An alternate future where murlocs conquered the planet?
Planet of the Mrgglrrr???
For those who didn't see, Dracthyr are (mostly) live on WoWhead's dressing room.
I'm honestly impressed with how well the options all blend together, I've been mashing random and getting wildly different looks every time, and some of the outcomes are dope as hell. I was half-and-half on some of the aspects of the dracthyr, but I'm all in on them now, I think.
Infinite dragon: now the only item that can restore the aspects is lost to time
Multiple maps of alternate realities and past events show up in game files
Big castle in bronze dragon zone
Hello torghast/IE reincarnation
Would they really drop a feature like Torghast in a patch? I think the time stuff is going to be a weekly scenario that changes on a rotation, and the Bronze Castle will be the Murozond raid.
It would be cool if they add specific rewards for the time periods. More Old God mounts, old school troll and human weapons, etc.