1. #63581
    Very excited for the elemental tree personally, with resto a close second. Shaman is what I consider my "main" class since I've the most hours on it these past 18 years.

    REALLY excited to see some evoker in dungeon too, especially the healing spec! I really enjoy this style of Alpha release - big kudos to Blizzard for it. Looks like the content creators are enjoying it a lot too.

  2. #63582
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of the Astral Star View Post
    Plot twist:

    cooking becomes a primary specialization
    Cooking prof becomes a requirement, when you meet a Gordon Ramsay-like raid boss, where you have to dodge his insults void zones while you search for a lamb sauce.


    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  3. #63583
    Looks like the Bronze area in Thaldrazzus gets its own little mini-map for whatever reason. This is where the big raid-looking door is.

  4. #63584
    any invite wave ?

    Homophobia is so gay.

  5. #63585
    Mount collection seems to reward a "Carrier Ottuk" now.

    Dare I hope its an otter?

    edit: IT IS! JOY!

  6. #63586
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Raid tour:


    Pretty much what I imagined. Loads of elemental features, but the titan devices at the end were a surprise. Reminds me of Lei Shen.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  7. #63587
    wait is there a raid like entrance in the bronze zone ? Hidden mage tower 2.0 taking us back in time to historic fights inc ?

  8. #63588
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Raid tour:


    Pretty much what I imagined. Loads of elemental features, but the titan devices at the end were a surprise. Reminds me of Lei Shen.
    The three columns makes me think that the other Incarnates may be imprisoned there and even if we kill the Storm Incarnate she manages to release them.

    Or, the fight is against all of them even if the storm drake is the main target.

  9. #63589
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    It sounds like the prepatch dungeon is a scaled up version of the original Uldaman.

    "Level 60 Revamp of the original Uldaman" vs the new Uldaman being a completely different wing.
    At the time of the post/interview, we didn't know DF Uldaman was going to be a different wing, so Wowhead writer just called it a revamp of the original. As far as I'm aware, there is currently no signs of the original Uldaman being changed at all? I could be wrong, and it might be the original Uldaman being scaled up and revamped, but I currently do believe it's the Legacy of Tyr version that we're getting in the pre-patch.

  10. #63590
    https://www.wowhead.com/item=129944/...ccord#comments for dracthyr x84 to get to exalted, if like me, you like taking new things back past thru things from the past that would be important to them.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    wE doN't kNoW wHaT pLaYeRs WaNt FoR cHarAcTeR CrEaTiOn MoDeLs

  11. #63591
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Mount collection seems to reward a "Carrier Ottuk" now.

    Dare I hope its an otter?

    edit: IT IS! JOY!
    Well, it will be cool to get an easy otter with the pre-patch, but I think we will get a lot of different otter recolours with dragonflight (prolly via the tuskar renown), so not sure if I'm super hyped about the reward tbh. Yes it will be cool on day one, but as soon as you can get the other recolours it will just be .... another otter. Let's hope they add a 600, 700 and 800 mounts achievment too with more unique or rare mounts (they also did a 2k pets achievement last build so there is hope haha).

  12. #63592
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, it will be cool to get an easy otter with the pre-patch, but I think we will get a lot of different otter recolours with dragonflight (prolly via the tuskar renown), so not sure if I'm super hyped about the reward tbh. Yes it will be cool on day one, but as soon as you can get the other recolours it will just be .... another otter. Let's hope they add a 600, 700 and 800 mounts achievment too with more unique or rare mounts (they also did a 2k pets achievement last build so there is hope haha).
    Yeah, I was going to say, the mount collections are usually recolors, but this is going to be a recolor of a (likely) easy to obtain mount. At least its a popular model.

  13. #63593
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, it will be cool to get an easy otter with the pre-patch, but I think we will get a lot of different otter recolours with dragonflight (prolly via the tuskar renown), so not sure if I'm super hyped about the reward tbh. Yes it will be cool on day one, but as soon as you can get the other recolours it will just be .... another otter. Let's hope they add a 600, 700 and 800 mounts achievment too with more unique or rare mounts (they also did a 2k pets achievement last build so there is hope haha).
    Man I just love otters. The more otters, the better.

    And I'll take it over a yeti.

  14. #63594
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    I'm a sucker for Volcanos and Dragons. Also, that decay area doesn't even look grim either. I love it.
    Yeah the new raid looks like "Ragefire meets Ulduar and Bastion of Twillight". Really awesome looking area!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Yeah, I was going to say, the mount collections are usually recolors, but this is going to be a recolor of a (likely) easy to obtain mount. At least its a popular model.
    Yeah. Well atleast we can easily obtain it with the pre-patch ahead of everyone else =)

  15. #63595
    Quote Originally Posted by Adoxe View Post
    At the time of the post/interview, we didn't know DF Uldaman was going to be a different wing, so Wowhead writer just called it a revamp of the original. As far as I'm aware, there is currently no signs of the original Uldaman being changed at all? I could be wrong, and it might be the original Uldaman being scaled up and revamped, but I currently do believe it's the Legacy of Tyr version that we're getting in the pre-patch.
    At the time we did know it was a different wing though.

    That was on the website since literally day one

  16. #63596
    My favorite DF mount so far is the Lava Mammoth and it better not be a raid/dungeon drop.

  17. #63597
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adoxe View Post
    At the time of the post/interview, we didn't know DF Uldaman was going to be a different wing, so Wowhead writer just called it a revamp of the original. As far as I'm aware, there is currently no signs of the original Uldaman being changed at all? I could be wrong, and it might be the original Uldaman being scaled up and revamped, but I currently do believe it's the Legacy of Tyr version that we're getting in the pre-patch.
    Yeah and that was obvious from day one. Why should they scale up the classic dungeon which has barely any mechanics if they have a new HD wing already? Makes no sense lol.

  18. #63598
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Cooking prof becomes a requirement, when you meet a Gordon Ramsay-like raid boss, where you have to dodge his insults void zones while you search for a lamb sauce.

    Love it! You donkey! It's raw!
    Last edited by Aucald; 2022-07-20 at 03:21 AM. Reason: Fixed bbcode tags

  19. #63599
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    My favorite DF mount so far is the Lava Mammoth and it better not be a raid/dungeon drop.
    Can't wait for sources on mounts and raid/pvp sets. But I guess we will have to wait a bit 'till they add them in.

  20. #63600
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Yeah and that was obvious from day one. Why should they scale up the classic dungeon which has barely any mechanics if they have a new HD wing already? Makes no sense lol.
    Why would they reuse old Wrath bosses for the pre-event for Shadowlands?

    Because it's a prepatch. The interview with a Blizzard employee literally called it a Level 60 version of the current Uldaman.

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