1. #8281
    Elemental Lord
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    I love when people who often put ungodly amount of time into this game whine that it's not worth 15 euro a month. xD

    Of course many games offer better value if you're into them, but many don't especially on release. Gaming in general is pretty cheap hobby if you don't fall into microtransaction pit.

  2. #8282
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    Diehards like us are relatively rare. We're the content locusts - there is no universe in which they are able to produce content as quickly as we can consume it. The majority of the playerbase hasn't done wide swathes of content, even when it was relevant. Making this content relevant again would add so much to the game.

    Furthermore, even as a content locust... it would be nice to be given reason to experience some of this stuff again for a change of pace. WoW Classic and FFXIV speak to this.
    As a proven content locust I can confirm that there is no content that outlasts someone dedicated to not being bored in WoW.
    With the exception of PvP and some limited time content like cutting edge or Keystone Master, there is no content I have not already broken down for parts.
    I completed Loremaster back in Legion when I was bored during the last patch. I also ran every single raid multiple times for transmogs. I have located obscure items needed for transmog sets, including the Naxxramas tier set for hunter on the BMAH.
    I have done all the pet battle dungeons, as well as the legendary pet battles in Timeless Isle. In addition to maxing out close to all reputations in each expansion I have gone back to old ones and dine those as well.
    I have completed all Mount achievements, and at this point will likely instantly complete ones added in the future.

    I still have stuff to do in SL, but really just because I am lazy about keeping all alts in top shape, as well as some features like Path of Ascension waiting for nerfs.

    At some point the game simply doesn't have anything to offer except new content, and that is when the game will stop being engaging.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  3. #8283
    Quote Originally Posted by Paperfox View Post
    The ironic thing about WoW Classic is that people are choosing to play a game that is 15 years old.
    It's funny that a 16-year-old version of this game is more popular than the one that was released less than a year ago.

  4. #8284
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    It's funny that a 16-year-old version of this game is more popular than the one that was released less than a year ago.
    There's really no evidence of that here.
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  5. #8285
    Quote Originally Posted by Veya30 View Post
    I agree. I feel as if the PTR updates have been lackluster the last couple weeks too.

    Been more WoW classic news than retail for awhile now.
    It feels good to see the developers implimenting things people have been asking for, but the low retail subs will still reinforce Ion's philosophy that "If you give the players everything they want they'll immediately lose interest" when the real reason people I know have stopped playing is because the class they loved to play, has suddenly become unfun to play. Like I mained Disc priest in the last 3 expansions & I really loved it. In shadowlands its completely different so I don't like it.

  6. #8286
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    There's really no evidence of that here.
    Entirely subjective but retail is absolutely dead at this point. Like <50 people online sub-cap. Nobody talking.

    Classic has both those beat.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  7. #8287
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Honestly, something like an Artifact Trinket would be quite cool.

    Pretty much a combination of the Heart, the Artifact Weapon and Tier Sets.
    Idk sounds realy boring..

  8. #8288
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Entirely subjective but retail is absolutely dead at this point. Like <50 people online sub-cap. Nobody talking.

    Classic has both those beat.
    Even quick look at amount of servers (of course treating connected as one in retail) and their population between two versions shows how ridiculous is this post.

    Btw - yes, there is small difference between realm pop in Classic and Retail. Classic shows number compared to realm capacity, Retail in relation to biggest realm. But since there are always full servers on Retail (even right now on EU, Saturday morning, I see 5 full english and at least 3 non english full servers), it doesn't matter.

    It mattered when Classic was overcrowded and servers that should be Full were considered "High" or "Medium", cause biggest servers had long queues. That's why it was changed there.

  9. #8289
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Entirely subjective but retail is absolutely dead at this point. Like <50 people online sub-cap. Nobody talking.

    Classic has both those beat.
    Source = trust me bro.

    No one plays trashssic at this point, it perma died 4-5 months in after it's release. It's bot land.

    Retail is doing just fine, go have a walk around Draenor EU, Ravencrest, Stormscale, Outland, AD - any of the actually relevant realms.

