That's the Cataclysm version. The first version in his former Post was vanilla and then the current Version which is this:
That's the Cataclysm version. The first version in his former Post was vanilla and then the current Version which is this:
Some murals in new uldaman wing.
The world revamp dream will never die!
So Stormgarde pretty much acts as an Alliance city just without the AH and Bank?
"We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
So, there's a Nelf Shaman NPC who ascends into an elemental.
Formerly known as Arafal
Honestly way more excited about this from the same Twitter thread (
Uhhhhh. I would love it if they used the island expedition format for CoT style mini dungeons! Looks promising (and hopefully they will add lots of mounts and transmogs as rewards).
- - - Updated - - -
Also Rafaam!
Also Chromie gets a new model - she's so tiny now!
(Also, I guess you could literally make your drake mount into her haha)
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-07-22 at 03:37 PM.
The more I've sat on it, I think Gnolls having no female models actually bugs me. It makes perfect sense for Arrakoa, Jinyu, Sethrak etc to have no dimorphism, but why not Gnolls? They even added children for them.
I don't think its a political thing at all. Is it just laziness? Why tuskarr but not them?
Well, Gnolls are based on Hyena and if you know anything about Hyenas...
Romance doesnt detract from a story. Its a Genre, like horror or comedy or adventure. The game was ruined when we got Horror in drustvar or nazmir. It wasnt ruined when we had funny quests. So if you think a little man on man love ruins the game, then yes you are either a homophobe or just a spoil sport that goes "ewww kissing is yucky" like a baby. Furthermore, if a character has never expressed interest in any gender, then its not proof they are straight. straight people are not the default