1. #63341
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Also, same Hogger, but a different pose and angle. Feel the difference?

    No. The awkward facial design is very much there, as is the body shape.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    Oh my:

    This would have been beautiful and instead we got those ugly human female heads
    Now I'm in love with options that never will be. What a shame.
    That looks quite nice, though I would argue the current Drakthyr human designs are actually very good, save for one or two things I think look awkward, which are mostly optional customization options. I think that only the Drakthyr's true forms look particularly bad.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post

    Has this been posted here yet? Looks awesome and another few points for world revamp!
    More here: https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-and...nflight-327800
    Wouldn't get my hopes up too much—perhaps there is some vast world revamp in the making, but this also may just be a transitory point in Dragonflight. For one, we don't know the Alliance get there, and an airship seems very likely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    Someone over on the Scrolls of Lore discord did some minor photoshop work.



    It really is a matter of just giving a larger head.
    Both look very silly.

  2. #63342
    I'm so excited for finally having some actual public transportation again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Since they said there's gonna be a new zone to test every week, when do you think they're gonna patch Alpha? Thursday?

  3. #63343
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    All these gnoll pictures just remind me that I could barely tell what the old model was supposed to be when I started playing this game and if they didn't snarl and cackle like hyenas I'm not sure I would have known at all. Just like with the quillboar update in BFA, it is like putting on glasses and suddenly having clarity.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  4. #63344
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Has this been posted here yet? Looks awesome and another few points for world revamp!
    More here: https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-and...nflight-327800

    - - - Updated - - -

    I really have to see it ingame. This looks OK, but there have also been some very silly screenshots. My personally wished changes are that they have a bigger hunch and the shout a bit shorter. I think mostly the longer snout is what makes them appear as less threatening than the vanilla ones.
    I don't think it adds points at all since airships aren't used in EK/Kalimdor.

    The only time they're used persistently is in Northrend.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  5. #63345
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsamane View Post
    So when will this topic be replaced with 10.X Patches & 11.0 Speculation Thread?
    Close to 10.0 launch, Probably sometime in October or November.

  6. #63346
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    Cool take on one-winged dragon class without full body transformation, some people still love dragon themed melee fighters - totally not Blizz devs.

    Just image option to remain in Visage form and only wings showing during dragons skills, without transforming whole body.
    Last edited by cocomen2; 2022-07-18 at 05:10 AM.

  7. #63347
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I've always had a soft spot for Furbolgs since WC3.

    Seeing that they descended from a more brutish "bear people" called the Jalgar plus seeing this new model for them... oh man, maybe we'll get to see some.
    Ye the new model is sweet, is it also a new skeleton? Hard to tell.

  8. #63348
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    I’ve seen people say things like the old models had matted hair or spots of blood and dirt of them which is no where to be seen on the actual models, so I think it’s mostly from people adding there imagination to vague memory’s of the old models and constructing a image that never existed.
    Thats the thing. With low poly models a few spots can be a wound, spots, a harness, whatever. Ppl imagine what they think is cool. So many problems and complaints come with expanded and clarified lore.

    Its the same with npc impressions. If a character exiats for one quest and have 10 lines of dialogue its easy for ppl to think thry are cool. The more spotlight u give them EVERY second of screen time is a chance to alienate some fans. Look at how ppl react to thrall. He basically is one of the main characters who is a good person whos made 1 or 2 reasonable mistakes while having the world on his shoulders since he was 16 yrs old. More spotlight means more hate.

    Someone was saying the new alextrasza model was missing something and after looking and seeing how its basically juat a hi rez update i had to assume it was some sort of percieved attitude based on the low polygon face

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean when I think of gnolls I think of this
    I mean thats a diseased battlescared gnoll. Also like have u seen warcraft orcs vs lotr ones. Or warcraft kobalds vs dnd kobalds, or warcraft wyverns vs any wyvern
    Romance doesnt detract from a story. Its a Genre, like horror or comedy or adventure. The game was ruined when we got Horror in drustvar or nazmir. It wasnt ruined when we had funny quests. So if you think a little man on man love ruins the game, then yes you are either a homophobe or just a spoil sport that goes "ewww kissing is yucky" like a baby. Furthermore, if a character has never expressed interest in any gender, then its not proof they are straight. straight people are not the default

  9. #63349
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    I would kill to have my character look like the one in blue.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  10. #63350
    woot this week we get evoker starter zone and im hoping more class talent trees

  11. #63351
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    So, Nesingwary is now retired.

    But still works for the expedition.
    You didn't think retirement would keep me out of the game, did you?

    My eyes aren't what they used to be, and my hands are certainly less steady... but they can hold these reins!

    This whole Dragonscale Expedition is quite the operation, and I've a mind to do my part!

    As for the Azure Span, well... It reminds me of some of the best places I've explored!

    > So you're not here to hunt?

    I've bagged enough trophies to last me ten lifetimes! Take Tiny and Junior here... Sure, I could put their heads on a wall as easy as pulling a pint of Dun Morogh stout, but it'd make my job as a wagon driver significantly harder!

