1. #68761
    Quote Originally Posted by sarkayan View Post
    I'm not following the Beta news and info. But with just over a month to go, does the expansion look ready and polished at least?
    can you elaborate what you mean? because i feel people are using the word polish without knowing what it actually means

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    One element of Dragonflight and the Valdrakken quests I don't really understand is the rebellion that appears to be going on in the ranks of the drakonid, with many of them embracing the Primalists due to forced displacement as the result of the dragonflights returning to the Dragon Isles once more. But it's not quite explained whether the drakonid were always present on the Isles even while the actual dragons were not, or if they accompanied the returning dragons, and so forth. Either way, it seems like this rebellion either popped up extremely quickly with the Primalists seducing the drakonid to their cause, or there's been some long-simmering resentment in the ranks of the dragons' followers.
    its a storyline that many dont see the point of because they are framing it as people mad they are being displaced while also making them legit terrorists
    Last edited by Revamp Man; 2022-10-13 at 03:58 AM.

  2. #68762
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    its a storyline that many dont see the point of because they are framing it as people mad they are being displaced while also making them legit terrorists
    Well, in terms of the game they kind of are legit terrorists, given that the Primalists have the stated goal to bury the Aspects, everything associated with them, and everyone affiliated with them (including the Alliance, Horde, and the PC themselves). But the larger question is that if the Dragon Isles have been sealed off since around the Sundering, who exactly was there to be displaced by the arriving dragons? On the heels of that, *why* are they being displaced? It's not like the dragons are exactly plentiful these days, and the Dragon Isles have a ton of empty spaces and ruins occupied by no one. So what exactly is the dramatic tension that is compelling the drakonid to join the Primalists and rebel against the dragonflights?
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  3. #68763
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Well, in terms of the game they kind of are legit terrorists, given that the Primalists have the stated goal to bury the Aspects, everything associated with them, and everyone affiliated with them (including the Alliance, Horde, and the PC themselves). But the larger question is that if the Dragon Isles have been sealed off since around the Sundering, who exactly was there to be displaced by the arriving dragons? On the heels of that, *why* are they being displaced? It's not like the dragons are exactly plentiful these days, and the Dragon Isles have a ton of empty spaces and ruins occupied by no one. So what exactly is the dramatic tension that is compelling the drakonid to join the Primalists and rebel against the dragonflights?
    thats exactly what like 99% of people are asking
    they dont really explain this stuff

    - - - Updated - - -

    "the dragons have taken our homes so lets bomb our own city and aim for max casualty"

  4. #68764
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    We failed in that N'zoth was released thanks to the power of the Heart of Azeroth necklace. She basically manipulated us in the same way Xal'atath did to us via her dagger(Admittingly both are.. odd). Honestly it would of been better if the game just showed us acting mind controlled but I digress.
    It was more of a Morton's Fork situation. Not fighting her wasn't an option, but to fight her we had to do something that was just as bad. So it was a bad outcome no matter what we do, not mind control.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Yes and no. It’s been stated if demons are killed within the twisting nether or near high amounts of fel then they die permanently - I imagine they’d pull the same with void. So, all of the old gods are simply within the void plane no doubt, so that the day we get to go there we’ll be whooping their asses and killing them once and for all again.
    The devs outright told us so, actually. There's no guessing, that's precisely how it works and yes, that means all the Old Gods can come back provided the Void Lords can be arsed to let them out again.

  5. #68765
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Unfortunately there is zero Mythic raiding guilds that won't require max level M+ clears for the gear they give.
    If you want to raid mythic, you should put in the effort. If you can't be bothered to do a 30-40 minute dungeon run twice or thrice a week, why are you even wanting to raid mythic?
    There are 19 people depending on you in there...

  6. #68766
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    thats exactly what like 99% of people are asking
    they dont really explain this stuff

    - - - Updated - - -

    "the dragons have taken our homes so lets bomb our own city and aim for max casualty"
    The island was sleeping but the Tuskar and Centaur civilizations kept going just fine given their houses and places are all in good repair. Meanwhile half the dragon structures are in ruins. My assumption is (which is not properly explained) that many draconid/dragonspawn were left behind at the Dragon Isles but most of them pulled back to Thaldraszus (both Valdrakken and the neighbouring outposts) with only a few other structures maintained properly (e.g. the Ruby Life Pools) while minor outposts in other zones were left to ruin.

    It would be interesting to see how the different draconian races kept going over the years and what their system of government was. There is no evidence of a regency left by the Aspects after all. But realistically they formed a society that was just waiting for the Aspects to come back for 10k years. It's no wonder there is dissatisfaction with the Aspects.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    It was more of a Morton's Fork situation. Not fighting her wasn't an option, but to fight her we had to do something that was just as bad. So it was a bad outcome no matter what we do, not mind control.
    I don't think the MC comment is about Azshara. We did have to fight Azshara. It's about Xal'atath. We find the dagger, do its bidding and then help deliver it to N'zoth. Like, wtf? Though I still think letting Gul'dan go at the start of WoD is the peak plot-enforced stupidity inflicted on us.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-10-13 at 06:56 AM.

