is a human city underneath the Dragon Isles or on the other side of Azeroth, or its a bored artist, these buildings likely have a purpose.
The "mystery stables" are probably just the devs trolling and it's the beginning of those citys getting a rehaul. The Stormwind one uses updated Mage Quarter textures that clash with the rest of the area.
Exactly. That is also a possible and also highly requested expansion type. One that BfA could have been without all the other crap tacked onto it.
Hey, how about this? A Southsea expansion with Islands, ruins, isolated communities unaffected by the HvA conflict so far, that ends with the discovery of a pathway and/or method to go down to the very heart of the Naga Empire. That being the expansion following it.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, at the very least we can expect the models and the environment to be updated.
I would be legitimately surprised if the new world tree ends up anywhere other than on top of Teldrassil.
For one, there's a strong pull for whatever reason to keep everything at a status quo. Undercity hinted at coming back eventually in the Forsaken epilogue. Even the Cenarion Hold in Silithus was rebuilt despite the entire zone being atomized.
Secondly, I think the current devs desperately want to undo things touched by he-who-shall-not-be-named. Very much saw that in Shadowlands and I think it will continue moving forward.