1. #81
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Hmm.. What if the reason why Bwonsamdi didn't just nuke Mueh'zala is because he'd just end up being 'reborn' in a wildseed?
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    Hmm.. What if the reason why Bwonsamdi didn't just nuke Mueh'zala is because he'd just end up being 'reborn' in a wildseed?
    That's what I thought as well, but even so, the rebirth process takes a veryyyyy long time, so it does not make a lot of sense.

  3. #83
    I guess something like this:

    9.0 Castle Nathria - end boss is Denathrius
    9.1 - end boss is Sylvanas. Second to last boss may be Nathanos Blightcaller. Jailer corrupts Tyrande and forces her to use arcane magic to open one of those gateways to allow the Jailer to escape the Maw.
    9.2 - end boss is the Jailer. Second to last boss may be corrupted Primus

    10.0 - Tyrande is a baddie and arcane is the "evil" magic school. Possible featured heroes and such are: Ethereals, Malygos, Blue dragonflight, Archmage Xylem, end boss is Dimensius? Travel to K'aresh?

  4. #84
    Well one thing is for sure, Zovaal needs a vessel to leave the Shadowlands and he is pretty interested in Anduin.

  5. #85
    Some things I think we will see this expansion:

    - Elune, because of what the Winter Queen said, by calling Ysera her sister's pet.
    - Despite being barely adressed, these devourer mobs eat away at every single SL realm, I feel like this is a low key setup to something like Mechagon or it's part of a potential Elune questline.
    - Some BS about first ones / builders / whatever generic fantasy stuff Blizzard called them.
    - Something with the Primus, because that is being treated way too vague to not be used later.
    - Some LK-like stuff from Zovaal that makes it so that he was just testing us, because that is literally all his actions amount to. Also the way he judged Baine unworthy and how he let's us rampage through his tower. I feel like there is some puppeteering wannabe-plot-twist on the horizon.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  6. #86
    Ok so now that we have the cinematic all but saying “the primus is the runecarver”

    I think it’s safe to say that 9.1 will be naxx 3.0 because of how the NecroLord campaign is going and we will rescue the primus. We also might see the kyrian work with them because of all the crossover along with the fact the “new margrave” is the one behind the attack on bastion

    So I’m saying
    9.1 naxx and small drust raid
    9.2 maw raid with mega dungeon
    9.3 jailer raid

    I don’t think we will stop the jailer from leaving the maw and he will end up in a different realm where we have to keep him from gaining a foothold to attack oribos

    My theory is it’s a realm of light because of the experiments on the naaru and the fact he has Anduin who for all intents and purposes is a child of the light and had a strong enough connection to it in the maw to hold off the jailers chains if even only 1% strength.

    Who’s ready to see varian?? Also a possibility that Anduin can age so we get Manduin

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    Some things I think we will see this expansion:

    - Elune, because of what the Winter Queen said, by calling Ysera her sister's pet.
    - Despite being barely adressed, these devourer mobs eat away at every single SL realm, I feel like this is a low key setup to something like Mechagon or it's part of a potential Elune questline.
    - Some BS about first ones / builders / whatever generic fantasy stuff Blizzard called them.
    - Something with the Primus, because that is being treated way too vague to not be used later.
    - Some LK-like stuff from Zovaal that makes it so that he was just testing us, because that is literally all his actions amount to. Also the way he judged Baine unworthy and how he let's us rampage through his tower. I feel like there is some puppeteering wannabe-plot-twist on the horizon.
    1. Either she and the other eternals are titans and Eonar is her sister or she’s a keeper made by Eonar.

    2. Cartel raid maybe?? It would be interesting

    3. Based on the jailer saying “find what the first ones kept hidden” I’m gonna say the first ones are the pantheon titans so we get that story.

    4. Free the primus and he tells us what the jailer is planning

    5. No plot twist at all really. He needs Anduin because he has a connection to the light and it’s going to be so he can attack the arbiter. The writers try to make a twist but they don’t get that players don’t just pay attention to the last storyline but every storyline connected.

  7. #87
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Rather the First Ones might have some connection with the power the Lich King had over his followers and Undead. This "Domination Magic" Something like that. Its referred to the touch of the Maw but I think that also is connected.
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  8. #88
    Personal theory is still the 1 raid per covenant theory.

    9.1 Maw raid with extra focus on Kel'thuzad and whatever remains of the rogue Maldraxxus forces like Gharmal (unless he is defeated in a quest I have not read up on).
    9.2 Is a breather patch with a focus on the Drust, the Night Warriors and possibly Helya, if Sylvanas isnt saved for the last patch which I still insist she should, this is where she will bite it.
    9.3 Is obviously the final raid against the Jailer, the focus here will be on the Mawsworn, the Arbiter and the totally surprising and not at all expected return of Arthas, either as a mindslave of the Jailer or as someone we find in the even more secure layers of Torghast.

