1. #18161
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    Okay so now its safe to say that 10.0 has 100% something to do with dragons.
    Don't forget we were told that dragons would have importance by the time we are level 113 (that is what Chromie Scenario originally scaled to, what does it scale to now?).

    But I wonder if they actually did have another dragon expansion that was being worked on backed then and if that was the prime candidate (I mean by Legion story it would make sense to have dragons next as we once again had the pillars to empower them).
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  2. #18162
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I missed most of the "Lifelands" talk, but it there any actual information that it DOES have its own plane of existence (not something connected to a specific World like the Emerald Dream). If you are going off of https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wo..._Cosmology.jpg then the Life portion just looks like a generic magical forest or nature stuff to represent life, might as well just be the material realms, you know where most of life is.
    Even the original cosmic chart represents life as just nature and druidic stuff https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/b5...09860c20c7.jpg

    I think that with the redo of the cosmic chart they just basically said "Yeah this is a cool drawing but we will modify it as needed, might be true, might not"
    A soldier in Maldraxxus talks about fighting against invaders from different cosmic realms, of which he mentions the Gardens of Life.

    No idea why everyone started calling it Lifelands though, I assume just as a derisive nickmame.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  3. #18163
    Quote Originally Posted by YogSoggoth View Post
    10.0 is either Dragon Isles (with either 5 new zones dedicated to each known dragonflight or better yet, 5 new zones dedicated to NEW wacky dragonflights) or Light vs Void expansion with Yrel invading Azeroth.
    why not both? we have literal void dragons, who might be free from the old god influence - maybe just temporarily. Yrel would probably try to cleanse them, be it by killing or lightforging them.
    they already have a track record of wasting several plotlines in a single expac, BfA being the worst offender.

  4. #18164
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I missed most of the "Lifelands" talk, but it there any actual information that it DOES have its own plane of existence (not something connected to a specific World like the Emerald Dream). If you are going off of https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wo..._Cosmology.jpg then the Life portion just looks like a generic magical forest or nature stuff to represent life, might as well just be the material realms, you know where most of life is.
    Even the original cosmic chart represents life as just nature and druidic stuff https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/b5...09860c20c7.jpg

    I think that with the redo of the cosmic chart they just basically said "Yeah this is a cool drawing but we will modify it as needed, might be true, might not"
    The Broker version of cosmology chart uses Ardenweald to represent Life because that is the only Life related thing the desisens of Death know of.

    And the Mortal plane version shows mortal plane examples of the forces, not their home dimensions.

  5. #18165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    A soldier in Maldraxxus talks about fighting against invaders from different cosmic realms, of which he mentions the Gardens of Life.

    No idea why everyone started calling it Lifelands though, I assume just as a derisive nickmame.
    Ah this is obviously referring to the WOTLK soundtrack Garden of Life, so from whichever zone that soundtrack is. /s

    But would be kind of crazy if the "Life Realm" of the cosmic force of Life was tied to just one planet in the whole universe... and it also not being there then before Azeroth started forming as a planet and nascent titan.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    The Broker version of cosmology chart uses Ardenweald to represent Life because that is the only Life related thing the desisens of Death know of.

    And the Mortal plane version shows mortal plane examples of the forces, not their home dimensions.
    That makes sense I guess, but that just furthers the point that there isn't a specific realm of Life. If it was made by inhabitants of draenor (before the whole thing happened to it) it would probably be represented differently than on Azeroth, since their planet isn't a titan with a dream.

    I would be more interested in the Arcane/Order realms tbh, vast Ulduar like cities. Imagine Ulduar the size of Suramar or Revendreth (better example I guess) with a titanic city encompassing most of the zone... and because of the size of the architecture to the titan constructs that would probably be a "small" town
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  6. #18166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I missed most of the "Lifelands" talk, but it there any actual information that it DOES have its own plane of existence
    Each force has its own plane of existence, that's established.

