1. #70441
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Did Blizz update the White Lady recently? Ingame at night time right now, and it looks WAY more detailed than what it used to. There are more dark sections rather than it being all white, and I can see the surface details more clearly because of this.
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  2. #70442
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    More than light or order followers. Aaaand they have style.
    "more than"

    There is no "more than".
    All of those factions subdue, manipulate and take away the control of the subjects beneath them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Did Blizz update the White Lady recently? Ingame at night time right now, and it looks WAY more detailed than what it used to. There are more dark sections rather than it being all white, and I can see the surface details more clearly because of this.
    Yea, they updated the textures of both moons.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #70443
    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Did Blizz update the White Lady recently? Ingame at night time right now, and it looks WAY more detailed than what it used to. There are more dark sections rather than it being all white, and I can see the surface details more clearly because of this.
    World of Warcraft: Moonwalker - expansion confirmed.

  4. #70444
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    But the Legion did nothing wrong? I would rather be some Demonlady with a nice palace on Argus than a brainwashed Light/Order/Life slave. Void or Death would also work out for me, I guess.
    Not sure if sarcasm tbh.

  5. #70445
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Not sure if sarcasm tbh.
    Legion and Void are the real heroes of the story who fight against the tyrannical facism of Order and Light.

    Just because we have been brainfashed by the fascists it doesn't make us the good guys.

  6. #70446
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Legion and Void are the real heroes of the story who fight against the tyrannical facism of Order and Light.

    Just because we have been brainfashed by the fascists it doesn't make us the good guys.
    Isn't the void all about mind control?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Besides Sargeras formed the Legion in direct response to the Void threat.

  7. #70447
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Uhm its not like its a difficult story... I am sure the people know what they are talking about.

    These comments usually come from people who are a fan and dont want him to die. The way the story could go in their eyes doesnt seem farfetched at all.

    Its just not yet the time i would say.
    Rather the inverse comments come from Horde stans who want him to die for parity. Just cause Blizzard villain batted people on one side, doesn't mean they need to do it for the other side (not to mention Sylvanas was ALWAYS a villain and Garrosh was a villain as early as Wrath prepatch).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Not sure if sarcasm tbh.
    It's not. We are living in a post truth society and we need to vilify anything that would conventionally be holy.

  8. #70448
    Turalyon should be begin the extreme jihad to add some meat to the toothless joke of a playable race he leads and to his post-Tides of Darkness wet blanket of a character, but it isn't going to happen.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  9. #70449
    I would join the Titans and their Order 9 times out of 10. At least they don't go around butchering everything in sight. And both them and their creations are shown to show compassion towards the races that escaped their "ordering" and have a free will.

  10. #70450
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Turalyon should be begin the extreme jihad to add some meat to the toothless joke of a playable race he leads and to his post-Tides of Darkness wet blanket of a character, but it isn't going to happen.
    What kind of meat? The rotten kind? Nah thanks. Nothing about Turalyon's behaviour suggests he would act in such a manner.
    Now if Yrel showed up with a Naaru led crusade, he would likely align with them (much of the Alliance would). But the moment they did something problematic, he'd turn on them. Calia could be the way the Light approaches the Horde and I cannot see her going full jihad on people either. Heck if any character is likely to go Light crazy on either faction, that's Liadrin.

    Which is great. It would provide a hook for the Alliance to interact with the Light faction but keep the focus on the Light, not the Alliance because as we've seen, faction stories don't end well. And if you keep pushing it, it's not for an interesting story, it's just "to get even".
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-11-17 at 11:44 AM.

  11. #70451
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    What kind of meat? The rotten kind? Nah thanks. Nothing about Turalyon's behaviour suggests he would act in such a manner.
    Now if Yrel showed up with a Naaru led crusade, he would likely align with them (much of the Alliance would). But the moment they did something problematic, he'd turn on them.
    Turalyon's religious revelation at the end of Tides of Darkness after he was weak with the Light throughout the entire book because he couldn't square waging a war of extermination with another people or how anyone could be so cruel was squared by him realizing the orcs weren't part of Azeroth and ergo, they were outside the Light and fine to be destroyed. That is his premier paladin experience, it's also the peak of his character. He waged a total war with devils for thousands of years after this fact in a completely militant society run by the equivalent of an archangel who's views on straying from the path are pretty clear in Xe'ra.

