Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
I know it's so stupid but it was such an important moment for me back in vanilla when my hunter got his twin Dawn's Edges that playing melee without Dual Wield just feels so damn bad. I was really hoping they'd use the new talent system to promote alternative styles for Survival, Enhancement, Frost but it wasn't meant to be.
I wondered if this pre-patch PTR was early but the SL one went live three months before launch. So I guess we're on schedule for early December.
Have to say I am spending the PTR previewing all the professions. So much variety and I really need to step up my alt game to have everything covered (not to be asocial with professions, just to collect them all!). LW has 3 piece sets which cannot work anymore (since Embellished items are unique (2) ) and they should add a third non-embelished neck (cause if you want full crafted gear right now one slot HAS to go to the neck). But generally enjoying this, wish Blacksmithing had some sets as well.
Frostfire legguards of preparation make me want to run M+ that bonus is just PERFECT.
The new Cauldron design where players effectively BUY their potions instead of having all the cost go on the crafter is brilliant.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-09-08 at 07:52 AM.
i love ptr right now
between the people complaining about no addons and the guys looking for how to get to dragon isles it is kinda fun to chat with other players. Tried to test stuff in a random dungeon but fairly certain the entire party was heroic raid geared so the bosses literally melted and i cant be asked to put together mythic dungeon groups when talents arent even functioning
The Gladiator mount is now also flagged as "dragonriding" mount, just as I expected it to be.
I hope the few "Blizzard only previewed four mounts and we won't get the noodle-drake or any other dragonriding mount and the gladiator one will be a normal flying mount" deniers have a great day. <3
The world revamp dream will never die!
I guess the question on the technical side of thing is - can you flag mounts both as flying mounts and dragonriding mounts? Currently you can't use any of the dragons if it isn't a dragon isles flying zone (like the centaur dungeon). How would a dragonriding mount work if "classic" flying is enabled later, if you would be able to use it in an old zone now?
But yeah, in the end of the day I would expect atleast all new dragons from this expansion to be dragonriding mounts for now (atleast). Can't wait to see what the seasonal M+ mount will be! (fingers crossed for an elemental armoured protodrake)
Honestly my guess on this is if it works out over the course of the expansion then it will be renamed to something else (more generic not just pertaining to dragons) and they will continue to release both new regular and new dragonriding mounts. Since there is no way they go through and update all the mount rig animations (even tho a lot of them share) for flying mounts so all support it, and it doesn't make sense either for it to be the only flight.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
Oh, and I just found this:
It seems like they added all the possible options to the drakes with this build, although you can't preview or use them even though they seem to be unlocked.
Update: or not, as the white colour is still missing from any of the customization options.
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-09-08 at 09:56 AM.
Yeah, I would hate that. As a mount collector this was one of my fears going into the addon. There is nothing wrong with letting us have both the "fancy elite version" and the normal one to switch up riding without having to go to the transformation platform.
The full transformation bit may just something from early development though, as both the gladiator and razsageth mount currently have their own entry in the mount journal. And even if not, it's early enough for Blizzard to change it if we give enough feedback right now.
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-09-08 at 10:33 AM.
I really hope they either give us a DW option, or finally change transmog rules in order to allow the use of DW transmog even if you have a 2h weapon equipped (would also be great for fury warrior). We know they can easily do it thanks to artifact weapons, they just need to flip the switch.
I am pretty sure they said right from the first set of interviews that Gladiator and Mythic mounts will be available as both regular mounts and dragon riding skins.
New world map is so hideous. I hope they redo the whole thing at some point.