I think DF has just been ruined for me on the loot distribution front, Blizz should have only made the changes to the 1% Mythic raiders who wanted this change, I won't be raiding in DF anymore Thanks Blizz.
Im not sure what they mean by Group Loot. Is that the screen with Dice (need), Coin (greed), etc? Won't that be a mess in pugs where everyone is going to roll need? If that is the case, I don't see it making to live. They tried it with dungeons in WoD and was promptly rolled back after massive backlash. Or it should be an option in guild runs. Im surprised that they chose this instead of master loot for guild groups.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)
If they took down the ilvl restrictions for trading for personal loot just like they are doing for group loot, there would be no effective difference between Master Loot and personal loot in a group where everyone has agreed to move loot to whomever can help the guild the most with it. This is such a wrongheaded move and yet again we see a screeching minority fuck up the game and in this case fuck up what is possibly the most booming community in the game, people who do Dungeons and Raids in PuGs.
I assume the loot changes wouldn't include LFR? that would be terrible!
Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)
Honestly don't get why Blizzard just didn't flat out remove Sentinels protection from Hunters at this point.
It was already sub-par as group utility as it was. With this change I cannot see a situation where you would pick it except if you genuinely have nothing else to spend it on. Even Lone Wolf MM Hunters might pick increases to pet damage for the times you need a hero pet over Sentinels Protection.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Battletag: Chris#23952 (EU)