    Him and the Lightforged not just being okay with a demon killing their deity and telling them to nut up or his wife running around with a set of bandages powered by cosmic evil or teaming up with the same orcs he turned against in the first place now waging a war on humanity again after peace failed etc. etc. would take considerably fewer mental leaps than the opposite. It's not Turalyon and the Lightforged being zealots (if that's even the right term, since all of their positions, much like Yrel's, follow naturally and are in favor of the groups they represent) that's a leap of logic, it's the series of backsies and compromises that've made them (and the void elves for that matter) the tumorous dead weight that they are.
    Last edited by Super Dickmann; 2022-11-17 at 11:25 AM.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

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  12. #70452
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    World of Warcraft: Moonwalker - expansion confirmed.
    We find Y'shaarj's body in a hole, being watched over by a Constellar who lives in a Titan tower.
    And there is a sparkly golden worgen that just appears.
    Last edited by Auxis; 2022-11-17 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Realized the first part might be spoilery for FFXIV sprouts. Second part makes no sense until later in the expansion.
    By Blizzard Entertainment:
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  13. #70453
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    I would join the Titans and their Order 9 times out of 10. At least they don't go around butchering everything in sight. And both them and their creations are shown to show compassion towards the races that escaped their "ordering" and have a free will.
    People need to remind themselves that all the crap about Order we seem to be getting this expansion are NOT actually about the Titans OR related to orders given by creatures from the Plane of Order. They are largely about Odyn and the Keepers trying to interpret the will of the Titans. Imo they are far more a commentary on organized religion vs God than "Order sucks and wants you all to be mindcontrolled zombies"

  14. #70454
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    extreme jihad.
    You mean a Crusade?

  15. #70455
    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
    You mean a Crusade?
    No , Magnamon's special move.

  16. #70456
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    No , Magnamon's special move.
    That's the one.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  17. #70457
    I'll cap off my thoughts on the Turalyon debate by pointing out how gutted and messy the Horde is now after getting whacked with the villain bat over and over again, to the point they just gave up on any kind of actual conclusion or consequences for BfA and just pretend it didn't happen now and everyone is friends after a timeskip where nothing happens. I don't know why anyone would want that same crap applied to the Alliance.

    Though it does segue into the whole cosmic argument. The lore on the Titans was nuanced as is, we already know they were closer to scientists than gods when it came to benevolence. Do they really need to be a Shin Megami Tensei Law faction now where they're just the polar opposite evil of the Void and Fel? I think keeping the cosmic stuff in the backend works out better where we can speculate on how benevolent or malevolent these forces are, but don't have to be acquire the hard knowledge on it. We've known the Keepers are flawed individuals for ages now, no need to extrapolate it to the absolute worst extremes for the sake of balance or whatever. Some of the endgame revelations we've been getting just gives me the impression that the writers really want to do this whole cosmic war story though, and only begrudgingly return to Azeroth or smaller scale stories.

  18. #70458
    I think people are projecting a bit about what the writers want or don't want to do.

    There's plenty of them that want to write about Ogres in Duskwood, I bet... but how do you do a small scale story like that without a world revamp? And as the centaurs have shown this expansion, how do you do certain race stories without getting bogged down by 20 years of old lore that gets very very specific? And if you wanted to write a small scale medieval focused expansion, are you sure you would get approval by the board of investors who want to sell a more "epic" expansion?

    There's a lot more to consider than just "they don't want to do EK/Kalimdor". They remodeled the entire damn Alliance airship and COULDN'T EVEN USE IT, so there's definitely more going on that we don't know.

  19. #70459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There's plenty of them that want to write about Ogres in Duskwood, I bet...
    The cynic in me finds it difficult to believe that they'd know what Duskwood is, let alone whether or not there are Ogres in it.

  20. #70460
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    I think keeping the cosmic stuff in the backend works out better where we can speculate on how benevolent or malevolent these forces are, but don't have to be acquire the hard knowledge on it. We've known the Keepers are flawed individuals for ages now, no need to extrapolate it to the absolute worst extremes for the sake of balance or whatever. Some of the endgame revelations we've been getting just gives me the impression that the writers really want to do this whole cosmic war story though, and only begrudgingly return to Azeroth or smaller scale stories.
    I still find the whole outrage about the new Titan lore to be laughable given the prior lore on the Keepers' treatment of the dragons, notwithstanding everything regarding their constructed races or Algalon's gorillion destroyed worlds. Said lore being that they deliberately buffed the Aspects so that they could solve a prophesied endtimes caused by Deathwing defecting, something only possible, mind, because they were buffed in the first place. Then their reward for this (pointless) service was to render them all sterile and consign them to a slow death because they'd run their course and served a utility that wouldn't even be called for had they not been given the blessing.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

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