Yeah, let her consume a fucking VOID LORD! A fully powered Void Lord. Suuuurrreeee
That would be like someone consuming the power of Yog-Sothoth. No.
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The Old Gods are simply godly in that they once ruled Azeroth prior to the Titans arriving there, hence why the mortals on Azeroth gave them such a name. They themselves aren't really "gods". Hell, even the Naaru are more-so comparable to the old testament Angels, tbh.
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Other mortals simply call Old Gods "Dark Gods" cause of their insane void abilities and otherworldly looks. I don't even think you should consider the Eternal Ones, the Titans, or even the Void Lords as a true "divinity" tbh. The Outer Gods in H.P Lovecraft certainly aren't truly gods, but to the mortals, they display godlike powers and authority that give them such a title.