You are a tad bit late, the blazer has been out for 2 months now.
Seeing as "blue bird" can be literally anything, and the journal description isn't reliable either since that one can also mean anything or just be completely unrelated. (looking at you Sylverian Dreamer/Vulpine Familiar)
So, judging by the armor details alone, i'd say something elven, maybe Elune related.
Though, the fact that the bird has a red counterpart may point to a Sun/Moon, Nature theme.
Formerly known as Arafal
No clue what the blue chicken could be relaed to tbh. The armor looks kinda oriental (edit: I guess that or free mason stuff with the triangle shapes and the almost eye-like gem). Doesn't help much in regards to wow though. What did the flavor text read again?
Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2021-08-31 at 08:49 PM.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
These brilliant blue birds burn brighter (and hotter) than their orange cousins, though the origin of both remains a mystery.
In-Game Store
It's not quite certain why Sapphire Skyblazers flocked to Azeroth, but what's known for sure is that they burn brighter (and hotter!) than any avian to ever soar across the skies.
Blizzard Shop
Like a blue streak − It's not quite certain why Sapphire Skyblazers flocked to Azeroth, but what's known for sure is that they burn brighter (and hotter!) than any avian to ever soar across the skies. Fast as lightning and armored to the beak, this is a perfect mount to accompany you in your daring adventures.
It could be argued that the the Dreamer gave us subtle hints at Ardenweald though, and if nothing else "Familiar" evoked the Arcane/Mage aspect.
Last edited by Hitei; 2021-08-31 at 09:06 PM.
At least Blizzard is pretty consistent with updates this week. Yesterday was classic, today Hearthstone, maybe next days will have Overwatch/Diablo/retail news.
Yep I think the same, but of course it's only because Light vs Void + Dragon Isles were my predictions before mount released. Let's face it, store mounts are pretty useless for speculation, unless some name would lead somewhere, like Suramar cloak from 6.2.
Last edited by Nyel; 2021-08-31 at 11:12 PM.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Blizz doesn't really view expansions in "Its NElf expansion." Or "Its a Alliance expansion."
Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2021-08-31 at 11:53 PM.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
From Blizzard's view, maybe. From our view, we had absolutely no way of knowing what that feathered dragon was about until we learned about Ardenweald. Certainly not that it was connected to Death of all things.
Same issue here, while it may well be connected to the next expansion, actually understanding that connection may well require knowledge we don't have yet and could be completely different from what we think.
There's also the fact that it's a bird, one of the most generic creatures. I mean, which expansion didn't have birds?
People also connected the feathered drake with the dragon isles before, and look how that turned out.
I think the best hint we have is the lower-level gear remaster. I mean, even if it's not a world revamp, I'm sure something will happen with some of the old zones.
My guess is the Jailer/Sylvanas/Infinite Dragons open a rift to old-Azeroth at the height of the Blood Elf empire. We get revamped Eastern Kingdom/Kalimdor (including fully realized Silvermoon city) much like WoD.
These are arguably new Phoenix models, and the armor is very Elven.
That really doens't make sense in Zovaal's plan. Zovaal has already shown he has no interest in Sylvanas's vision for the Shadowlands. Now infinite dragons MIGHT try to take advantage of Zovaal's well situation.
Yes some of the starter robes are in the files but basically revamped.Btw, aren't all these sets from the Humans zones? Such as Elwynn, Redridge, Westfall, and Duskwood?
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
There never was a blood elf empire. They’ve only been around for what, 10 years of game time anyway? There wasn’t even a high elf empire before them.
We’ve done a lot of time travel to the past. We even had a full expansion of it. We need time travel to the future! Travel to future Lordaeron and have a full blood elf empire!
We will be able to farm souls endlessly, so that's another thing we don't have to do weekly. So what next guys, grateful offerings buff? Looks like Blizzard agree to everything since last week.
Oh God I hope not. Enough of disjointed continents. In BfA it was already bad and in SL they doubled down.