1. #69901
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Beta realms are down, again

  2. #69902
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    He is? The current incarnation of Doctor Who was so bad they resort to breaking casting tradition in order to get some goodwill back?
    He is for now, but he won't be the new actual Doctor.

  3. #69903
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Beta realms are down, again
    Most likely finally the music build, if not I'm going to ask the mods to infract Blizz for trolling.

  4. #69904
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    In yer base, killing yer dudes
    Day late and a dollar short but just got beta. Installed it and all realms are down...oh well

  5. #69905
    Quote Originally Posted by boyzma View Post
    Day late and a dollar short but just got beta. Installed it and all realms are down...oh well
    Same here, got my email an hour ago. Probably now in super-crunch-mode and wanting to make sure they have enough people banging on it for them so I suspect this might be a big invite wave (I mean, it included ME so...

    Probably someone woke up Tuesday and went "HOLY !@#$ IT'S NOVEMBER ALREADY!" haha.
    Last edited by PixelFox; 2022-11-04 at 02:17 AM.

  6. #69906
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    In yer base, killing yer dudes
    Quote Originally Posted by PixelFox View Post
    Same here, got my email an hour ago. Probably now in super-crunch-mode and wanting to make sure they have enough people banging on it for them so I suspect this might be a big invite wave (I mean, it included ME so...
    Yep, more than likely...flood the gates to see how it stands up. I've been meaning to ask is it going to be one dracthyr per realm? I hope not

  7. #69907
    Valdrakken just came up showing "Incompatible" so they may be pushing another small client patch shortly after which we might get in (pure speculation).

    Edit: Speculation confirmed. Patching Beta now.
    Edit: And we're up!
    Last edited by PixelFox; 2022-11-04 at 03:17 AM.

  8. #69908
    oh shit they finally added some music https://wow.tools/files/#search=drag...ort=0&desc=asc
    Last edited by Stabhar; 2022-11-04 at 02:27 AM.

  9. #69909
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    In yer base, killing yer dudes
    I'm getting an update now

  10. #69910
    Sweet, sweet music.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stabhar View Post
    oh shit they finally added some music https://wow.tools/files/#search=drag...ort=0&desc=asc
    Keep in mind about half of them are unnamed as I've only had a chance to name the ones they referenced in previous builds. It is probably easier to filter by added MP3s in the build diff by type instead of by filename.

  11. #69911
    Please tell me this means this build finally makes it so we can hear it in game!

  12. #69912
    Quote Originally Posted by MadamSerenity View Post
    Please tell me this means this build finally makes it so we can hear it in game!
    Outside of unforeseen bugs, everything is hooked up and in the files, so theoretically yes.

    Edit: Yep, works!

  13. #69913
    They even have music when you get on the ship to the Dragon Isles, so its prolly safe to say its all in! I am gonna eat good tonight!

  14. #69914
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    He is? The current incarnation of Doctor Who was so bad they resort to breaking casting tradition in order to get some goodwill back?
    what you mean the whole "the doctor is the secret child of destiny and source of the timelords powers and the master is her mother" story??? yeah

    though they also hinted at it a while back

    - - - Updated - - -

    ok after watching episode 2 there is absolutely no way that the nozdormu in the shorts is not actually moruzond

  15. #69915
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    ok after watching episode 2 there is absolutely no way that the nozdormu in the shorts is not actually moruzond
    Well, since Murozond is just Nozdormu, that's not much of a secret. But he hasn't mislead anybody yet.

  16. #69916
    Oooooohh boy time to let this music persuade my wallet into buying DF!! I wait for the music to show up because I like to imagine it's what my money goes towards lmfao

    Rule of thumb for me, never combine gameplay and music until release.
    I'll play PTR/Beta before music builds, and will listen to music independently- but it's later at launch on that the true experience is revealed <3

    giddy inside!

  17. #69917
    That seems like a lot of music.

  18. #69918
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Sweet, sweet music.

    Keep in mind about half of them are unnamed as I've only had a chance to name the ones they referenced in previous builds. It is probably easier to filter by added MP3s in the build diff by type instead of by filename.
    Thank you for all you do.

    Unrelated but holy cow. I am trying super hard not to spoil anything including music but Arkenstone did some great work on Oribos and I saw his name on this and had to. 7 hours of music too per wowhead.

    New Inn and Boat music?!

  19. #69919
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I mean, Tyr seems at least complicit, so it seems to be more to it than just Odyn being a dick.
    Still, nothing stating the Titans themselves are actually involved though, just the Titan Keepers being overzealous.
    I mean it is all about how they interpret the will of the Titans. So it's more of an Organized Religion vs God kind of argument.

    I do wonder what exactly Odyn being a Prime Designate allows him to do. We know it allows him to send reply code omega to Algalon to trigger Planetary Reorigination (which is what Loken could do when he got the title) but he doesn't seem to be allowed to order the other Keepers or even have any veto on decisions they make given the Aspects.

  20. #69920
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Well, since Murozond is just Nozdormu, that's not much of a secret. But he hasn't mislead anybody yet.
    There's nothing about misleading its just that in episode one people were saying "yo that's moruzond" and others saying "it can't be because we quest with nozdormu and it wouldn't make sense"
    The eyes
    The voice
    The "I was the aspect of the bronze flight"

    It's moruzond wanting her to show him the location of some lost artifact via her memory

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