    Shadowlands for Death, TN for Chaos, Light/Void for Light/Void.
    Lifelands were literally name dropped (Gardens of Life, as per the Necrolords) and we pretty much know Elune is residing there.
    Order has its own thing according to the devs.

    Reality isn't tied to life, its a cosmic nexus connecting every force.

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  7. #18167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Each force has its own plane of existence, that's established.

    Shadowlands for Death, TN for Chaos, Light/Void for Light/Void.
    Lifelands were literally name dropped (Gardens of Life, as per the Necrolords) and we pretty much know Elune is residing there.
    Order has its own thing according to the devs.

    Reality isn't tied to life, its a cosmic nexus connecting every force.
    Chaos and Void were done okay, for Light and Order I guess we do not have much info on what their realm is. But for these there was actual worldbuilding done spanning decads.
    If Order and Light work as Chaos and Void then they would presumably also be expanding their planes by consuming/corrupting/cleansing/ordering reality.

    I wish they just kept the Life and Death domains like the Elemental ones, not tied to the whole universe but to individual worlds (correct me if im wrong but aren't the Elements on Draenor different than on Azeroth, they share many concepts sure but not same entities ruling over both).

    It should've been split by:
    • Basic Building Blocks - (Life/Spirit, Death/Decay, Elements) unique to each world
    • Actual cosmic forces battling on Reality (Chaos, Order, Light, Void)

    I mean I might be biased since I am projecting how I did my worldbuilding for my D&D setting but Death and Life seem to not match quite well with the other 4 on that tier. And from the original cosmic chart (before the whole "perspective" changes) seems like the original Chronicles writers were thinking the same way with Shadowlands and Emerald Dream being tied to Azeroth in the same way.

    Would that mean the First Ones created both the realms of Life and Death before moving on? Then makes it strange how Eonar could shape a Life realm and before SL herself and Elune were the most powerful Life entities we knew of with nothing pointing to there being others more powerful or even on their power level.
    That was defo not the original plan but seems like it is what we will have to live with as canon now.
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  8. #18168
    New expansion: Delve into the Garden of Life as you visit the progenitor land of all creation that has a special bond with the Emerald Dream, Zereth Vitam!
    Class: Tinker

  9. #18169
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    New expansion: Delve into the Garden of Life as you visit the progenitor land of all creation that has a special bond with the Emerald Dream, Zereth Vitam!
    Class: Tinker

    Spot on.

  10. #18170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    New expansion: Delve into the Garden of Life as you visit the progenitor land of all creation that has a special bond with the Emerald Dream, Zereth Vitam!
    Class: Tinker
    Pfff the new class is obviously called Automa, based on the progenitor technology to fill the niche of tinkers while not actually being them
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  11. #18171
    High Overlord uzira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyrja View Post
    My bets are 10.0 will be a Elune expac, dragon isles might be patch content in 10.2 orso.
    Don't forget the Elune theme transmog set from the shop that was added recently..
    Okay and what continent or realm are we going to then in the first patch?

  12. #18172
    So many "leaks" about Dragon Isles. I won't bite. I still hold strong: #teamworldrevamperino
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  13. #18173
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    So many "leaks" about Dragon Isles. I won't bite. I still hold strong: #teamworldrevamperino
    The last dragon themed expansion did have a world revamp though, no reason to think this one cannot be the same.
    The Dragon Isles are as vague an area as you might get, the only thing definitive that players might ahve really wanted to see from it was the giant Old God temple, which has already been added to the game with Stormsong Valley.

