1. #16201
    High Overlord uzira's Avatar
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    I feel like i’m the only person in the world who loves the current WoW story and everything that happened so far

  2. #16202
    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    I feel like i’m the only person in the world who loves the current WoW story and everything that happened so far
    No need to worry, I like it either, but that's nothing we talk about here on mmo-champ. We just cultivate hate for the game...

  3. #16203
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugnomo View Post
    Aww the wittle baby can't handle people liking things that he doesn't. I'll find the pacifier.
    The level of projection in this post due to the infantile insult is just chef's kiss. Frame it.

  4. #16204
    High Overlord uzira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExiHext View Post
    No need to worry, I like it either, but that's nothing we talk about here on mmo-champ. We just cultivate hate for the game...
    That’s literally ALL i’m seeing in this thread and almost any other WOW thread: hate. I was excited to enter this thread to read all of the theories and speculation. Its sad…

  5. #16205
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExiHext View Post
    No need to worry, I like it either, but that's nothing we talk about here on mmo-champ. We just cultivate hate for the game...
    SL could of been a lot more but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed myself. I have. Its just a shame it came out under the worst condition the world has ever been since well ever.

    Edit: It may look like I'm shitting on it but only cause Shadowlands is ending sooner then I thought it would but thats all right(Ok maybe a little bit not ok).
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2021-12-20 at 04:09 PM.
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  6. #16206
    Herald of the Titans Hugnomo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    The level of projection in this post due to the infantile insult is just chef's kiss. Frame it.
    I only resorted to language that I thought could be understood by someone who'd comment something so childish and unnecessarily rude.
    But alas, this is mmo-c. What could have I expected

  7. #16207
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    Non-argument. Metzen literally thought up the world and its characters. It's his brainchild. Metzen is literally the author of Warcraft. Danuser coming in is akin to Christopher Tolkien trying to finish his father's work. Sure, it can be done. It's just not actually the world of LOTR but fanfiction.

    No amount of semantics will dispute this point as its ironclad truth. Cope.
    And Metzen then put it into the hands of the current writers. So what's your point?

  8. #16208
    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    That’s literally ALL i’m seeing in this thread and almost any other WOW thread: hate. I was excited to enter this thread to read all of the theories and speculation. Its sad…
    This is sadly hiw the thread tends to look when there isn't anything substantial to discuss.
    In this case it might seem worse because most players seems to have checked out already, and see just waiting for info on the next piece of content.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #16209
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    That’s literally ALL i’m seeing in this thread and almost any other WOW thread: hate. I was excited to enter this thread to read all of the theories and speculation. Its sad…
    It's just people going crazy over these insane content patch gaps, which is an issue for Blizzard to fix.

    I maintain that if Blizzard would keep their 6 months major content patches cadence and put out something more meaty instead of Korthia - there'd be less negativity overall.

    Ultimately Blizzard need to do better with WoW, but it's not really the end of the world worst version of WoW either.

    I really think Blizzard need to do some changes to WoW content delivery scheme, so that new major content patches are delivered every 4 months. Even if it would mean smaller raids and maybe one less area on expansion launch reserved for the x.1 patch. The good would outweigh the bad that way.
    Last edited by Gaidax; 2021-12-20 at 04:19 PM.

  10. #16210
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    It's just people going crazy over these insane content patch gaps, which is an issue for Blizzard to fix.

    I maintain that if Blizzard would keep their 6 months major content patches cadence and put out something more meaty instead of Korthia - there'd be less negativity overall.

    Ultimately Blizzard need to do better with WoW, but it's not really the end of the world worst version of WoW either.
    I'd wish they kept with 9.1 as a more filler(As in less stuff in it but .2 patch is when big stuff comes in. Then .3(Not whatever formula BFA was following again not hating on it, even BFA has gems in it).
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  11. #16211
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I'd wish they kept with 9.1 as a more filler(As in less stuff in it but .2 patch is when big stuff comes in. Then .3(Not whatever formula BFA was following again not hating on it, even BFA has gems in it).
    The problem of 9.1 is that Korthia is really dogshit and Maw which hosted some new content was already boring people to tears after 8 months of 9.0/9.0.5.