  10. #8290
    Anyone saying the game is dead has clearly never seen a full expansion cycle.
    The game has lower engagement, but hardly less than any other particularly bad drought like what we saw in WoD, or what we usually see at the end of an expansion.

    Alliance is doing poorly, but really you only notice that if you check the group finder, and even then the lack of groups is only a problem if you want to run old raids.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #8291
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    I think there are people that would do it if the reward structure existed.

    And so I'll double back yet again to "Just give us Justice Points back."
    You're confusing "would do it" with "would be interested in doing it". The content would still be boring, they'd just do it to obtain the reward.

  12. #8292
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    You're confusing "would do it" with "would be interested in doing it". The content would still be boring, they'd just do it to obtain the reward.
    Every content appear to be boring when it's current too long. Drought is only major SL problem, but it is fundamental one.

  13. #8293
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Man, I want some news. I've never felt so bored during an ongoing expansion, not even during WoD or BfA. Blizzard, just give us... something? This weird limbo retail is in is hard to witness.
    Yeah, news would have be cool.
    Man in the past at least developers communicated, gave us hints or smt.
    Now there is nothing -_-

  14. #8294
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    Yeah, news would have be cool.
    Man in the past at least developers communicated, gave us hints or smt.
    Now there is nothing -_-
    Yeah, I find it pretty unbelievable that the last interview (that contained substantial information) Ion did was half a year ago.
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  15. #8295
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Who list stopped being relevant for player population since CRZ and well connected realms. So its not really a relevant source for data. Wow is doing better then what this forum thinks. I don't know how well cause well I'm not gonna pretend I know the full extent. At worst people are getting overly ancy for something new.
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  16. #8296
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Yeah, I find it pretty unbelievable that the last interview (that contained substantial information) Ion did was half a year ago.
    I'm sure once they announce the patch Ion will give some interviews again. Right now all he could talk about would be
    A) what a miserable cur he is for bullshitting us over a year with his anti QoL stuff only to do it once shit hits the fan,
    B) giving us canned corporate statements regarding a legal situation he isn't allowed to talk about and
    C) defend the rubbish sanitation changes with some inane hogwash.

    There is practically not even the hint of a benefit of communicating with the playerbase (beides press releases/ blue posts) right now until they have something to show for it.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  17. #8297
    I sure hope after November communication becomes much more recurrent, and the devs actually get in touch with the player base regularly. I think the whole "devs do what they want to do/what management decides to do and players should just accept it" mentality has to go, and I guess 9.1.5 is a step in the right direction if you omit the whole flirtgate nonsense.

  18. #8298
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    Communication right now is good. Problem is there was none between 9.1 and September.

  19. #8299
    Quote Originally Posted by Felis igneus View Post
    I'm sure once they announce the patch Ion will give some interviews again. Right now all he could talk about would be
    A) what a miserable cur he is for bullshitting us over a year with his anti QoL stuff only to do it once shit hits the fan,
    B) giving us canned corporate statements regarding a legal situation he isn't allowed to talk about and
    C) defend the rubbish sanitation changes with some inane hogwash.

    There is practically not even the hint of a benefit of communicating with the playerbase (beides press releases/ blue posts) right now until they have something to show for it.
    Maybe Ion isn't even (the only one) in charge anymore and we just don't know about it yet. I mean this radio silence is suspicious. I mean since they announced the Season for Classic all the focus is on Classic again. In a normal retail expansion year. That's so funny to be honest.
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  20. #8300
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Maybe Ion isn't even (the only one) in charge anymore and we just don't know about it yet. I mean this radio silence is suspicious. I mean since they announced the Season for Classic all the focus is on Classic again. In a normal retail expansion year. That's so funny to be honest.
    Dude, we are during PTR period for minor patch. They are not releasing info about 9.2 before it launch. What Ion would make interview about, Anima Conductor losing cap? There interviews are for marketing purpose, he will do them when 9.2 release will be close.

    And people don't really give a shit even about TBC Classic, not to mention new season for Vanilla. What "all the focus"? Don't create facts out of thin air.

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