1. #64801
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    Demon hunters are not demons, and Dracthyr are their visage form as well as their dragon form.
    They aren't. That is why it's called a visage. It is a surface presentation, not real. It's body transmog.

    Demon Hunters are people infused with Demons.
    Dracthyr are Dragonking.
    You are trying to make Dracthyr people infused with Dragons.

    It's part of their identity. You aren't a person that makes use of your dragon powers as a Dracthyr in their visage form, you are a dracthyr who identifies more with their visage form. Its a choice a Dracthyr could easily make in-character.
    It's a mask. A person who identifies more with their visage form wouldn't be an Evoker to begin with, because why would you go off and fight people constantly turning into a dragon if you were some dumb hypothetical Dracthyr having a massive identity crisis where you were wishing you were a blood elf or human? It's not a choice a Dracthyr could easily make in-character, because they'd just stay in visage form and be a regular mage instead of choosing to fight in a way that has them constantly in and out of a form they """"don't identify with"""".

  2. #64802
    Quote Originally Posted by Highlord Hanibuhl View Post
    I'm still very much anxious to hear the Dracthyr voices.. both male and female ... if there even is a difference.

    Nothing in the current build right now right?
    I don't believe any voices have been added yet. Since voices are unlinked from body type now, I think they'll be given 2 distinct voices you can choose from. This opens up a lot of potential for other races too, I'd love to see Gilnean human voices for regular humans for example.

  3. #64803
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Its the logical result of turning M+ into an e-sport.
    ... which was hapening before M+ even existed...
    M+ didnt cause go go go mentality, it was created to cater to it as it was very much present before

  4. #64804
    Imo it only makes sense for Evokers to be Drac'thyr. The only thing that would make sense otherwise is something BUILT to be an evoker; a Chromatic drake or someone Dragonsworn to all five flights. Neither is really likely.
    Expanding Visage options for Evokers by itself would allow you to play Evoker as any race though, especially if they give the option to stay in Visage form in combat with quick shifts in and out of form when you use specific abilities; the problem is that however quick they may be, shifts still eat into animation time so it would mean that letting you stay in visage form would change how the class looks animated completely (probably by speeding up those skills so they can squeeze in the quick shifts).

    It absolutely makes sense to giver Drac'thyr other classes. I think it will happen and imo it may well happen DURING 10.0 especially for any class that is less animation intensive.

  5. #64805
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    They're never going to let you fight in visage form because then 99% of the players will just be discount blood elf mages who never use dracthyr form.
    Man they should have just changed the stance of these models.. the silliouette is to well known, to not say.. hey thats the blood elf model.

  6. #64806
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    They're never going to let you fight in visage form because then 99% of the players will just be discount blood elf mages who never use dracthyr form.
    And so many abilities depend on Drac'thyr anatomy. I could see breaths being useable in Visage form but anything that references tails, wings (or flying), talons? You'd have to shift

  7. #64807
    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of the Astral Star View Post
    So... anyone catch these under string changes yet?

    Why would they separate Drac'thyr and Evoker if they're the same thing? Why would one get the Evoker popup as opposed to the Drac'thyr popup and vice versa? Am I looking too far into this or am I being an idiot?

    maybe bcs in future if they make other evokers or other dracthyrs they wont have to rework and separate it then, better to have it done on first time

  8. #64808
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Imo it only makes sense for Evokers to be Drac'thyr. The only thing that would make sense otherwise is something BUILT to be an evoker; a Chromatic drake or someone Dragonsworn to all five flights. Neither is really likely.
    Expanding Visage options for Evokers by itself would allow you to play Evoker as any race though, especially if they give the option to stay in Visage form in combat with quick shifts in and out of form when you use specific abilities; the problem is that however quick they may be, shifts still eat into animation time so it would mean that letting you stay in visage form would change how the class looks animated completely (probably by speeding up those skills so they can squeeze in the quick shifts).

    It absolutely makes sense to giver Drac'thyr other classes. I think it will happen and imo it may well happen DURING 10.0 especially for any class that is less animation intensive.
    I rather see them bring in those cooler models of those guards as allied races or make it a body type 3 to be available like that with other classes. They could be cool warriors... ngl.

  9. #64809
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    It wouldn't be too hard to overcome. Eyebeam for the DH for example transforms them into their metamorphosis form. Deep breath could transform you into the dragon for that duration, it would require an altered animation and a bit more work, but I don't see why it couldn't fit with a puff of smoke like the dracthyr-to-visage transformation.
    Then you need to think it over more carefully. Eyebeam is a channeled ability that is built to include the shift (in the initial frames were your pose changes); it also has a fairly long duration. A tail sweep is meant to look swift and to connect with the opponent. It would have far less frames since it is a faster attack and it would be in constant motion while Eyebeam maintains a sequence throughout the channel. Cutting frames to add the quick shifts in and out while still fitting an animation that is meant to MATCH the cast/GCD of the ability is a different beast. There are no extraneous or repeating frames you can just replace. You'd have to change the speed or cut into the duration of the actual animation. Both are problematic since the first would make your motions spastic and the latter would either sacrifice detail or sacrifice responsiveness.