  7. #68767
    I think I've seen somewhere in the patch notes that class glyphs have been added for testing, anyone see any new glyphs going around?

  8. #68768
    Quote Originally Posted by 8bithamster View Post
    If you want to raid mythic, you should put in the effort. If you can't be bothered to do a 30-40 minute dungeon run twice or thrice a week, why are you even wanting to raid mythic?
    There are 19 people depending on you in there...
    Have you tried pugging 22s?

    It not even the dungeon that is the horrible part. It is getting a group for them. It is impossible to get invited without 3.5k rio.

  9. #68769
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Have you tried pugging 22s?

    It not even the dungeon that is the horrible part. It is getting a group for them. It is impossible to get invited without 3.5k rio.
    I know this is not how it works for most people but imo if a guild wants to require members to run M+, it needs to set a day aside and have M+ guild runs then.

  10. #68770
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Have you tried pugging 22s?

    It not even the dungeon that is the horrible part. It is getting a group for them. It is impossible to get invited without 3.5k rio.
    I dunno, that's why you have a guild, right?

  11. #68771
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I know this is not how it works for most people but imo if a guild wants to require members to run M+, it needs to set a day aside and have M+ guild runs then.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    I dunno, that's why you have a guild, right?
    The guild M+ pushers would rather push keys with their alts than run keys with people outside of their buttbuddy group.

  12. #68772
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    The guild M+ pushers would rather push keys with their alts than run keys with people outside of their buttbuddy group.
    My experience, that's what kills most guilds. Took me a while to face that truth and since then I've done my best not to fall in that trap. Having the GM and officers create their own circle and just use the rest of the guild members to fill the raid is the worst idea. But what can you do

  13. #68773
    Elemental Lord
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    Again we are discussing irrelevant problems. Since AP grind gone game is more than fine for hardcore crowd. Now keeping more casual people after launch (cause obviously you cant keep all) is main issue.

  14. #68774
    How many hours long is the main questline?

  15. #68775
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I know this is not how it works for most people but imo if a guild wants to require members to run M+, it needs to set a day aside and have M+ guild runs then.
    Raiding 3 days is a lot to dedicate, and now a 4th for keys. A lot can’t do that now.

  16. #68776
    Quote Originally Posted by Soikona View Post
    Raiding 3 days is a lot to dedicate, and now a 4th for keys. A lot can’t do that now.
    Then don't demand M+ runs?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  17. #68777
    I dont see much changing honestly, maybe the first few weeks will be a bit grindier with Mythic Raid releasing instantly and M+ scaling higher but after that you just run your weekly +20 as you ran your weekly +15 before. And if you play a bit more casually, you just still run your +15s or whatever level you can do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soikona View Post
    Raiding 3 days is a lot to dedicate, and now a 4th for keys. A lot can’t do that now.
    Then you shouldnt be in a 3 day raiding guild but in a 2 day raiding guild? And i dont see how DF changes things from how they were the last two expacs, you always ran your M+ if you wanted to raid somewhat competitively.

  18. #68778
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainAlk View Post
    I dont see much changing honestly, maybe the first few weeks will be a bit grindier with Mythic Raid releasing instantly and M+ scaling higher but after that you just run your weekly +20 as you ran your weekly +15 before. And if you play a bit more casually, you just still run your +15s or whatever level you can do.

    Then you shouldnt be in a 3 day raiding guild but in a 2 day raiding guild? And i dont see how DF changes things from how they were the last two expacs, you always ran your M+ if you wanted to raid somewhat competitively.
    20 is much, much harder to get in than 15. And DF 20 being equal to SL 22 it will be even harder to get in unless you play the meta MDI comp.

  19. #68779
    I'm not sure you can compare the difficulty of getting into a 20 (or 22) now with how it will be in DF, simply because for the vast majority of people there is no reason to go beyond 15.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  20. #68780
    Quote Originally Posted by 8bithamster View Post
    If you want to raid mythic, you should put in the effort. If you can't be bothered to do a 30-40 minute dungeon run twice or thrice a week, why are you even wanting to raid mythic?
    There are 19 people depending on you in there...
    Because I want to progress through raids, not do M+ and then get nothing from 90% of the raiding content.

    I hate doing dungeons. I will do my 8 +20s every week, but I will hate doing it, and I won't enjoy it in the slightest. The fact that M+ gives the best and most consistent gear (especially with the Catalyst existing) is a big, big design flaw. Wiping to a boss for the whole night, just to kill it and then having to DE every item because it's worse than what M+ drops is just crap. Doesn't help that Dungeon trinkets are consistently overtuned.

    It was fine when Tier was exclusively from raids, but even since 9.2 it's even worse. Heroic might as well give Cosmetics now considering how bad the rewards are in comparison.

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