    We could just as well get a world revamp, with the Dragon Isles as a patch zone later. Or even world revamp with one or two Dragon Isle zones as endgame.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #18174
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    Quote Originally Posted by uzira View Post
    Okay and what continent or realm are we going to then in the first patch?
    LiFeLaNdS with the main zone being Gardens of Life.
    A Maw like zone but all nature-y. In 10.0 we can't stay in there so long because completing quests and objectives increases the threat from Eye of the Jailer the Garden Keeper and he sends increasing threats on us.
    We enter the Lifelands through a portal found in the ashes of Teldrasil when Tyrande takes Sylvanas there to weep over what she has done. This brings life back to Sylvanas and makes her the main protagonist of the expansion (expansion to include at least 3 more CGI cinematics with Sylvanas and at least 7 new models for her, hands optional).
    In there we enter the uncorrupted portions of the Emerald Dream, since it is basically an image of Azeroth before civilization and the recent things happening in Blizz, as well as the world event going on for the past 2 years they didn't have much time to spend on the leveling zones and decided that what would fit is just bringing in Eastern Kingodm and Kalimdor files from Vanilla and removing all the man made buildings and architecture. Then out of the 2 continents they make Northern and Southern Easter Kingdom, and Northern and Southern Kalimdor as leveling zones, reusing assets from Valsharah, Ardenweald and Drustvar to create 3 of the zones being forests, and using Voldun assets to create a desert zones. For some reason there are trolls in all the zones since that is where Bwomsamdi took them to hide them from the Jailer. There is also an Ethereal/Broker like race that seems important but ends up being not so much.

    In a later patch we go to Zereth Vitas, which looks like Zereth Mortis but is inverted (the sand and grass parts) and instead of water we can walk on we get water we can walk under. Here we battle against Elune who is Zovaal's sister and is trying to use Azeroth to reshape the universe so that only elves exist. Zovaal knew of this all along and was trying to stop her, Sylvanas is the one that tells us this as she is the main protagonist. We defeat her in 1 patch but the moon of azeroth gets destroyed causing the next cataclysm and a world revamp in 11.0. Tyrande is the Anduin equivalent boss of this raid.

    I might have gotten a bit carried away.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The last dragon themed expansion did have a world revamp though, no reason to think this one cannot be the same.
    The Dragon Isles are as vague an area as you might get, the only thing definitive that players might ahve really wanted to see from it was the giant Old God temple, which has already been added to the game with Stormsong Valley.

    We could just as well get a world revamp, with the Dragon Isles as a patch zone later. Or even world revamp with one or two Dragon Isle zones as endgame.
    I remember the Shaggy Parrot mentioning over the weekend that in SL beta they were testing something about maps and phasing (With thorghast having parts of it but all maps are in the same instance or something).

    Honestly if they do a world revamp I hope it encompasses also Northrend and Maybe Pandaland, or at least bring all the areas of Azeroth together so that there is no longer loading screens between them but you can travel freely. Even if it was just an EK and Kali revamp and the others stayed the same. Also bring in the TBC racial starting zones to the maps.

    Imagine going from Silvermoon to Northrend taking 10ish minutes on your flying mount, would not be practical but would be cool
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  15. #18175
    My 6th sense just triggered. 9.2 Release announcement this week?
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  16. #18176
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    My 6th sense just triggered. 9.2 Release announcement this week?
    We are sadly missing Mythic+ Affix testing still. Everything else is in-game though.

    I think this week it would be crazy but definitely next week being likely. Although, I hope your 6th sense is right. I want to get out of this drought and into the blue yonder.
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  17. #18177
    Oof. February has Horizon and Elden Ring, it will be very hard for 9.2 in February, if that's the supposed release month.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  18. #18178
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Oof. February has Horizon and Elden Ring, it will be very hard for 9.2 in February, if that's the supposed release month.
    and Lost Ark, and for me a new Path of Exile league. too many hecking games.

  19. #18179
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    They could artificially delay it till March, but they would have to move into Alpha in April. So I don't know, we'll see what transpires.
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  20. #18180
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Oof. February has Horizon and Elden Ring, it will be very hard for 9.2 in February, if that's the supposed release month.
    Blizzard's ability to wait to counter another upcoming game is long gone. They need to release no matter what other games release and when. At this point even the staff of hermes trismegistus would struggle to keep the game alive. It needs new content asap rocky
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