    <Nesingwary laughs.>

    I suppose that makes me something of a conservationist!

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #63352
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    So, Nesingwary is now retired.

    But still works for the expedition.
    Great change! I never liked the way the Nesingwary quests glorified the hunting of animals for fun. Yes, yes, fantasy world and so, but there is a difference between hunting for survival and hunting for trophies ...

    We don't really need the later in the game imo.

  13. #63353
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I mean, there are a lot of spells that are significantly weaker in ST compared to AOE.
    I'll try to explain it again, maybe it's clearer then:

    All Empower skills right now clearly benefit scenarios where there is more than one target. They do not gain any benefits from empowering in single target fights (we're not talking about passive traits, only about the empower skill itself).

    Don't you think this is an inherent problem or an oversight? Empower should make skills always better, in single target and AoE fights. But right now empowering them only benefits them in multitarget fights. I mean there is an easy fix for this: instead of adding additional targets by empower you just make the skill stronger, evenly split between the amount of targets. So single target would always benefit and even in multi target fights the skill would get stronger.

    Right now - for both healing and DPS - your single target empower skill turns into an AoE skill when empowered - this should not be the case because there already exist AoE empower skills for exactly that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    tbh, I like the mastery.

    There are enough execute mechanics in the game already anyway, so it's nice to have a reverse-execute. Plus, there's the fact that there's a lot of abilities that make it do full damage anyway.
    I think Evoker mastery will be like Holy Paladin mastery. Very middle of the road in actual fights.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    It's still there:

    This model is so sick. Drust Gnoll.
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  14. #63354
    Bloodsail Admiral Plehnard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I would kill to have my character look like the one in blue.
    Yeah, that's my favourite as well, closely followed by the black one but all four are way better than what we got at the end.

  15. #63355
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    Someone over on the Scrolls of Lore discord did some minor photoshop work.



    It really is a matter of just giving a larger head.
    I still think that model looks absolutely terrible, but that's indeed subjective.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They are looking into smaller, more frequent patches in Dragonflight.

    This is good news imho. It cannot be stressed enough how good Legion worked due to this. I just hope they don't make the actual content patches smaller, but spread their content evenly.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  16. #63356
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    So, Nesingwary is now retired.

    But still works for the expedition.
    Bit more info.

    Nesingwary's wagon does stop at several Flight Point spots across the zone, with each point giving one (or multiple) Nesingwary hunting quests. Only this time, he's not hunting for sport, but hunting creatures that are being nuisances to the zone or that otherwise need to be put down, such as a gnoll torturing wild animals, a mammoth so old and in pain he's blindly crashing around, or an ice giant mutilating the fauna of the zone.

    Once stopping on a location, Nesingwary offers its specific quest stays there for around 7 minutes before moving on to the next one. He does the most stops in Camp Antonidas, as the camp is located in the center of the Azure Span. Because of the way Nesingwary does his patrol, the best spot to wait for him is by Camp Antonidas.
    Nesingwary moves from Camp Antonidas to Camp Nowhere, then heads back to Camp Antonidas.
    He then moves to Iskaara, and once again back to Camp Antonidas.
    On the last leg of his patrol, Nesingary goes to Rhonin's Shield, later stopping at Theron's Watch, then returns to Camp Antonidas.

    That's really neat. Not many moving NPC's that move around the zone like that and give quests. I wonder if you can sit on his cart and travel with him.

  17. #63357
    Hemet Nessingwary turning from a Big Game Hunter into a Conservation Hunter/Game Warden wasn't the character development I expected for him. Though I suppose I wasn't expecting any at all for him so that's not hard.

  18. #63358
    Quote Originally Posted by Veluren View Post
    Hemet Nessingwary turning from a Big Game Hunter into a Conservation Hunter/Game Warden wasn't the character development I expected for him. Though I suppose I wasn't expecting any at all for him so that's not hard.
    he went from a murder hobo to a level 20 beast master ranger

  19. #63359
    Quote Originally Posted by Veluren View Post
    Hemet Nessingwary turning from a Big Game Hunter into a Conservation Hunter/Game Warden wasn't the character development I expected for him. Though I suppose I wasn't expecting any at all for him so that's not hard.
    I mean if you examine the trope Nessingwary evoked, it was obviously problematic. The way it was handled with DEHTA in Wrath probably made it even worse. The best way to advance the concept is to change it. Hemet is not important enough to the story that changing him becomes problematic after all.

  20. #63360
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean if you examine the trope Nessingwary evoked, it was obviously problematic. The way it was handled with DEHTA in Wrath probably made it even worse. The best way to advance the concept is to change it. Hemet is not important enough to the story that changing him becomes problematic after all.
    Yes. Even without the whole controversy around blizzard, Nessingwary big eff you to nature. Something had to be done. Either this or having him being mauled to death by tiger.

    Or since he is clearly named after Ernest Hemingway, he could have developed depression and killed himself with his own gun. But that's not a plotline I would trust Danuser with.

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