Yes, white flag with all the aspect jewels is the Accord's logo.
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The second-to-last boss of the Vault raid is a "broodkeeper" for the Primalists, and has a N'zoth inspired color scheme (see: Emerald Nightmare, parts of Nazjatar, Nya'lotha having heavy black and red)
Maybe a hint at where things are going?
Saw I had traffic from here in analytics. Thanks for looking at my video yall.
I really want a few Netherwing, Twilight, Infinite, and Chromatic options for Dracthyr.
I want the Netherwing to have some presence
As do I want the proto, the Storm dragons (both Broken Isle and Skywall type) to show up, and be around, even if they arent 'taking part'.
The new capital should have a portal connection to Wyrmrest. And hopefully Wyrmrest it self should some spit and polish.
And of course for Hunter a warlock green fire/ dragon 'form a bound' questline to learn how to bound/tame dragons, of all types.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Also interesting, I assumed from first glance that Drakonids were back off the "potentially playable" because of their massive size, but it looks like there's almost a... servant caste of sorts? That's perfectly sized to be a player race.
I'm glad that they decided to allow Dracthyr to ride on their dragon form, the enormity of the ridiculous enforced disguise for riding was honestly my biggest gripe with the entire race/class.
I think the city looks great. Just a general observation on my part even though we have had only one week of testing. Everything feels much more like warcraft than shadowlands did. I remember logging into the shadowlands beta and just feeling put off. This I'm looking forward to new things. It feels like it belongs in the world.
Obviously this is preference on my part because I know what I like, but if I feel this way during alpha I'm excited to see whats coming in the next few weeks.
Should have a new build tomorrow.
Do you guys think we're going to see more class/spec trees this week? I really want to see the warlock tree.
Romance doesnt detract from a story. Its a Genre, like horror or comedy or adventure. The game was ruined when we got Horror in drustvar or nazmir. It wasnt ruined when we had funny quests. So if you think a little man on man love ruins the game, then yes you are either a homophobe or just a spoil sport that goes "ewww kissing is yucky" like a baby. Furthermore, if a character has never expressed interest in any gender, then its not proof they are straight. straight people are not the default