Eredath sounds cooler anyway.
Last edited by Pebrocks The Warlock; 2021-09-09 at 01:31 AM.
Velen always use to spell Mac'aree as Macari. I think they could've changed the letters only, like this Makari. But anyway...
Since Le'Craft is on the same boat, I wonder if they'll have the balls to change the name of the actual game!
WoW = World of Warmongers.![]()
Right, so you actually mean "im against some changes, depending on the context and the reasoning for the change" rather than "im anti-changing things. Full stop". That isnt a clarification, its a contradiction or correction.
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The whole intention of the change is to distance the character from the person, so it will be a very different name i believe. Maybe Barry, or Karl, or ShootyMcPewPew. I think Karl would be best "im tracer!" - "Im Bastion" - "im Doomfist!" "im Karl!"
Not the smart thing you are looking for. Warcraft has always existed before Jon lecraft came onto the the franchise so.....not really the win you think it is. And seriously who cares if a bunch of aholes aren't referenced anymore. These guys do not deserve it with the way they acted.
Edit: Unless you are being sarcastic but who the hell knows.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Are we really talking about the name change of a single zone from 2 expansions ago we're never going to visit again?
One of the devs even said they made it so the pronunciation of Mac'aree was different from McCree. A perfect way to change the spelling but keep it similar, like Makari. Oh well, way to shoot themselves in the foot.
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Kul Tiran really need tattoos. That those launched without them is ridiculously funny. They're goddamn sailors.
Why no massive-ass kraken tattoo on their backs?
Set looks nice, but I don't really have a way to wear that. I prefer fel colored stuff, as it goes well with the green fire or purple for the other 2 specs.
As for the change, well whatever. It's just more white wahsing, which is always the first attempt, be it here or in RL, when dealing with controversial events. WoW's lore is meaningless anyway. They pretty much voided it when they named half the things ingame after themselves or memes (not much difference these days). This should be a lesson for game deves and writers in general.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
Oh man those people being upset about other people eventually getting the mage tower skins... I barely had time in legion yet managed to get almost all in time but I feel the joy for people getting them now. You know there are people that eventually did not play in this xpac? What's the deal? Especially druids will love this. I mean, yeah it feels special to have the steroid bear but it's not like this was hard or anything. Let all people have fun. I just hope that they will hit the right spot between too easy and too hard
If blizzard would give people with the skins before end of legion an achievment kind of to "special snowflake" this would really be funny![]()
So people are speculating not only Mage Tower will return, but also with new rewards? That's huge.
Also it would be cool if some of artifact transmog was made account wide. I don't even think about Balance of Power, cause it's trivial content even if take some time. But 10 rated PVP battlegrounds on 12 chars... ugh.
Honestly, if the Mage tower returns I really hope it only gives the old reward and not the new sets. The challenges are often horribly designed, especially when considering how many changes have come to classes since they were relevant.
Especially if it is tied to Timewalking and only available for a short time. I really, really do not want to do them all again, especially not for transmog that is okay at best when it comes to hunter' shitty tomb of Sargeras transmog.
The world revamp dream will never die!
So, I visited the PTR today again, and I found the mythical rain.
And here are the differences between the older version and the new one. In case someone is interested in it.
So the difference are the clouds?
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
People being elitist about Mage Tower skins should really shut up. The only "prestige" is that you played 7.3 and had a character at max level. Yeah, sure, it was an actual challenge in 7.2, but come 7.3, especially when your artifact went crazy? Absolute joke. The only one vaguely difficult was the Healing ones. I've done the DK and Hunter ones on my partners computer without knowing his keybinds or the classes.
People are really being disingenuous when they say it "should be kept the way it is because it was a difficult, time-specific challenge" as if they've done it in 7.2 and not when it was a faceroll. I could level a character to 110, get the Argus catchup gear and do a challenge without many problems.
Last edited by Makorus; 2021-09-09 at 07:32 AM.
Isn't the stormy skybox the same one used in Kul Tiras?
Formerly known as Arafal
As I said in different thread: FOMOs clearly work - it's logical and Blizzard is doing it literally every expac at least since MoP. Blizzard giving away candies just 4 years later would lower value of every future FOMO. New reward avoid that problem and also gives reason to do MT for people who completed it already in Legion.
And if you don't want to do it, you know, just don't.
Not to mention I think look of cosmetic reward is secondary thing, most important what stand behind it. Great looking store mount or mog doesn't mean anything, cause it's not rare at all. If 9.1.5 MT would have some very high difficulty (I doubt it will), this "ugly hunter mog" would be worth a lot more than you think.