I mean, stuff is encrypted so we really don't know a lot. The cat mount was called "tiger mount" until yesterday just because it had tiger footsteps. There is a "gronn mount" that's named like that for similar reasons, not necessarily actually a gronn. Same goes for "mastiff battle pet" and there's a few more things that we don't really know anything about. Murloc backpack is one of them, but given the recent BlizzCon news it remains to be seen if that gets released.
Inappropriate is one thing. I think it's more likely that it wouldn't happen because it's not the kind of story that WoW would have.
Even Garona being the result of an orc/Draenei breeding program by Gul'dan was swept under the rug since the first time we met her.
Blizzard probably wouldn't do that kind of story, even if the scandal hadn't affected them.
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If I were to make a guess on the mount I would reckon it's a model made by the creature/mount team, and they were planning on releasing it alongside a patch that introduced the cat as a model, similar to how the Argus panthers got a store mount around the time 7.3 became relevant.
Generally I don't think it was more complicated than that they had the mount model ready, so they just decided to release it whenever.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Quel'Thalas revamp.
I posted this theory some months ago, but I still believe out of every Covenant we will bring one character back to "life":
Venthyr: Kael'thas
Nightfae: Ysera (to continue the Dragon aspect story)
Bastion: Uther (to have him as a counterpart to Turalyon / ardent Yrel)
Necrolords: Vashj (as a link to Azshara which was suspiciously kept alive in BfA)
On top of that, imagine Dragon Isles is somehow related to the Sunwell or located close to it - it just would fit very well overall. Maybe the Sunwell could act as a portal for the Void to step into Azeroth? Maybe Murozond wants to corrupt the Sunwell? A lot of possibilities. But this is guesstimating.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Honestly, they should just give this mount to everyone who is subbed from the day of its release until end of November. As a store mount you have to buy this just leaves a very foul taste in your mouth.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
According to the employees themselves, boycotting and not buying anything is BAD for them aswell. If people wanna buy a mount, let them. Its their own money and they can spent it on whatever the fuck they want. Stop crying and either participate in the discussion on what's to come next, or gtfo.
I doubt that there will be anything related to Elune with the Jailor. The only reason Elune is in this expansion at all is that they failed to finish up the Night Elf Ark.
We have of course heavy hints of her importance but I think most of that will be something we explore in a future expansion.
Last edited by Hellspawn; 2021-10-29 at 09:38 AM.
I think Zovaal vs. Elune could be pretty epic - if Zovaal would have a proper build up and Elune wouldn't have been portrayed as a complete moron.
Many cultures on earth have this duality between "Sun" and "Moon" or Life and Death and this could have transcended well into Warcraft... if done right.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Honestly, I think we have more buildup for Elune at this point than we do for Zovaal, despite us having spent and entire expansion with him.
At least I know that Elune is a life goddess, and she has the ability to give her followers a massive boost if they want it. She doesnt directly intervene, except in cosmic matters, and she isnt completely omnipotent.
Of course, more importantly we have had decades of buildup to Elune. We have heard about her for ages, and we have seen her influence directly. If anything it cheapens her to have to be in narrative proximity to someone as underwritten as Zovaal.
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Your suggestion doesn't actually make it less likely to be disliked though, and indeed would likely just cause further outrage by players who think this is Blizzard holding the players hostage by luring them with a mount.
Nothing Blizzard could realistically do would make players like this mount short of making it a mount everyone gets forever.
Even if it was gained immediately from logging in before 9.2, so long as it is time limited you would have players call Blizzard out for "making" them play Shadowlands.
The world revamp dream will never die!
There is a very loose list here, you can click the "View list" link under a specific key to see what files are encrypted with it. What DB2s contain encrypted records usually shows what kind of thing it is, e.g. encrypted itemappearance (key 367) points to some sort of item while the giant list of encrypted DB2s for 355 points to a mount.
I haven't really looked, there's a few item (sets) still encrypted.