1. #18621
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    I swear there was something about Azshara working with Zul or something, but I think that might also have been removed in the beta. Battle for Azeroth was a weird expansion, especially for me as I wasn't playing at the time but was vaguely paying attention to the story.

    From my perspective, it was a Sylvanas and Saurfang expansion, because the cinematics just stood out from absolutely everything else and obviously being so accessible to someone not playing. Meanwhile, the Old God stuff was extremely subtle for most of the leveling, Azshara is defeated the moment she fully joins the story, and N'Zoth follows suit after. I was looking forward to their appearances so I was pretty disappointed.

    After I finally got around to playing the expansion myself (and knew the Sylvanas stuff was building up for Shadowlands), it did feel much more like a proper Azshara/N'Zoth expansion and the hints for them were more obvious when I knew where they would go. I don't remember them all, but they're there. I still have an issue with how they were handled, but it's fascinating how much those cinematics really stole the show.
    Thing is in 8.0 and 8.1 it was much more about what you mentioned, but with 8.1.5 and onwards it split. In game it became mostly about Azshara and Nzoth, while Sylvanas and Saurfang got its major story moments in the form of CGI cinematics. they were connected to some quests but the meat happened in the videos and you don't lose much by just watching the short movie they made with the CGI stuff
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  2. #18622
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    For SL however, there's no one else. Jailor = KJ, Sylvanas = Illidan, KT is dead, Malganis is a 9.2 raid boss, who else could be the final boss of SL in a hypothetical 9.3? Nathanos????
    Why are we returning to 9.3 talk? They have already repeatedly confirmed 9.2 is the last major patch of Shadowlands.

  3. #18623
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    This is why many people think TBC's lore was all over the place. But yeah "Burnign Crusade", that's a legion thing not Illidan. Makes sense that KJ was the final boss, even if he wasn't planned from the start.

    For SL however, there's no one else. Jailor = KJ, Sylvanas = Illidan, KT is dead, Malganis is a 9.2 raid boss, who else could be the final boss of SL in a hypothetical 9.3? Nathanos????
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  4. #18624
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    For altoholics sure it will be a decent amount of REPLAYING content with a small twist, but as even leveling doesn't take too long they too will finish it in less than a week before moving on to just doing same stuff with a different alt. For the majority of people that don't plan on switching or dont gear alts it is a couple hours at most of stuff to do, which is basically replaying old stuff.

    And if it was a class, then they would need to introduce the whole covenant system to it with conduits and stuff I guess, if it was a race then there is barely any difference and most people won't level a new char of their main class just to change race.

    While it would be nice to add it like they did DH in prepatch or AR with 7.3.5(?) I believe that it isn't enough really
    I would argue it's exactly made for players who are not altoholics actually, as they are the ones least likely to have actually levelled a new character recently, which is exactly what an Allied Race or new class in particular incentivizes.
    For ARs it gives the Heritage armor which is nice if the player wants to race change to said AR, and in the case of a new class is lets them try something new and maybe even swap mains.
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  5. #18625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Why are we returning to 9.3 talk? They have already repeatedly confirmed 9.2 is the last major patch of Shadowlands.
    Did they use those word or did they say it was the ending chapter of the Shadowlands (we all know the 'story buildup since wc3' is bullshit) storyline
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  6. #18626
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Did they use those word or did they say it was the ending chapter of the Shadowlands (we all know the 'story buildup since wc3' is bullshit) storyline
    They said 9.2 would be the last raid, but that there would probably be some more story stuff later, which pretty much points to 9.2.5.
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  7. #18627
    Sinestra as 10.0's final boss? Sorry bro, that character was already killed in cata
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  8. #18628
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    No, instead of that they just add their new time gated borrowed power system with the runes. In a region with a few dull, uninspired world quests which you have to repeat while they are not really replayable. Their only feature is being a skinner box. You could skip, them, tho, as they also will not give any other character propgression than catchup gear for the raiders and their alts Mr. Hazzikostas values that much.
    Is this some kind of machine learning profile? You just repeat same shit every 5 minutes, it feels like soul was sucked from every post. Jesus, in the past doomsayers were at least funny.

  9. #18629
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Sinestra as 10.0's final boss? Sorry bro, that character was already killed in cata
    Pretty sure either in a class hall in Legion or in BfA it was said she is active again or something. Also isn't it that we don't actually bring her to 0 in Cata?
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  10. #18630
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Pretty sure either in a class hall in Legion or in BfA it was said she is active again or something. Also isn't it that we don't actually bring her to 0 in Cata?
    Supposedly she was whispering to her son Zeryxia.
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  11. #18631
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Sinestra as 10.0's final boss? Sorry bro, that character was already killed in cata
    Might wanna do the shaman order hall campaign.

    She's very much active out there in the great dark beyond. The twilight's hammer and dragonflight are both still active too.

    My theory is that she's acting herald for the void lords.

  12. #18632
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    I'd like to know the story behind this myself. If I recall, they regretted wasting Illidan, the big marketing element of the expansion, right off the bat. However, the expansion was always named for Kil'jaeden's war (Sargeras was still ambiguously out of commission at the time), not Illidan's. So they might just have not thought through the name too much back then, or Kil'jaeden was always planned, they just still felt Illidan was used poorly.
    I may be wrong but I always thought Isle of Quel Danas was a quick time filler when Blizzard realized WotLK is too far away.

    Im not saying it wasnt high quality content it was completely fine. But to me it look like it wasnt plannned.

