1. #67261
    So blizz are still sending out invites even with the giveaways happening then?
    Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)

  2. #67262
    Quote Originally Posted by Avikur View Post
    So blizz are still sending out invites even with the giveaways happening then?
    Yeah of course. Beta giveaways is mainly for promotional purposes.

  3. #67263
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Boomkin mastery got changed, class is probably done for 10.X by now.
    Druid definetly has some updates pending. Mastery got changed already, but starfall for example is still the old one. Improved starsurge still exists even though they said they will remove it and stuff like that. Also resto will have some changes to the mastery as well (probably more on the scale of demonhunter).
    No idea about bear though. did they even work on that?

  4. #67264
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkura View Post
    Yeah of course. Beta giveaways is mainly for promotional purposes.
    wasn't sure how many keys were being given away, good to know invites are still going out though.

    I wonder what percent of the player base has beta, it was different several years agio when there were several million subscribers, these days it's not unrealistic to think a quarter or even half (maybe even more) will be invited
    Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)

  5. #67265
    Still no beta club here, I never get invited, I've tried a few competitions but eh competing against thousands of people the odds are stacked against

  6. #67266
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiriastrasza View Post
    Still no beta club here, I never get invited, I've tried a few competitions but eh competing against thousands of people the odds are stacked against
    Were on the same boat my dude.. I dont like competing vs thousands either.. but we get to play the game eventually right

  7. #67267
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkura View Post
    Were on the same boat my dude.. I dont like competing vs thousands either.. but we get to play the game eventually right
    same here!!
    Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)

  8. #67268
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkura View Post
    Were on the same boat my dude.. I dont like competing vs thousands either.. but we get to play the game eventually right
    Just so tired of the Shadowlands I only log on twice a week to raid as im one of the only healers my guild has.

  9. #67269
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiriastrasza View Post
    Just so tired of the Shadowlands I only log on twice a week to raid as im one of the only healers my guild has.
    I get what you mean, trouble is Blizzard need people on the beta to provide feedback and report bugs, not to use it as early access because they're bored of SL. Not saying you wouldn't provide feedback etc but last thing you wanna do is play DF in beta state and burn out on it before it releases
    Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)

  10. #67270
    Quote Originally Posted by Avikur View Post
    I get what you mean, trouble is Blizzard need people on the beta to provide feedback and report bugs, not to use it as early access because they're bored of SL. Not saying you wouldn't provide feedback etc but last thing you wanna do is play DF in beta state and burn out on it before it releases
    Simply playing through the leveling process can provide feedback tbh

  11. #67271
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    0% chance the class is done
    We straight-up know it isn't because they already announced more changes than have been implemented so far.

  12. #67272
    Quote Originally Posted by Avikur View Post
    I get what you mean, trouble is Blizzard need people on the beta to provide feedback and report bugs, not to use it as early access because they're bored of SL. Not saying you wouldn't provide feedback etc but last thing you wanna do is play DF in beta state and burn out on it before it releases
    I personally would provide feedback, and look to break the game as much as possible I wouldn't be using it for early access just something to do, I'd probably still raid log with my guild aswell.

  13. #67273
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avikur View Post
    wasn't sure how many keys were being given away, good to know invites are still going out though.

    I wonder what percent of the player base has beta, it was different several years agio when there were several million subscribers, these days it's not unrealistic to think a quarter or even half (maybe even more) will be invited
    Probably way less but probably has to do with them wanting actual testers then early access people.
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  14. #67274
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Evokers will be level 60 after their intro zone, though. No need to level them beyond their mandatory racial/class quests.
    When I leveled an Evoker I was still 58 after doing the starter area. I hope they buff the xp so we are 60 though.

  15. #67275
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Don't even have to be down to earth, Denathrius or Bwomsandi were very popular as well.

    To be honest every character become very boring when they take role of our character leaders, maybe with exception of Khadgar and Illidan, but it sucked all charisma from Thrall, Jaina, Magni, Bolvar, Primus. Even Anduin become more interesting when they stopped puting him in this role.
    I'd agree except that Zappyboi was dropped post BFA. And we know nothing about Stony Tony. I also don't count Denathrius because it's been admitted it's not writing that made him great, it was Ray Chase's delivery. Bwonsamdi too tbh. If we can have a new character survive with us longer than one expansion narratively I'd be more inclined to agree more but as it stands it just seems to me the community is angry regardless.

  16. #67276
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Don't even have to be down to earth, Denathrius or Bwomsandi were very popular as well.

    To be honest every character become very boring when they take role of our character leaders, maybe with exception of Khadgar and Illidan, but it sucked all charisma from Thrall, Jaina, Magni, Bolvar, Primus. Even Anduin become more interesting when they stopped puting him in this role.
    Nah, Blizzard sometimes is weird with character usage(Note character usage not necessarily how they are portrayed and no Anduin is not more interesting off the throne). Some characters just kinda don't get used in relevancy. Worst examples is Baine or now Malfy.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  17. #67277
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Nah, Blizzard sometimes is weird with character usage(Note character usage not necessarily how they are portrayed and no Anduin is not more interesting off the throne). Some characters just kinda don't get used in relevancy. Worst examples is Baine or now Malfy.
    Malfurion had so much potential
    They could have brought him in during SL for tyrande and kinda have them do the whole "I must stop you my love *proceeds to get stomped by lover who then realizes their problem*" but instead we go to him just peacing out

    Illidan finding out will be interesting

  18. #67278
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Nah, Blizzard sometimes is weird with character usage(Note character usage not necessarily how they are portrayed and no Anduin is not more interesting off the throne). Some characters just kinda don't get used in relevancy. Worst examples is Baine or now Malfy.
    Interesting isn't a useful metric here, because it's subjective. I agree that Baine is under utilized, but I think someone like Illidan, who's been promenant for years, is far more boring than Anduin. It's completely up to personal taste.

  19. #67279
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverLion View Post
    I'd agree except that Zappyboi was dropped post BFA. And we know nothing about Stony Tony. I also don't count Denathrius because it's been admitted it's not writing that made him great, it was Ray Chase's delivery. Bwonsamdi too tbh. If we can have a new character survive with us longer than one expansion narratively I'd be more inclined to agree more but as it stands it just seems to me the community is angry regardless.
    Zappyboi is a part of the new horde council and bwonsamdi has taken an interest in him so not really dropped just not needed for inter-dimensional cosmic threats.

    The proudmore zombie brother and his light undead lover have decent potential as long as we don't just get her being passive and peace focused

  20. #67280
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Zappyboi is a part of the new horde council and bwonsamdi has taken an interest in him so not really dropped just not needed for inter-dimensional cosmic threats.

    The proudmore zombie brother and his light undead lover have decent potential as long as we don't just get her being passive and peace focused
    Ummm, did she show ANY signs of hostility? All I saw was her wanting to lift Forsaken pain of existence. Plus, we really shouldn't expect any meaningful faction conflict in the future.
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