Idea: Ultron from the recent What If episode breaks through into Azeroth and kills everyone. The end.
Idea: Ultron from the recent What If episode breaks through into Azeroth and kills everyone. The end.
I find it telling that the current developers see "role-playing elements" as purely numerical and mechanical. They see "Fireball" and think "X amount of direct damage with AoE and DoT components" rather than "a mage spell wherein they coalesce ambient arcane energy into unstable elemental fire, projected toward an enemy to sear their flesh with explosive force, causing collateral damage."
I want to inhabit a role within a world. I want to view my characters as characters. More and more throughout the years, we've lost elements that would distinguish our characters as individuals. We've become number delivery systems.
Anyone ever wonder why the daily emisaries don't give anima? I happened to check the old PTR notes on what the dailies would give, and according to that all callings would give Anima, with the more difficult callings giving 250 anima tokens.
I guess Blizzard might have felt it was too much when you also got Anima from World Quests, but still.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Man, I want some news. I've never felt so bored during an ongoing expansion, not even during WoD or BfA. Blizzard, just give us... something? This weird limbo retail is in is hard to witness.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
I dunno, this still feels significantly better than it did in WoD, simply because at least here I have stuff I can actually do for actual rewards. The content might be pretty awful like what I am seeing with Path of Ascension, but at least its something.
I do definitely feel the need for more content though, if only having it be announced would be great.
The world revamp dream will never die!
To be honest, think of the positive if you survive with your sanity intact after this. You can overcome any WoW drought. We will survive until Mid November for our 9.2 news!
Again, I think this whole situation has been unacceptable for a while. But, as always this is the same community that didn't react to the Q&A silently being shot behind the barn after it had been a mainstay for 3 expansions and who have people actively thinking the blog post communication per 2-3 weeks means we're in a "right step" while the game has been stuck in a limbo state for 8+ months with the only real confirmation that 9.2 exists being one sentence from the Game Director back in late April.
Again I just can't wait for this nightmare to be over. At least with Expansion droughts you at least have excitement going for you. But, here we're stuck in limbo knowing that we're heading for the worst case scenario regardless (or are we? ) and we are just waiting for that Blizzcon Online will deliver us to a better place.
November better be big, honestly.
Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2021-10-08 at 04:40 PM.
I always hear this, and I do understand it, but for my money... I enjoyed WoD. Not my top pick, but I legitimately did enjoy it. The raids were fantastic, the dungeons fun, and as for the rest? I was able to set my own goals and pursue them. There was no strongarming me into this content or that. They didn't tie everything into the same content streams, so I could pick and choose which content I wanted to do based on enjoyment rather than a chore list.
There was good here. Good philosophies, even. But self-determinism seems to be something modern WoW players reject, for the most part.
There is stuff to do, its just gotten a bit old and and everything takes longer in a WFH environment so these long "lul" will happen until the <Insert world event here> ends. Sure it sucks that wait times are longer but Dragon Soul to MoP and MoP to WoD were far more painful to go through. Even now I don't think things are that bad ingame. Worst patch? Oh ffs no. 6.1 was more eyerolling worthy.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Honestly the only nagging memory from this expansion is the consistent caffeine addiction while running through the mines and picking herbs in my garden then going back to the Mission Tables before then doing what I wanted for the day. Yes, these were chores but I feel at least the chores were centralized and once you were done you were done for the day unlike with the current game. (Obviously some people decided to outdo themselves and do these chores on 10+ characters and we know what happened after that.. Mad folk is all I say.)
The levelling in WoD was really fun and honestly the art direction made each zones extremely unique and varied to go through even if I am not the biggest fan of Gorgrond traversal. Obviously the biggest sour points for me during that expansion was the story and how the whole "Warlords of Draenor" thing never really manifested itself in-game and instead all the warchiefs were just picked off in random spots with only Kargath, Kilrogg being raid bosses while the main Warlord became a prisoner we had to rescue and which lead to Light Zealot Space Marine Grom.
Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2021-10-08 at 05:31 PM.
Diehards like us are relatively rare. We're the content locusts - there is no universe in which they are able to produce content as quickly as we can consume it. The majority of the playerbase hasn't done wide swathes of content, even when it was relevant. Making this content relevant again would add so much to the game.
Furthermore, even as a content locust... it would be nice to be given reason to experience some of this stuff again for a change of pace. WoW Classic and FFXIV speak to this.
While you can do questing in those old zones, you can't really experience them like you did - even in Chromie Time. They aren't as broken in Chromie Time as they were before, they are not as they were.
In Cata I got achievements for doing all the quests in a zone, simply because I had to in order to level, and if you were lucky you got one level per zone. In SL you can complete the main quest chain in 14 hours or so. Players are now being funneled into dungeons, raid and PVP. The amount of content in SL is quite small compared to previous expansions.
The ironic thing about WoW Classic is that people are choosing to play a game that is 15 years old.
I think there are people that would do it if the reward structure existed.
And so I'll double back yet again to "Just give us Justice Points back."
Like people willingly run old content and new content, dungeons and raids alike, once a day in 14 because it gives them currency that they can then turn around and invest in gear upgrades.
WoW doesn't have that "invest in upgrades" mechanic anymore, it gave that up in favor of RNGforging a few expansions ago then never replaced it when RNGforging died.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)