    Blizzard does an excellent job creating responsive animations. The last thing we need is for our characters to look like someone from ESO (or Diablo Immortal . . .) stuttering through their frames like a shonen filler episode with no animation budget.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    maybe bcs in future if they make other evokers or other dracthyrs they wont have to rework and separate it then, better to have it done on first time
    You need to make the check both when a class is picked AND when a race is picked since you can pick EITHER first during character creation. It's not that deep.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I rather see them bring in those cooler models of those guards as allied races or make it a body type 3 to be available like that with other classes. They could be cool warriors... ngl.
    The thing is, Dragonspawn are sworn to their flights. Drac'thyr are the successful version of the chromatic experience, infused with the power of all flights. By necessity whatever the dragon class would be, it had to be chromatic. Now we could find a batch of chromatic dragonspawn eggs together with Chromatus . . .

  10. #64810
    Quote Originally Posted by Highlord Hanibuhl View Post
    I'm still very much anxious to hear the Dracthyr voices.. both male and female ... if there even is a difference.

    Nothing in the current build right now right?
    I’m sure you meant „Voice Type 1“ and „Voice Type 2“. How dare you assume the voice defines a gender.
    War within is boring and lazy - beat me to it.

  11. #64811
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    I think DH and Monk can really benefit from these new trees as they never were created with these in mind unlike other classes. Hopefully Demon Hunter gets a bunch of brand new stuff.
    Monk also has such a rich history of playstyles that were all gutted in the more recent expansions. Monk in MoP was so incredibly fun and I hope they bring it back!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aradur View Post
    I’m sure you meant „Voice Type 1“ and „Voice Type 2“. How dare you assume the voice defines a gender.
    You know this "joke" is already old right?

  12. #64812
    Quote Originally Posted by Aradur View Post
    I’m sure you meant „Voice Type 1“ and „Voice Type 2“. How dare you assume the voice defines a gender.
    *sigh* here we go again...

  13. #64813
    I am currently completely out of the loop regarding WoW. I just know that Draconflight will be released later this year. I stopped mid-SL after my previous guild died and I am considering starting playing again.

    Do we already have any information regarding the daily/weekly "chores"? I know we are not forced to do them but I would prefer to have access to Mythic raids and M+ without spending hours for each character as I like to play multiple characters.


  14. #64814
    Quote Originally Posted by glszino View Post
    Do we already have any information regarding the daily/weekly "chores"?
    DF is essentially WOD 2.0 - you can just log and raid/m+/pvp as no other content will give you any char power.

  15. #64815
    Quote Originally Posted by klaps_05 View Post
    DF is essentially WOD 2.0 - you can just log and raid/m+/pvp as no other content will give you any char power.
    WoD had almost 0 stuff to do outside of raiding, even stuff that was just for cosmetics or casual content. DF seems to have a lot of that. Also: Profession overhaul should provide some extra content on that front too.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  16. #64816
    Quote Originally Posted by klaps_05 View Post
    DF is essentially WOD 2.0 - you can just log and raid/m+/pvp as no other content will give you any char power.
    Well, that sounds great, thanks!

    I am okay with some things for the story but it gets old real fast when you usually play all healers.

  17. #64817
    Quote Originally Posted by klaps_05 View Post
    DF is essentially WOD 2.0 - you can just log and raid/m+/pvp as no other content will give you any char power.
    WoD didn't have M+, so should be quite a bit different in the sense that you would probably want to fill out the weekly vault options, whereas in WoD it was truly raid or die. You logged on for your weekly raiding, and then had no reason to log on after at all.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #64818
    Figured this might be interesting to some.

    Blizzard and Netease were working on a mobile WoW MMO. I say were because they cancelled it.. As the tweet says, it would've been set in the WoW universe but at a different time period.

    Interesting what could have been. Though as it would've been a mobile MMO and seeing the stuff with Diablo Immortal...

  19. #64819
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Figured this might be interesting to some.

    Blizzard and Netease were working on a mobile WoW MMO. I say were because they cancelled it.. As the tweet says, it would've been set in the WoW universe but at a different time period.

    Interesting what could have been. Though as it would've been a mobile MMO and seeing the stuff with Diablo Immortal...
    I think we're better off without that game existing.
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  20. #64820
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I think we're better off without that game existing.
    Yep. Miss me with that mobile shit.

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