Actually, you're skipping a considerable part of it. Which you didn't notice because you never actually played it. But go ahead, live on in your little dreamworld where the only goal in a game is to get through it as quickly as possible and have the least possible amount of fun doing it.
So, question. I was relatively late in beta and I don't want to overindulge so I am not pressing with renown or anything like that. Do we have any idea what is involved in the different max level renown questlines? I think the Maruuk have none but the rest do.
Dragonscale Expedition has one questline in two parts called The Sealed Titan Facility. Is this about Tyrhold, the Vault or something else entirely?
Iskara just has one in the Chieftain's Duty and I will presume that's just more tuskar lore (which is welcome)
Valdrakken Accord is the one that is likely the most important though. We have The Silver Purpose and The Garden of Secrets. Two different questlines. Second one COULD be the one about Ysera? First one should be something that people who did the beta early have probably seen already by now.
Honestly though does balance matter all that much unless you're interested in PVP?
PS: Obviously I don't mean balance as in getting your class completely nerfed to the point it's doing fuck all damage compared to the rest, but more like if it's nerfed to the point where it's not OP compared to the rest.
Last edited by Xilurm; 2022-10-08 at 07:23 AM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Does it matter? Are we really challenging the idea that there should be at least a reasonable level of balance among classes? While the meta will give an advantage and a disadvantage to people trying to find a group, the community is not insane, it's just very sensitive to differences. You are not going to be outright denied unless the balance is very bad. Which it usually isn't because effort is made to keep it within reasonable bounds. Are you really advocating it shouldn't matter?
I guess for Survival. I did play Feral. You had to have a lot more rating than needed but you could find groups. And again, it is because the spec sucked. So yeah, balance is pretty important.
- - - Updated - - -
I mean sure it is a minority. It is a minority that raids and does M+ too.
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-10-08 at 09:53 AM.
Btw I keep reporting these because they are all over the place, they go live as they are far too often and they ruin any sense of immersion while questing.
The majority of voiced discussions I've seen so far have fucked up timing with the NPCs constantly talking over each other. If you encounter them, please report them as well. Seriously I'd rather have slightly akward pauses than whatever this is and I don't even get how they can be that poorly hooked in the first place. Like, basic addition?
While it sucks it is harder to get good gear from M+ now, I feel like it is a bit more fair now between M+ and raiding. A 15 is by far easier than killing a mythic raid boss and I think timing 20's is a bit more on par.
It sucks, but it's fair.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Do we know if the 28 Nov release date is Sunday -> Monday at midnight, or Monday -> Tuesday?
Also do we know if it's a global launch? Trying to plan things out.
Nvm found an article.It's midnight between Monday and Tuesday if you're in Sweden like me.
Last edited by Worldshaper; 2022-10-08 at 10:48 AM.