    Then they sort of shot themselves in a foot by pretty much obsoleting Tazavesh from the get go, not to mention that it or part of it could make a decent area on its own - much more interesting than this floating rock of nothingness that is Korthia.

    But still if 9.1 would come 5-6 months straight after launch and we'd be in 9.2 right now - people would be much less restless. Sure, you'd still have these memes about how it's WOD because x.2 last patch blah blah, but that's usual bullshitry going on in MMO-C for a decade.

    I personally don't give a flying fudge how long/short expansion is, what's important is that spice must flow. And it's just not flowing too well in SL.

  12. #16212
    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    That’s literally ALL i’m seeing in this thread and almost any other WOW thread: hate. I was excited to enter this thread to read all of the theories and speculation. Its sad…
    To be fair: as soon as you ignore the usual doomsayers the thread becomes bearable...and much shorter. And as @Sondrelk pointed out: as soon as there are news to speculate about the thread gets much more interesting. Unless it's about the Crown of Wills.

  13. #16213
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    YES! YES! I remember how everyone was LOVING WoD between it launched and 6.2 drought! These amazing dailies, Ashran, awesome reps with simple design of mob grinding (and simple rewards like 50 reskins of boars and wolves), dungeons that were left in dirt after 3 weeks as they should be and king of good design - Garrison! Also, how I miss my Arms Warrior with 2 buttons, what a time to be alive. Only problem was we didn't have MORE of these!

    Jesus Christ people, shit you wrote is so ridicolous that only sarcasm mode 24/7 let you cope with this. Soon we will need WoD Classic to show people that no, it wasn't great design xD.
    You know why I say the systems were better??
    Because in order to play my alt all I needed was gear and the class was complete. In SL I need gear, conduits, soulbind/covenant ability, and legendary, most of these were time gated. The ring wasn’t something that you needed in order for your class to not feel like hot garbage instead it was something to help kill shit

    Raid skips were in day 1 instead of added later because they forgot something that’s existed for 8 years.

    They differentiated between lfr and the other raid difficulties by giving lfr its own gear in both design and bonuses which kept the tryhards from complaining about being forced into lfr while letting those players who like lfr to feel rewarded (changed because how dare they not let lfr players have the exact same rewards for killing the exact same bosses….but with the dangerous mechanics removed)

    They started the raid gear cache which personally I didn’t like but overall it allowed players to gain gear a difficulty higher thus improving their chance at progression

    But you are right that the content like dailies and the reps were lacking. The only thing I liked from the dailies were the BoE farming. The garrison invasions and buildings were a let down in terms of stuff you could do. Getting the ashes on blackhand and the ball on oregorger rewarded you with a statue and a generic mount. You could switch professions on a dime and were limited on how many crafted pieces you could use. You literally had nothing outside of the garrison other than dungeons because you could get everything from your garrison including the AH and bank. You didn’t even need augment runes because after so much tanaan you could buy a permanent one…just like every expansion other than SL. While the pathfinder being introduced is something I’m ok with, the fact you would cap before doing all the quests meant you had to retrace your steps. The world bosses gave worse loot than dungeons. Overall while you weren’t feeling compelled to log on every day you also didn’t really have anything that couldn’t wait….until they added weekly events.

  14. #16214
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    But still if 9.1 would come 5-6 months straight after launch and we'd be in 9.2 right now - people would be much less restless. Sure, you'd still have these memes about how it's WOD because x.2 last patch blah blah, but that's usual bullshitry going on in MMO-C for a decade.

