I probably get infraction for that, but this community is full of idiots and someone has to say it. It's not "making shit to be angry", it's a lack of fucking basic reading skills.
Unless someone else said something directly about reputations, but I tried to find source last 10 minutes and nothing.
False! Conduit Upgrades + Sockets combined are a HUGE player power gain for raiders that can't be ignored. For instance, I started late in 9.1, three months after release to be precise, and I only managed to compete with guildmates on raids after getting conduits maxed out.
Conduits alone are way ahead of Racial perks, which IS a deciding factor for the vast majority of raiders to choose/change their race.
Blizzard deserves to be criticized for this change, and this alone paints a very grim picture for 10.0.
Last edited by Luck4; 2022-01-12 at 07:30 AM.
From other thread.
Q: How does the balance work of Double Orange work? Is it a random match between any two orange outfits or is it limited to the 1+1 mode of covenant orange and professional orange?
A: It is still under study. We are still waiting for feedback from various channels, but what is certain is that players need to unlock Double Orange by increasing the reputation of Enlightened Brokers in the new area. Of course, unlocking Double Orange is the account. Shared, as long as one character under Battle.net unlocks Double Orange, all characters can get this buff.
So not only Blizzard never said reputations will be connected to player power, but also Ion DIRECTLY said double legendary will come for this specific rep.
Bonus - some comments from wowhead article:
Nothing but lies and more lies they give us. I'm suck of their BS. Won't be buying next expansion with this greed, full time FFXIV/ESO player here I come soon.
"no player power tied to Zereth Mortis" thx for keeping your word for almost 2 months Ion.
After being told (promised) that the new rep wouldn't be tied to player power this feels bad. Does anybody who's running around on the PTR know what kind of time investment this is going to require?
ban the source andys
Last edited by Dracullus; 2022-01-12 at 11:56 AM.
I don't get the issues with the rep requirement.
As if reputations are this super duper terrible thing.
I'd rather have things tied to reputations and be able to farm as quickly or as slowly as i want to, rather than have it tied to patch system.
Formerly known as Arafal
It's a question of how much gameplay you want to have to go through. Some players want a streamlined experience, and some want a really in-depth and complex gaming experience.
You cannot realistically satisfy both bases at the same time. One of the two types of players have to take the hit and get a suboptimal experience.
Completely detaching player power from the open world is by no means a perfect solution, but it is a decent compromise in more clearly separating the streamlined raiding experience from the one that takes time and effort and which rewards cosmetic rewards.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Last edited by Raetary; 2022-01-12 at 02:30 PM.
Formerly known as Arafal
It's really pretty much the same, log in daily to do your daily quests (in whatever disguise they come) for a pitance of rep and repeat it tomorrow. The new patch system works the same way, log in, do your dailies, get currency, and click your research menu and come back tomorrow to repeat the same thing, the only difference is that you may be able to optimize the research by engaging in hobo mode, wheres your rep stuff has no variation whatsoever. Maybe you can grind some chests for the patch system if you want to and the current one allows for it, but they are pretty much all hardcapped as well.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
It doesn't matter when you started, everyone NEEDED to do Korthia, and in 9.0 Maw, to obtain conduits upgrades/sockets and be competitive.
The fact that Conduit Upgrades ARE player power, and that Blizzard LIED to us still stands.
Zerethi Mortis is going to be exactly like 9.0 Maw and 9.1 Korthia, something they said wasn't the case, lying to everyone and adding this stuff on mid-late PTR phase.
Because people are tired of having to play through boring and uninteresting content to get to the good stuff. Rep grinds are a super duper terrible thing - they're a boring monotonous slog.
When the defense of this is "it's not that bad" or "Well, it's always been like this", that should tell you something about the state of the game. How about telling me why this is a good thing on its own?
Last edited by infinitemeridian; 2022-01-12 at 03:48 PM.
Usully people discuss about grey area or Blizzard message is unlear and could be interpreted differently. Here situation is obvious and clear, but idiots still are repeating bullshit BLUZZARD LIED and not one changed his mind when you show direct proof. I completely don't get it, did Asmon said Blizzard lied and they are following like sheeps or something like that?
It doesn't matter what Blizzard said, their lack of communication made it so the community came up with their own idea of what they said (you don't need to do anything to get double legendaries) and this not being the case means they are angry and Blizzard lied.
The only thing that matters is keeping the community happy which is not happening right now, so if they don't walk back the reputation requirement they will pay for it with even more negative PR they can't afford. Considering how popular it is to hate the expansion they should just make the double legendary free.
Last edited by Raidlogger; 2022-01-12 at 04:37 PM.
I was surprised that this was not a fishing pole, but a Gavel.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde