1. #14181
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    Oh god, she's Tuvixed
    But this makes no sense. We as players have interacted (if on alliance) both halves of Uther's soul and each of them acted with their own free will and mind.

    I can't remember the name of the dungeon (it was the last of the ICC) trio. But the half of Uther's soul that was stuck in Frostmourne was able for a few moments to warn Jaina and communicate freely until Arthas turned up. At the same time the other half was being tutored by Devos into becoming a fully fledged Kyrian.
    I'm literally quoting Dansuer at this point. Frostmorne "imprisons" your soul, even if you go off into the shadowlands, Frostmorne can draw any soul its killed from wherever it is in the shadowlands & bind it into a living corpse. But only because he had Arthas, he had a champion. If he deemed necessary, he could have taken control of Uther at any point. As that is how Death Knights are made. In fact if they wanted to blow our minds the twist could be that Arthas was actually protecting Uther from this fate by not turning him into a Death Knight.

    Side note: We also see Ghosts of Uther in game at numerous points: They never explain this but I have to assume it's like how Druids can go to sleep & visit the emerald dream. When a soul in the shadowlands is dreaming, they're manifesting in the living world as a ghost. This includes when they don't know they're dreaming or dead. They'll never explain this properly but at least this theory makes sense.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    No, when you rescue her she tried to mention the events and her brother tells her to forget about it.
    So I want to prepare everyone that Maiev got forgiven for killing a dozen night elves with a week in prison: So Sylvanas' punishment would equate to like 18 months in prison.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2021-11-21 at 07:58 AM.

  2. #14182
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Look at the cosmology chart: "Death" & "Shadowlands" are two totally different circles.
    Which one?
    Because we have 2.

    And the new one doesn't separate them at all.
    Nor is there any indication that they are separated.

    The Shadowlands ARE the plane of death, this is made pretty fucking clear.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2021-11-21 at 08:05 AM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #14183
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    The Shadowlands ARE the plane of death, this is made pretty fucking clear.
    I agree only because I don't think the Death Sphere is a "plane" as we think of it: But it's clearly different sections of the chart. Theres 3 different things between "Death" & "The Shadowlands" in the first cosmology chart & the second doesn't list shadowlands, but the Brokers have said "The Shadowlands are part of the Great Cycle" Not "Death" A totally different section of this map. You're saying Death & the Shadowlands are the same place like if you looked at a map of the world & said Canada & Mexico "ARE the same" place.

  4. #14184
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    On the topic of the emerald drake files, has there been any discussion on the Taerar skins/blps?

  5. #14185
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    Why would the key to reality be hidden in the death workshop?
    Especially when there are 6 (!) different Zereth locations. Why is "Death" the one to end them all? Makes little to no sense, but I am sure they give us a good reason. /s

    By the way, why is everybody so dead set on the Emerald Drake? This can go any route and with Ysera around I don't find this too convincing. Now a Bronze oder Black dragon would be something else, but a green one? It's the one that's most expected due to the implications of the Shadowlands and the "Lifelands" etc. Not saying it doesn't mean anything though.
    Last edited by Nyel; 2021-11-21 at 09:45 AM.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  6. #14186

  7. #14187
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    I guess dead swords go to the Shadowlands, too.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  8. #14188
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    It's probably simply not meant to accurately reflect latin, and goes with what sounds good over proper latin grammar. After all, the First Ones would not speak actual latin. You'd probably do well to just accept it as a language that happens to be rather similar, but not identical.
    While that is very convenient excuse to half-ass shit while appearing clever for artists, it's simply one of these things that you notice if you remember more than your first latin lesson. It's like when the Japanese butcher western names and words, because they think it sounds western, but as a westerner it just makes it sounds like nails of chalkboard, like when guys suddenly have girl names or the other way around .

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    Probably the devs just trolling by loading the old HoR asset.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  9. #14189
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I guess dead swords go to the Shadowlands, too.
    When the sword of the fallen prince gets destroyed, will they join with Frostmourne into the greater cursed frost themed blade soul in the afterlife, or will there be several versions of Frostmourne inhabiting the Shadowlands?...
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  10. #14190
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Especially when there are 6 (!) different Zereth locations. Why is "Death" the one to end them all?
    I mean, we know nothing of the other locations.
    For all we know each and every one of them has reality altering facilities.

    Zereth Mortis just happens to be the one that we are going to.

    Or each realm simply has its own unique facility, dedicated to a particular job.
    Zereth Mortis is probably the same thing to Reality, what the Forge of Origination is to Azeroth. (The second phase of the Jailer encounter is literally called "Machine of Origination", in which he dominates and controls said machine.)

    Edit: The Intermission phase is called "Machine of Origination", not phase 2 but the phase pretty much revolves around it.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2021-11-21 at 10:58 AM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  11. #14191
    Word Of Warcraft: Forgotten Kingdom

    Next enemies are beings known as the Soulless. They were banished underground by Troll's race ancestors now they are surging to the surface through a crack in Azjol-Nerub.

    New class - Symbiote. Only 1 spec - basic dps for solo play. Can play all four roles - tank, healer, ranged or melee dps. In groups it can bond with different roles and classes to enhance it's abilities. If it bonds with a tank it's abilities are enhanced to become a healer and the other way around. If it bonds with ranged dps they become melee and so on. It gains different benefits when it bonds with different specs- if it bonds with resto druid it becomes very mobile tank with insane threat generation. If it bonds with a holy paladin it becomes hard damage mitigator with good single target damage and so on.
    New character progression system called Legacy of the Ancestors.
    Frontiers - a mix of Warfronts and original Ashran like an unending moba. Alliance and Horde share a base and fight enemies. 3 of them at the start only one active each week.
    Revamp of the loot gear equipment system and the way transmogs work.
    Cross-faction play.
    No world revamp like the one in Cata. Kalimdor, Easter Kingdoms and Northrend zones get new hd textures. TBC zones on Azeroth are now flyable.
    New solo queue brackets for 2v2 and 3v3 arena.
    New mount equipment that lets your ground mounts climb walls outdoors.