    But perhaps they did planned it all along.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    This is why many people think TBC's lore was all over the place. But yeah "Burnign Crusade", that's a legion thing not Illidan. Makes sense that KJ was the final boss, even if he wasn't planned from the start.

    For SL however, there's no one else. Jailor = KJ, Sylvanas = Illidan, KT is dead, Malganis is a 9.2 raid boss, who else could be the final boss of SL in a hypothetical 9.3? Nathanos????
    Well there some supposed to be story about conspiracy of Dreadlords.

    Basically the whole expansion doesnt have to be about same enemy type.

    Like in WotLK, main enemy was Lick King undead.
    But there was also Old God, Yogg Saron.
    Dragon Aspect, Malygos, etc.

    Expansions should be varied so not every content patch is against same enemies, atleast thats how Blizzard use to approach it.

    If there was a 9.3 could be anything.
    Maybe final boss could be boss dreadlord, with some Legion and other minions pulling the strings. Or something.

  13. #18633
    Quote Originally Posted by Wadrak View Post
    I may be wrong but I always thought Isle of Quel Danas was a quick time filler when Blizzard realized WotLK is too far away.

    Im not saying it wasnt high quality content it was completely fine. But to me it look like it wasnt plannned.

    But perhaps they did planned it all along.

    Well there some supposed to be story about conspiracy of Dreadlords.

    Basically the whole expansion doesnt have to be about same enemy type.

    Like in WotLK, main enemy was Lick King undead.
    But there was also Old God, Yogg Saron.
    Dragon Aspect, Malygos, etc.

    Expansions should be varied so not every content patch is against same enemies, atleast thats how Blizzard use to approach it.

    If there was a 9.3 could be anything.
    Maybe final boss could be boss dreadlord, with some Legion and other minions pulling the strings. Or something.
    Not for SL, papi. At most I could see maybe a first one, but that's assuming they're still alive or even hostile. Regardless blizz confirmed SL's main plot ends with 9.2. If there's a 9.2.5 or even 9.3, it'll be to bridge the gap between SL and 10.0.

  14. #18634
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Not for SL, papi. At most I could see maybe a first one, but that's assuming they're still alive or even hostile. Regardless blizz confirmed SL's main plot ends with 9.2. If there's a 9.2.5 or even 9.3, it'll be to bridge the gap between SL and 10.0.
    That is what Wadrak is saying tho. 9.3 (which probably wont happen but fun to speculate still) doesn't need to be a continuation of the SL story, but whatever.
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  15. #18635
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Something called the Jailer's gauntlet being added, I don't recall details but I know that.
    Actually I knew about this one, but im not playing retail atm so I dont know if its already in game or not.

    But this is what Im talking about, they keep improving the features like Torghast, so if there was 9.3, they may have some more cool ideas for Torghast.

  16. #18636
    Quote Originally Posted by Wadrak View Post
    Expansions should be varied so not every content patch is against same enemies, atleast thats how Blizzard use to approach it.
    I elaborated a bit on this earlier, but you're right. The thing is, evidence suggests the "detour patch" (as I was calling it) was scrapped this expansion (and would have been the original 9.1 or 9.2, with the current 9.2 being 9.3). It's the easiest thing to sacrifice when delays and internal issues strain the schedule as much as Shadowlands.

  17. #18637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadrak View Post
    Actually I knew about this one, but im not playing retail atm so I dont know if its already in game or not.

    But this is what Im talking about, they keep improving the features like Torghast, so if there was 9.3, they may have some more cool ideas for Torghast.
    Honestly, I want them to add in the Endless fun mode from Beta in 9.2.5 or whatever patch. Make it give nothing or give catchup currency/BoA tokens based on floor you complete or cosmetic rewards, honestly I'd probably play 20sih hours of it over multiple classes just for the fun aspect of the builds. The 18 layers of Twisting corridors already make it pretty fun by the end. Make it harder scaling and endless and it would be fun.
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  18. #18638
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    That is what Wadrak is saying tho. 9.3 (which probably wont happen but fun to speculate still) doesn't need to be a continuation of the SL story, but whatever.
    Imo, with right patch schedule of course, X.3 should always be true filler, some completely side story that takes place somewhere in old Azeroth (any zone, not just EK/Kalimdor), with size similar to 8.3. This way story would conclude in X.2 and new expac reveal wouldn't spoil anything.

    Ironically, you could make strong case that 8.3 was exactly that. But you know what I mean, something more like Mechagon than N'zoth.

  19. #18639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Imo, with right patch schedule of course, X.3 should always be true filler, some completely side story that takes place somewhere in old Azeroth (any zone, not just EK/Kalimdor), with size similar to 8.3. This way story would conclude in X.2 and new expac reveal wouldn't spoil anything.

    Ironically, you could make strong case that 8.3 was exactly that. But you know what I mean, something more like Mechagon than N'zoth.
    No, there should of been a 9.3 but I digress.
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  20. #18640
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    I elaborated a bit on this earlier, but you're right. The thing is, evidence suggests the "detour patch" (as I was calling it) was scrapped this expansion (and would have been the original 9.1 or 9.2, with the current 9.2 being 9.3). It's the easiest thing to sacrifice when delays and internal issues strain the schedule as much as Shadowlands.
    Actually you may be right I thought about this as well, that basically the current 9.2 was supposed to be 9.3. And something else was supposed to be between.

    Also im saying that because I was watching certain very popular streamer on twitch few days ago, and he was also rather negatively surprised watching 9.2 preview video which hints its the last patch.
    Surprised there will be no 9.3.

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