The issue with the buildings is that you either to farm a reputation just to have the option to spend 4k Anima on shoulders.
Night Fae is the worst with having two building factions.
The issue with the buildings is that you either to farm a reputation just to have the option to spend 4k Anima on shoulders.
Night Fae is the worst with having two building factions.
You unlock more grind, but you also should have the entire expansion to upgrade it all. If we assume a conservative estimate of 3k anima each week then it should take around 31 weeks to get all the buildings.
What Anima might have once been meant as isnt really relevant, the important part is that we have it this way right now, and much of SL is built around gathering it as a reward. If you add too much of it then the entire hosue of cards falls apart and Anima becomes truly pointless, which it indeed already is for thsoe that don't care about cosmetics.
Also, havent they already spread the rewards across different content? You get one cosmetic set from the campaign, one from the covenant specific building, one from a miscellaneous source unique to the covenant and finally one from anima. Seems to me like it is already heavily spread out.
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The specific buildings definitely don't feel like they were that well thougth out. Seems rather like they started with vague ideas like "Necrolords should be able to build abominations" and then ended up having to eventually rein in the ideas with reward systems that by necessity couldnt be equal.
Just compare the sheer amount of effort needed to get all the rewards with the Path of Ascension compared ot just crafting or buying them as Necrolords.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I remember they said long ago that one-year expansions were on the table.
Imagine BFA as one expansion, with Old god's city as another
Legion could have been as well split into the broken shore and the Argus planet. The whole space travel thing mid-Legion felt out of place.
More potentials could have been realised and the frequency of changes would improve. More $$$ for Acti-Bliz
So when do people think 9.1 will show up on the PTR?
Blizzard said it would be there shortly after 9.0.5 launches, so I doubt it would be much later than the end of March.
The world revamp dream will never die!
One great thing about ancient mount - we will finally learn how Blizzard measure seasons (astronomical vs meteorological) and shut up all these pointless discussions.
Btw, people already forgot it after Blizzcon, but haven't Ion said in some early '21 interview that 9.1 will come later this spring?
Bellular was hinting at 9.1 PTR this month and Asmongold is returning next week... PTR might be up this tuesday.
Blizzard said 9.1 will show up on the PTR shortly after 9.0.5 goes live, we also know that PTRs last an average of 5 weeks, usually 4 for smaller and 6 for larger patches.
9.1 will definitely be here before the end of May I would assume. The only real question is whether it will show up before the end of April which is definitely possible.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I predict it will be up on the PTR either next week or the week after, and live late may or early june at the worst. I can't possibly see them waiting any longer for the first patch to release, considering even may is still a really long time to release a .1 patch.
Are there aynone else slightyl miffed that there wasnt more to getting Renown 40?
Not that I needed a big questline and cinematics and what have you, but it would have been nice to at least be given the title from a simple "thank you" quest. Instead you just suddenly get it like it means nothing that you have completed it.
The world revamp dream will never die!
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
The rewards themselves were fine, I just mean the fact that you just hand in teh Renown quest and you get the title.
Feel like it would have been nice to instead get a quest where The Winter queen or the Archon or whatever commended you for your efforts by giving you the title. Not a whole lot, but something to mark the ending of the Renown grind.
As it is it just felt kinda anticlimactic.
The world revamp dream will never die!