Scenarios were quick, and most importantly role agnostic.
In the age of 30 minute DPS queues you either need more role agnostic content for them to do, or to just cave and give us a Trust System.
Scenarios were quick, and most importantly role agnostic.
In the age of 30 minute DPS queues you either need more role agnostic content for them to do, or to just cave and give us a Trust System.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
icecrown citadel like raid with the jailer as the last boss, then void vs light in 10.0
So 1.14.1 hit Classic PTR and it has some new animation names:
I usually wouldn't call these out but separate animations for entering, being in and leaving the "Living World" while both flying/non-flying... hmmm..."LivingWorldProximityEnter",
Very unusual animation names. Usually they're more generic. They also added a lot of "future patch" placeholder animations (not unusual) the previous few patches.
Full list of new anims (including some placeholder ones) here. Full list of anims to see these somewhat stand out here.
Last edited by Marlamin; 2021-10-05 at 07:08 PM.
I guess World Revampers got their Hopium supply for the next months until Blizzcon![]()
If it is for Shadowlands I guess it could be a special portal animation for entering or exiting a hypothetical patch zone on Azeroth. One of those special portals in Oribos like what takes you to Maldraxxus or something that has a special animation if you use it to fly between Oribos and the new Azeroth based patch area.
The world revamp dream will never die!
The world revamp dream will never die!
Current 10.0 Prediction
Light & Void plot but it won't be evident at the start of the expansion. And not Light vs. Void, but Light & Void team up to take over Azeroth, using Turalyon & Alleria as their avatars. But they sell the expansion as an old-school RPG set up:
*Classic Tabletop inspired content. Dragon Hordes, Kobold Caves, Etc.
*Modular make-your-own dungeon feature. Players make their own non-canon D&D inspired instances, like in EQ2 or Neverwinter. Under the guise of players sitting at a tabletop game within WoW, like the homage in Boralus.
*New Bard Class
I don't know, I'm mostly sarcastic. The Living World thing is curious because it's literally been repeated over and over again by content creators and forum posters about how World of Warcraft needs to feel like a "Living World". But yeah, who the heck knows. Could be anything, if anything I'd say it has something to do with Phasing and Content but for what "who knows". Could also just be internal stuff that was not meant to leak and actually is just some code word stuff.
Minor correction, these have been in the most recent few 9.1.5 builds as well but nobody noticed.
My guess would be it refers to Azeroth in general (as it is regularly referred to as "Living World" outside of the game). It being proximity only means it might only happen near a crossing, say the Torghast/Icecrown hole, but that's extremely speculative.
Also, this reminds me of these test maps that we saw during 9.0 beta which might or might not be related:
Last edited by Marlamin; 2021-10-05 at 07:29 PM.
9.2 will be on the ptr around the time of the Feb Blizconline presentation, probably before, where they announce the new expansion. It will be Shadowlands last major content patch with the next expansion out in q4 2022. Yeah, Legion & BFA had more patches, but they also had smaller-sized raids than we've been getting.
3 ten boss raids is a healthy amount for an expansion, especially considering how many setbacks the company had during this cycle.
I would say that Feb Blizzcon Online will be catering to the Expansion and that the PTR will go live during the massive news push in November. I'd definitely believe that they will try and make the Final Patch come out prior to Blizzcon Online but then again I'm kinda optimistic about where their efforts have been put and that they are trying to get back on schedule by pulling off this really tight schedule to get ready for Alpha in April. We'll see as the Sylvanas Book releases in February too.