    10.0 will be about other cosmic forces like Light and Void, with special focus on dragons.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Rather the First Ones might have some connection with the power the Lich King had over his followers and Undead. This "Domination Magic" Something like that. Its referred to the touch of the Maw but I think that also is connected.
    The waystone reacting to the player who canonically has a deep connection to Azeroth the titan as it’s called a relic of the first ones. Add the lines from the new cinematic “finding what the first ones kept hidden” which we do know the titans kept Azeroth hidden because of the burning legion.

    The series of events would then be
    1. Jailer captures primus and makes the sword and helm which can dominate souls.
    2. Jailer sends dread lords to give it to Sargeras
    3. It ends up on Azeroth
    4. The scourge (which is what even the new kyrian acolytes know as the undead so that’s interesting) attacks and wc3 frozen throne happens

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Personal theory is still the 1 raid per covenant theory.

    9.1 Maw raid with extra focus on Kel'thuzad and whatever remains of the rogue Maldraxxus forces like Gharmal (unless he is defeated in a quest I have not read up on).
    9.2 Is a breather patch with a focus on the Drust, the Night Warriors and possibly Helya, if Sylvanas isnt saved for the last patch which I still insist she should, this is where she will bite it.
    9.3 Is obviously the final raid against the Jailer, the focus here will be on the Mawsworn, the Arbiter and the totally surprising and not at all expected return of Arthas, either as a mindslave of the Jailer or as someone we find in the even more secure layers of Torghast.

    10.0 will be about other cosmic forces like Light and Void, with special focus on dragons.
    I feel like everything this expansion will have us realize “Azeroth needs protected” so we do dragon isles and build up new aspects and new protectors

  10. #90
    While leveling I was surprised we don't have a Dungeon based on a dying Afterlive being consumed by Devourers.

    Probably look quite nice and could be an Isle of Giants sort of Zone

  11. #91
    First ones being just titans would mean blizzard scrapped the supposed plot point about the current order of the SL being older than the titans though. Since the titans look rather technical as well, with their prefered forms being humanoid constructs, I would put them as the creators of the Titans maybe. Unless the SL pantheon suffered from something like the curse of anima-flesh I don't see how the Winter Queen could be the sister of a lowly titan keeper either, as she and the others clearly look very organic.

    As for primus and the fingers thing.. I mean Blizzard could always pull something like a glamour enchant out of the hat, even thought it would seem a bit over the top. But then The the rune carver is coveniently placed at the very bottom of the tower and whose key was held by some ultra lowly commander that uses mawrats and can't even hold a candle to layer one commanders. The whole runecarver setup doesn't make much sense all things considered.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  12. #92
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Anyone find reference to the “Garden of Life”? So far I have found only one in Maldraxxus.

    A side quest references them as meddlers when ever they appeared in Maldraxxus.

  13. #93
    Really hope to see this version of the jailer

    Zovaal looked more of the "jailed" type with all the chains coming off him and his neck piece. Tired of all the big baddies looking jacked up, the concept above looks more menacing imo and praying they use it for a bigger part of the storyline.

    I can see Primus being a mythic extra boss in 9.2 similar to how , similar to how Ra-Den was in ToT

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    Well one thing is for sure, Zovaal needs a vessel to leave the Shadowlands and he is pretty interested in Anduin.
    Yeah I think a lot of people are kind of forgetting about Anduin being all up in this, and the Jailer seeming to be so interested in him. I think there's a decent chance this goes a lot wilder than people are predicting and we end up fighting Jailer/Anduin in Maw/Stormwind or something by the end of the expansion.
    "A youtuber said so."

    "... some wow experts being interviewed..."

    "According to researchers from Wowhead..."

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by WonderZebra View Post
    While leveling I was surprised we don't have a Dungeon based on a dying Afterlive being consumed by Devourers.

    Probably look quite nice and could be an Isle of Giants sort of Zone
    That is true actually. I guess the closest might be the Sanguine Depths, though a more heavy focus on the Devourers would be interesting.