    6 new zones. 3 underground(one is upside-down), 2 on islands south and east of Northrend, 1 semi-underwater.
    8 dungeons
    the raid is called the Cradle of Civilization - 10 bosses

  12. #14192
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Especially when there are 6 (!) different Zereth locations. Why is "Death" the one to end them all? Makes little to no sense, but I am sure they give us a good reason. /s

    By the way, why is everybody so dead set on the Emerald Drake? This can go any route and with Ysera around I don't find this too convincing. Now a Bronze oder Black dragon would be something else, but a green one? It's the one that's most expected due to the implications of the Shadowlands and the "Lifelands" etc. Not saying it doesn't mean anything though.
    I figure it makes since the Funny Man wants to go to Zereth Mortis if you consider that his goal seems to be "kill ERRIBODY!!!", which totally fits with the idea that the First Ones would probably put the thing that brings death to the universe in the place which governs death. Perhaps the cosmic role of death is to prevent too much accumulation of things in the Great Cycle? If that's the case, then Zereth Mortis may have a protocol to destroy the universe if things have accumulated too much and they can't feasibly save it, or if it otherwise breaks. That would entirely fit with the logic that would have to be involved in making it an important location, honestly. The very nexus of their system of killing things or generally making them die is where they do the most vast purge possible—instead of being a passive system, this makes Death an active force and gives it dominance, allowing the slate to be wiped clean and a new system to be developed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    I agree only because I don't think the Death Sphere is a "plane" as we think of it: But it's clearly different sections of the chart. Theres 3 different things between "Death" & "The Shadowlands" in the first cosmology chart & the second doesn't list shadowlands, but the Brokers have said "The Shadowlands are part of the Great Cycle" Not "Death" A totally different section of this map. You're saying Death & the Shadowlands are the same place like if you looked at a map of the world & said Canada & Mexico "ARE the same" place.

    The easy answer to that is "retcon". They didn't decide "lol actually there's a SUPER SECRIT DEATH PLANE WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT!!!", the Shadowlands is clarified pretty clearly as the Plane of Death. The reason it's separate is because they didn't think this through yet when they wrote Chronicles and they probably came up with the whole plot for Shadowlands as it is now during Legion or even BFA.

  13. #14193
    Quote Originally Posted by TyrianFC View Post
    Maybe Arthas' soul (freed during Anduin fight??) is finally sent to the new arbiter (Pelagos) for judgment.
    Yeah, most probably. That new encrypted Sylvanas model tells me she'll not reach the Arbiter. Like, that leak with her giving up her body to become a vessel for Azeroth.

  14. #14194
    Quote Originally Posted by Felis igneus View Post
    Probably the devs just trolling by loading the old HoR asset.
    Not really that relevant, I guess, but this is the Legion version of Frostmourne that was made for the Frost DK artifact quest (and I would assume a previous version of the actual artifact)

  15. #14195
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Not really that relevant, I guess, but this is the Legion version of Frostmourne that was made for the Frost DK artifact quest (and I would assume a previous version of the actual artifact)
    Can't remember for the life of me when a floating complete frostmourne was part of the quest. But you may be right, with the blue glow around it, it just reminded me of Wrath version. Edit: Yeah I see what you mean, the picture you posted has too much detail for Wrath.
    Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2021-11-21 at 02:07 PM.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  16. #14196
    Quote Originally Posted by Felis igneus View Post
    Can't remember for the life of me when a floating complete frostmourne was part of the quest. But you may be right, with the blue glow around it, it just reminded me of Wrath version.
    Yeah, I only remember because it made me realize that at some point, they probably intended for a reforged Frostmourne to be the Frost artifact (hence the new model which would otherwise have been a waste of resources), but then there was the whole dual wielding things so they went for the twin toothpicks instead.

  17. #14197
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Yeah, I only remember because it made me realize that at some point, they probably intended for a reforged Frostmourne to be the Frost artifact (hence the new model which would otherwise have been a waste of resources), but then there was the whole dual wielding things so they went for the twin toothpicks instead.
    Yeah, see my edit. It looks to detailed for wrath. Also please don't remind me, such a shame about the weapon and the spec.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  18. #14198
    Quote Originally Posted by Felis igneus View Post
    Yeah, see my edit. It looks to detailed for wrath. Also please don't remind me, such a shame about the weapon and the spec.
    "Frostmourne died so blizzard could take agency away from Frost DKs. So grim." - Some guy on Reddit

    I still find it funny that they railroaded Frost DK dual wielding so hard, even after Legion.

    And I think it's a wasted opportunity that alongside bringing 2H Frost back as an option, they didn't think to utilize Torghast and our allegiance to the Runecarver/Primus to make a quest chain for Frost DKs to earn a statless reforged 2H Frostmourne transmog.

  19. #14199
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Not really that relevant, I guess, but this is the Legion version of Frostmourne that was made for the Frost DK artifact quest (and I would assume a previous version of the actual artifact)
    I always wanted that sword for my frost DK. Damn waste....

  20. #14200

    Not vine tendril's skin but Yogg-saron's head-tentacle skin?
    Last edited by olddog; 2021-11-21 at 03:05 PM.

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