    I personally don't give a flying fudge how long/short expansion is, what's important is that spice must flow. And it's just not flowing too well in SL.
    I tend to agree. Pretty much every expansion has had a certain amount of problems with it, but the content flow seems to cover up those issues and/or gives Blizz a better chance to fix them. Legion had a ton of issues...Legiondaries for instance. But it also had that 77-day content cadence so there was always something new to be excited about, not to mention giving the team a good window to fix the issues they had within the game. SL on the other hand has had nothing short of a drought of content. There's just not enough to do, so issues tend to stand out more, especially when store mounts have still had a similar release cadence as before. I have to wonder how 9.1 would have been accepted content-wise had it been out in April...probably a ton better, I'd guess. 9.2 has some cool stuff to be sure, but since we'll be getting it so much later than usual it will probably feel like not enough new content for the time it took.

  15. #16215
    Quote Originally Posted by ExiHext View Post
    To be fair: as soon as you ignore the usual doomsayers the thread becomes bearable...and much shorter. And as @Sondrelk pointed out: as soon as there are news to speculate about the thread gets much more interesting. Unless it's about the Crown of Wills.
    We can use the crown of wills to figure out the replacement for the lich king
    It has to match the crown transition so we have to go from a well crafted thoroughly designed character to one generic and bland in comparison….Sylvanas.

    I’m thinking 10.0 based on what we have is set as dragons and I’m hoping new class and no expansion based power system

  16. #16216
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    It's just people going crazy over these insane content patch gaps, which is an issue for Blizzard to fix.

    I maintain that if Blizzard would keep their 6 months major content patches cadence and put out something more meaty instead of Korthia - there'd be less negativity overall.
    This is 100% true. Familiarity breeds contempt, and the longer the patch the more bitter people become. Legion's cadence is a major reason it is so well-regarded despite its problems.
    A better way to think about Casual v Hardcore: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...asual-Hardcore

  17. #16217
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    Non-argument. Metzen literally thought up the world and its characters. It's his brainchild. Metzen is literally the author of Warcraft. Danuser coming in is akin to Christopher Tolkien trying to finish his father's work. Sure, it can be done. It's just not actually the world of LOTR but fanfiction.

    No amount of semantics will dispute this point as its ironclad truth. Cope.
    Metzen cant really be compared to Tolkien, while metzen laid the foundation from early on with wc 1-3 he had others help build most of world past that with wow rather that be golden fleshing out the orcs and thrall Knaak with the dragons and war of Ancients or just Alex and other writers working on zones and quest.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  18. #16218
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    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    You know why I say the systems were better??
    Because in order to play my alt all I needed was gear and the class was complete.
    Tend to happen when there is jack shit to do on main (also not 100% true, there was also legendary questline and people min-maxed garrison for free pieces of gear from current or even higher difiiculty you completed). That was good side effect of horrible and outdated design, not good design.

    Of course system where extra stuff to do like in Legion (so people with 1 char has some content for character progress), but completely account-wide (so people with alts have their freedom) would be superior to both older and modern design. But it was Legion, right now in 9.1.5 we are pretty close to that, especially if new stuff from 9.2 will be either account-wide (flying, 2nd lego) or not relevant for progression.

  19. #16219
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    In retrospect, I have to wonder how much of this comes from the seeming thought that a major patch needs to have a large raid behind it. As we get more content types & more content setup, I feel like that is really holding back the dev team. Imagine how different things might look if we had a patch launch in March 2021 with Tazavesh, some Torghast updates, & a bit of plot exposition. At the very least, Tazavesh would feel far less like wasted effort than it seems to currently...it probably would've been a solid gearing boost to help with Nathria until SoD was ready. Mechagon was kind of covered up by Nazjatar in the same way, though it had more to do overall.

    Compare that with the updated Karazhan dungeon that released in 7.1 alongside a fairly small Trial of Valor raid. It had it's own room to breathe which allowed it to feel important, plus it gave a good gearing step to prep for the Nighthold raid which was released about three months later. I ran that one quite a few times for gear whereas Tazavesh I ran twice (once on Normal, once on Hard for the mount) & never looked at it again.

  20. #16220
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Its not so much a big patch having to have a raid. Blizz had a decent formula like in Mist. .1 was sorta smallish then .2 was big, then .3 was bigish. It worked didn't need to change except whats in the patches outside of new zone and raid).
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