Guys, even the creator of the video admits it is made up...
im disagreeing with the other poster who was painting the idea of being socially outcast being a bad thing.
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the person i quoted was specifically painting the idea of being socially cast out as bad tho. you are saying something else.
So we know the m+ cutoff
Still don’t have the double leggos available for testing which in some cases will be broken AF
The story is….the same story we’ve had for a few years so I can’t really complain
Who’s ready for 9.2.5 with the fixes to a bunch of small issues that are going to be introduced in 9.2 and others that have existed since 9.0
So god damn cynical
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
We still need Double Legendaries + Final Raid Testing done either this week or next week before a release date is likely to show up. Could show up this week or next week, but yeah.
Obviously the 9.2.5 thing mean that I don't think we're getting into 10.0 news anytime soon. But, it could also be that they will do 9.2.5 after the 10.0 reveal, hard to tell what is going on anymore.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
I mean, why would they test Double Legendaries?
Being exiled is bad, especially if you are exiled like Sylvanas seems to be, eternal community service cleaning up her own mess, never being allowed to see anyone she cares for ever again.
It's good for her in the sense that she doesn't get straight up killed, or better yet forced to spend an eternity locked up in the maw the regular way, and good for us since it means it's only a slightly worse outcome than straight up killing her.
She does not have a viable way to return to Azeroth even if anyone wanted her there, and there is no reason to expect her to return except in the vague comic book sense of noone being exempt from even the most severe death.
Even compared to Illidan there is less chance of her returning. Unlike with the Titans and Sargeras there is no good reason given why the Shadowlands will be relevant to us again.
In short, it's a "good" outcome for her since she doesn't just die like everyone else, or better yet get chained to the top of Torghast forever. And it's good for us since she is removed from the plot indefinitely.
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I wouldn't be shocked if the second legendary doesn't get its final set of tuning until right before the PTR is done honestly. And even then I wouldn't be shocked if the legendaries don't get any tuning at all. Yes it would be massively unbalanced, and the most extreme outliers will probably see some nerds or buffs, but with freely swappable covenants there is no reason why one covenant cannot be strictly better other than it not feeling right.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Kay, so Blizz just updated their race page on the official site. 10.0 lead? Or just general future of the story?
Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-01-10 at 10:29 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Probably just bringing it into styleistic consistency with their other pages.
But I will say it's interesting that they removed the listing for starting zones it seems. Might just be because it was redundant with Capital Cities, or maybe they want to railroad everyone into Exile's Reach.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
Anyone remember this from May, where every avatar was from the Shadowlands except Yrel;
I imagine Blizzard would prefer players consider Exiles reach the proper starting zone. Not just because it's a better choice narratively, but more importantly because new players are already required to go there with their first character, meaning a new player would likely just be confused by the listing for starting zones that for all intents and purposes is an alternate levelling option for veterans.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I half wonder if Blizz might be doing away with racial starting zones as is. Exile's Reach is a much more seamless intro to the game thus far & I can imagine Blizz liked seeing how much easier new races were to implement when you don't have to have specific zones & 10-20 levels of questing to integrate alongside them. Plus if Blizz wants to update the starting experience, it's much easier to update Exile's Reach than everywhere else.
My guess is that starting zones will continue to be de-emphasized until an eventual revamp (be it in 10.0 or later) removes them entirely from the game.
Seems pretty unlikely. Any theoretical revamp will involve a bunch of racial zones and it doesn't make much sense to not go ahead and throw a 1-5/10 questline in there. That is, you're still going to have Elwynn, Durotar, Mulgore, Gilneas*, Dun Morogh, etc. and those zones are very well suited to dealing with minor threats and providing a hand to the associated race, which makes them perfect zones for a low level character to get a sense of who that group is.
At the point where you're already designing that sort of minor-threat quest zone with heavy racial identity, why wouldn't you just go ahead and start a race there?
The problem with implementing new full-fledged races was that it involves making entirely new zones with that 10-20 levels of questing, but the situation here is that you have a bunch of races who already have those zones that need to be populated with quests anyway.
I think that depends on what is being referred to as new in this case. Take Ogres, for example. They are not a new race in WoW, but if they were playable they would still be considered a new race in that regards. You could have something like Ogri'la or Dire Maul as the starting zones in that case. If it's a brand new, never heard of species, then they would likely have to introduce some sort of new land mass/playable area to explain where they're coming from anyway.