Ooo, exciting! This likely means we're going to have an announcement in the next week or two. Probably next week if they want to get it out pre-Thanksgiving break.
I think this is where were getting cross-faction play. They've spoken enough recently about the technical issues & softened their stance on the factions, I feel like they have more or less are preparing us for it. Otherwise I feel this will be generally what feels expected: small new zone, new raid, more Allied Race customizations, Tazavesh broken into M+/Heroic dungeons, more covenant storylines, etc.
Very curious to see if we actually get tier 22 or not. I believe it when I see it. I find it kinda pointless to add it towards the end of an expansion and would rather like to see it as some kind of beefed up new feature for the next expansion.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Well, seems like we'll know about 9.2 next week, good.
As long as the System Designers computers are locked up we should be good with 9.2.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
You know here I figured 9.2 PTR was dead until 2022.
Maybe they'll at least have it up to explore before the Holidays, though I still expect no raid testing until the new year.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
The question now really becomes only about "Will they keep the end of Shadowlands away from us or will they tell us we get another major patch or not.".
We're locked and loaded for the next two weeks to be pretty good! Sylvanas will finally be waking up after her hibernation!
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
Encrypted build! So indeed reveal will come with PTR, ok maybe week later or something, but for sure there won't be another 9.1 launch -> 9.1.5 PTR gap.
9.1 had raid testing literally on first weeks. And strange to say you "figured something out" when opposite will happen. We still will have 5 or 6 PTR resets this week, so around half of usual PTR cycle (of course it will go into hiatus for 2 weeks around Christmas).
Ion in last interview repeated mixed response that could go both ways, and of course people for some reason convinced there will be or there won't be 9.3 took it as confirmation. Basically he said both there is lot more planned after 9.2 (9.3? 9.2.5? or he talk about 10.0 already?), but also that we will learn about SL conclusion soon.
As we discussed before, he probably was told to not reveal it now cause both responses would create bad PR without any positive 9.2 info (either THEY ARE ABANDONING SL or SL WILL LAST BAZILION YEARS).
But we don't need any interview, imo even first build of 9.2 or reveal will be enough.
Last edited by Dracullus; 2021-11-05 at 11:48 PM.
I told you I felt rumbling.
Seems like a lot of confidence in cross-faction. Personally still doubting new allied races (since there was just a whole bunch of customization work done for existing ones), but if the work on them was done pre-release in anticipation of being in a patch, I guess there could be a couple. Still kinda doubt they'd be the covenant ones though.
I think this is a patch where there'd be a large new zone if anything. Guardian's boss room is uniquely sandy as part of its First Ones aesthetic, so it's quite possible their realm is desert-themed, which typically lends itself to large areas.
I think we might also see a major update to some secondary system that isn't complicated. Like a fishing/cooking revamp, or a flying revamp.