1. #63481
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    The guy in the video actually makes a good point: these would look great for a warrior class. But I think the thinner physique definitely fits the fantasy of the evoker style class better.
    Yea good catch, heard it to. Not a bad idea.

  2. #63482
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Also I'm totally in love with the blue tints both from pve and pvp. This looks like a propper "Sindragosa Frostwyrm Visage Form Set"

    Really hoping the blue one isn't the elite one haha.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It seems like you can do that with the toggle (lets hope they also implement it for our Worgen friends!).

    - - - Updated - - -

    So you say, somehow, Galakrond returned?
    Let's face it, it probably is.

  3. #63483
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiriastrasza View Post
    Let's face it, it probably is.
    Haha, imagine if we get all of them as elite sets, just one per season. 4 normal seasons, one fated season at the end.

    See, whatever they do now, it can't be worse than that.

  4. #63484
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    The guy in the video actually makes a good point: these would look great for a warrior class. But I think the thinner physique definitely fits the fantasy of the evoker style class better.
    Honestly would probably be easier to add another couple of body types on the existing customization than do that. I think the fourth type is muscular enough for a warrior class though.
    Ofc it could always just be an allied race instead. Later in the expac we could discover exactly how Dragonkin are made or something similar and have a lot of new Dragonkin join the fight. I still want more classes for Dracthyr though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also if the pvp sets are unique (not just recolors of PvE) I'd expect they will follow the Blue/Red/White or other scheme (Blue for Alliance, Red for Horde, White or other color for Elite).

  5. #63485
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly would probably be easier to add another couple of body types on the existing customization than do that. I think the fourth type is muscular enough for a warrior class though.
    Ofc it could always just be an allied race instead. Later in the expac we could discover exactly how Dragonkin are made or something similar and have a lot of new Dragonkin join the fight. I still want more classes for Dracthyr though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also if the pvp sets are unique (not just recolors of PvE) I'd expect they will follow the Blue/Red/White or other scheme (Blue for Alliance, Red for Horde, White or other color for Elite).
    Honestly I would be fine with that, but they did 5 colours (one for each flight). Maybe tonight's build will clear it up a bit.

  6. #63486
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Honestly I would be fine with that, but they did 5 colours (one for each flight). Maybe tonight's build will clear it up a bit.
    I suppose it is also possible that this is the set that drops from the raid, and the actual tier sets are only available through tokens and creation catalyst equivalent.

    I certainly hope not as I enjoy having a wide variety of gear to gather, but still.
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  7. #63487
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Do we know what the profession gear will look like? It's supposed to be equivalent to mythic quality right? I hope it looks just as good if not better but I'm scared it will just be a recolor.

  8. #63488
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Do we know what the profession gear will look like? It's supposed to be equivalent to mythic quality right? I hope it looks just as good if not better but I'm scared it will just be a recolor.
    Imo it should be separate and not class specific but rather by armor type. Start simple and get more and more complex as the expansion goes further.

  9. #63489
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Do we know what the profession gear will look like? It's supposed to be equivalent to mythic quality right? I hope it looks just as good if not better but I'm scared it will just be a recolor.
    Are you talking about the gear you will use while crafting? If so that's .... well .... I wouldn't call it mythic quality haha.

    If you are talking about crafted gear, I just hope it re-uses either the mythic or pvp sets as they are awesome looking. Same goes for M+ btw - we need a set that looks just as good as the other two pillar's sets ...

  10. #63490
    Eh I'd wish the crafted gear actually takes inspiration from the crafting materials. The tier set is just so constrained thematically with all the chunky crystals everywhere, definitely not a mog I'd likely use. I'd want blacksmithing armor to actually focus on blacksmithing; show me detailed articulated full plate.

  11. #63491
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Imo it should be separate and not class specific but rather by armor type. Start simple and get more and more complex as the expansion goes further.
    Good point. So they have to be specifically designed sets. I was probably just thinking of BfA sets which were the same as the raid ones.

  12. #63492
    The new menu UI looks pretty slick. Wish that they brought back the option to turn off rolling quest text though.

  13. #63493
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Well, here is the problem then...

    Those guards cannot wield the power of the 5 flights
    They also can't fly, which is kind of a big deal to many players excited for Dracthyr.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #63494
    I'm just glad we're finally getting pvp-unique sets again, haven't had those since...wod? Hopefully they add new sets for M+ as well.

  15. #63495
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I'm just glad we're finally getting pvp-unique sets again, haven't had those since...wod? Hopefully they add new sets for M+ as well.
    Actually, M+ getting sets might explain why we have so many variants of the PvP set.
    Would certainly be nice to get more than just a mount and title for pushing M+.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #63496
    What are the chances we get a new build today with a different zone?

  17. #63497
    Quote Originally Posted by Bindanda View Post
    What are the chances we get a new build today with a different zone?
    95%-100% unless something goes wrong.

    From the alpha e-mail:

    Which in turn means today should be the start of phase 2.

  18. #63498
    What are the chances Beta starts after Phase 6.

  19. #63499
    @Marlamin thank you

  20. #63500
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    I wonder if there will be a wave of invitations in each phase.

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