    A zone that I think we will see eventually is the "in-between" which is where the Devourers come from, and where all semblance of order and therefore time disappears. What would be immensely intriguing would be a semi-timetravel patch with the devoursers in the in-between. We go there to see the various points in Azeroth's life that are important, things like Arthas becoming the Lich King, or even hidden parts of history like whether forces of Death has invaded before.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #96
    The Lightbringer Darknessvamp's Avatar
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    If I had to guess what's coming:
    9.something mini patch - Ardenweald Raid with Kel'thuzard working with the Drust to deal a serious blow to the Heart of the Forest with Kel being the final boss, Tyrande being a heal/harm boss and some Drust super monstrosity we fail to stop them even though we beat the bosses, Covenant Campaign update to lead up to it's opening and working out what the Jailer plans to do if he breaks out.
    9.1 - Maw overhaul patch -area expands, new content unlocks, Torghast has more wings and acts as a portal to a Maw Raid, flying is next unlock - and Maw forces invasion points across the Shadowlands, Covenants now agree they can't delay stopping the Jailer after events in Ardenweald and Revendreth, maybe dual covenant membership, there's a major figure from each Covenant spearheading an attack on different sections of the Maw and translates into Raid Wings as well. Maw Raid bosses feature Nathanos early on as some twisted version of himself, council fight of some kind (tortured memories of the alliance/horde leaders who we saved from there maybe), Arthas maybe, Runecarver saving fight if we don't free him in Torghast and reveal of who he is either Primus or critical figure to the smooth running of the Maw before Jailer was sealed there or twist and he's actually the True Jailer, Sylvanas X Jailer fight where Sylvanas doesn't "die die" as she didn't die to enter the Shadowlands and Jailer absorbs her to facilitate his final power up to escape. Second raid loss.
    9.1.something patch with breadcrumb quests leading up to going after Jailer in his final gambit, Covenants talk about merging into some major group, Primus makes a reappearance now if he hasn't already, some truth about the Shadowlands is revealed, hints towards the next expansion are shoehorned in somewhere probably with Calia somehow, some side activities get introduced in the realms and back of Azeroth.
    9.2 Final? Patch - New Realm in Shadowlands or pocket dimension introduced, Theme is Jailer is twisting everything to his control for end of universe/Azeroth in danger and then end of Universe, Covenants merge and you can just pick and choose utility and offense abilities for class in small talent tree, souls binds are available from each group, all cosmetics can be unlocked via short loyalty activities or something (have a leg up if you've been swapping and doing the whole covenants stuff throughout the expansion), Zone has some sort of re-worked eye of Jailer thing and it's removed from the Maw, Mega-raid or just a larger than normal Raid, quest line to commune with the trapped soul of Sylvanas and develop friendship reputation with her, higher reputations give more bonuses and debuffs in the final fight with Jailer, Arthas is featured and just makes up with everyone, all covenant character reunions and rekindled acquaintances happens in this patch and Bolvar and Taelia have a five line conversation with each other, player character ends up making a deal with Brokers that has shady terms about it.
    9.2.5 - connecting patch to next expansion, how the shadowlands just gets sealed up, Arbiter's fate is left unresolved as the Covenants agree to discuss on what they plan to do, Calia stays behind with Arthas, Sylvanas passes on and every single Night Elf player and character hate the devs, coming back to Azeroth reveals a very different place from when we left, Scourge have gone nuts decimating the standing forces in Northrend, Turalyon and Alleria are at each others necks and the Alliance is threatening to full apart as they have convinced different leaders to support their stances, The Horde is not faring much better as it's been significantly weakened in regards to leadership and Talanji has made sweeping power moves in her bid to be Warchief.
    Pre-patch everything explodes.
    Elune: "My sister needed Anima so I let my favoured people die. What is this 'Maw' you speak of?"
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  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    That is true actually. I guess the closest might be the Sanguine Depths, though a more heavy focus on the Devourers would be interesting.

    A zone that I think we will see eventually is the "in-between" which is where the Devourers come from, and where all semblance of order and therefore time disappears. What would be immensely intriguing would be a semi-timetravel patch with the devoursers in the in-between. We go there to see the various points in Azeroth's life that are important, things like Arthas becoming the Lich King, or even hidden parts of history like whether forces of Death has invaded before.
    Wow is definitely missing Langoliers.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by fatwhodi View Post
    Really hope to see this version of the jailer

    Zovaal looked more of the "jailed" type with all the chains coming off him and his neck piece. Tired of all the big baddies looking jacked up, the concept above looks more menacing imo and praying they use it for a bigger part of the storyline.

    I can see Primus being a mythic extra boss in 9.2 similar to how , similar to how Ra-Den was in ToT
    i feel like zoval did look like that until the others decided he was goin crazy

  19. #99
    Death had influence in Azeroth long before Ner'zhul became the Lich King. Perhaps one day we will learn more about the Nerubians and their origins.

    This is extremely interesting as it directly links Shadowlands to Nerubians, a point that was raised by many lore-enthusiasts who were trying to figure out which came first: Maldraxxus or the Nerubians? This could lead us to the undergrounds of the Nerubian Kingdom and neatly tie the next expansion with Shadowlands and the plot of the Last Titan: after all, Azeroth IS the core of the planet.
    Nerubians would make it interesting.
    But for that we've to go back to Azeroth right?
    That's where the nerubians are, I mean underground.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Not really looking forward to a Light vs Void expansion. I would prefer an expansion that's a bit more down to Earth, like an expansion dealing with the Undermine and a modernized Tanaris/Gadgetzhan;

    Maybe even an expansion dealing with "The Machine War" that's supposedly taking place on Draenor and somewhere on Azeroth.

    I wish they would take some story from HS.
    Like Gadzegtan update, not Karazhan dance hall.

  20. #100
    There is gonna be a patch with raid and dungeon with those brokers i'm sure they are up to something

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