Any invites so far?
Any invites so far?
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Whoever here gets an invite with today's wave, please say soWe wanna be hyped for a possible invitation.
Hopefully Dragonriding gets enough attention that it becomes a mainstay. I don't think I could go back to smaller zones ruined by old version of flying when we have Dragonriding to compare it to.
New flying is likely also quite bad compared to how it is right now. With larger zones designed for up to 950% movement speed I imagine 310% flying will feel painfully slow compared to basically any other movement option short of flying directly upwards.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Where build? Do we have that twitter screenshot with the new alpha wave content? Paladin trees plssss
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
All that dragon mount customization just seems like a waste of dev time. Would have been better spent on an allied race or existing race customization.
In the end it is like designing another race. And everyone can enjoy all the new customization all the time.
And on the other hand, Blizzard can also use these models for npc (friendly and enemy alike). So they can use all these assets they develop for diferent things.
Never doubt the Tuesday build
This is their main focus right now even fated raids have taken a back seat
any new wave ?
Homophobia is so gay.
It seems like we may get Ysera back sooner than later - while wowhead speculates that the green aspect on the new loading screen is Merithra, it looks far more like a new Ysera model - it even has her new blue eyes:
Interesting that Blizzard would spoil that with the loading screen already though.
has the invite wave gone out yet ?
Homophobia is so gay.
Yea, she looks way more like an updated Ysera rather than Merithra. Also, there's a bunch of Ysera NPC entries in the dragonflight database already, all of which are missing models meaning it's either encrypted or not added yet, including one that's literally called "Ysera Dragon Uprez" so I'm fairly certain that it is Ysera on the screen and that she is coming back early on in the leveling process. Important to keep in mind that in Shadowlands epilogue, Ysera said she'll soar the skies of Azeroth again if Elune wills it. If they wanted her to remain dead, they wouldn't have left it open ended like that.
Last edited by Adoxe; 2022-07-26 at 11:04 PM.