Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-09-20 at 05:08 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Look, I don't wanna argue with you, because frankly, there's no point, because you wouldn't be happy even if Blizzard gave you 5000 ilvl gear for killing a worldboss and it didn't have a lockout, but here's some advice:
MMOs are not for you. Of course the thing that incentivizes actual group content is gonna give the best reward.
And then you bring some dumb takes about "rotten morality" (LOL) in game development considering group/solo content. "Devs are biased", "they ignore 70% of player base", "best gear being in Mythic is gatekeeping". You are literally made of bad takes you have been spewing entire year, combined with statistics pulled out of thin air.
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No one really cares what you want at this point. You really exhausted everyone here with your posts.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Collectively is not the right statement. There are a lot of people and a lot of big names that thought keeping it or introducing it "blizzlike" with icc would be better for the game.
I don't mind it being removed, but i think its stupid to remove it and then introduce a worse system to replace it.
You got countered plenty in this thread in the past, but all you did was ignore it with made up statistics and asinine arguments. So I don't think anyone cares about convincing you any more. You joined a prestigious group of people who keep shitting on the game while thinking they stand for something, but all they do is annoy everyone else. Congratz.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
While I agree to some extent, I'm completely against Borrowed Power with daily grind attached to it, like Artifact Weapons/Azerite, a weekly locked system like Renown without covenants, soulbinds, and conduits, I can live with.
Borrowed Power such as we had in Legion/Battle for Azeroth/Shadowlands did more harm than good to this game, and hope they never bring it back.
IMO it doesn't matter if the Borrowed Power is attached to a grind like in those expansions. I am fine with borrowed power in terms of items sets, legendary, trinket and such, which is expected to be replaced, but the systems those expansions had could never be lasting and are more of a class ability testing ground that wont last probably, and on top of that 2 out of 3 had really bad endless grinds attached to them (SL being the one that didn't)3
I don't want any form of BP except the stuff I mentioned which has been part of the game since the start.
Wonder if they will keep the systems for gearing from SL season 3 (Create tier pieces) and season 4 (Dinar system). I suspect that while creating tier might carry over, the coin to purchase pieces wont because it was probably added because of a weekly rotation of raids.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
The fact is, we already have plenty of content on this game if you do enjoy most of them like me:
- Pet Battle alone is a huge time sink if taken seriously;
- Mythic Plus alone can take all your free time;
- Mythic Raiding Prep. and Progress another huge time sink;
- PVP activities Arena/RBGs;
- World Content for completionists trying to get every Transmog, Pet, Mount, or Toy, from Rares/Quests/Events;
- Old Content for Former and New players: Transmogs and Mounts from older raids/dungeons;
- Achievements;
Literally, any activity that I listed above can take nearly all your free time if taken seriously, and unlike EVERY SINGLE ACTIVITY listed above, Borrowed Power adds nothing of value to your character since it's straight-up removed once the expansion end.
Borrowed Power philosophy applied to other activities in-game would be the same as removing your mounts, CE/AOTC, achievements, pets, toys, and transmogs, that you got from a given expansion once it ends. Borrowed Power is not bad, it's TERRIBLE!
Last edited by Luck4; 2022-09-20 at 07:24 PM.
Honestly I think borrowed power can work just fine as long as
a) It's one system per expansion, not two or three
b) There is no infinite grind
Covenants were not problematic in Shadowlands because they were borrowed power, they were problematic because they were a hard choice. Like imagine a scenario where Legion had ONLY artifacts or BfA had ONLY essences. AP was still there but it has a weekly cap which rolled on to the next week and kept the catch up mechanics so you effectively never fell behind as long as you played a bit (a bit, not did multiple Maw runs per day). Or you could switch Covenants on day one in Shadowlands (which would have been such an interesting system since you'd actually have to work on Renown a bit to keep them all even instead of being done every Wednesday after 30mins of gametime).
People hating on borrowed power, yet praising and asking for tier set bonuses.
Oh, the irony.
MMO-C discussions can really get dumb so often.
The problem is that every Borrowed Power is designed around either endless or huge DAILY time sink, Shadowlands made us do Korthia and Maw every day for months to get conduits and sockets, leaving alone Torghast farm to craft legos, raising Renown for other covenants, and upgrading shards in 9.1. You just need a couple of minutes to remember a bit more about 9.0/9.1 and the borrowed power stuff rapidly stacks up.
I'm a Mythic raider, and I remember back in 9.0/9.1 that I wanted to do plenty of optional activities, but I couldn't because I needed to waste 2 f-ing hours every single day doing maw/korthia.
Tier sets are borrowed power. Strong trinkets or other items with specials are borrowed power. Heck all power is borrowed cause it will get reset next xpac when all your stats will be devalued after 5-6 new levels.
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Yup, pretty much. I have no idea why they thought that was a good design. You want to give players a reason to play your game but not repeat things so much that they burn out. I am not saying there should be no rewards for playing a lot but make them horizontal like e.g. doing 8+ M+ dungeons for the Vault giving you a third slot of loot. And that was the problem with the other xpacs. Legion had the grind very much be infinite and fairly rewarding for every rank. BfA just kept adding new systems you had to work with as did SL.