The livingworld stuff involving time of day and weather makes me wonder if they mean living world in more of an RP sense. Like they want to make the whole world just feel more alive and this is part of some new systems to do it.
The livingworld stuff involving time of day and weather makes me wonder if they mean living world in more of an RP sense. Like they want to make the whole world just feel more alive and this is part of some new systems to do it.
It just sound right. In the past I expected 10.0 to be this big cosmic expansion, Light vs Void, Legion style and Azeroth 'birth' as culmination.
But all this talk about 'ending book', last fight description, really high demand for more grounded story and smaller hints I don't remember right now made me think about that. Livingworld stuff just fits, even if I have no idea what this is actually.
this 1?
nah... this 1 (the 1 that supposed-leaker linked) actually looks like those "PTR maps" we get from Blizzard.
And sup with 1/4, 3/4, 4/4 "places"?
Don't be silly people. Argus skybox just show stuff we knew before 7.3. Of course in theory Azeroth people should know about every single bigger landmass, someone had to look (not even on Argus, I think ship is orbiting over planet since BfA).
But that can't limit devs, we will have to either suspend our disbelief or just assume every new (unexplored! so Kul Tiras/Zandalar doesn't count) land is just small island in lore.
Huh, fair enough.
Lacking in capitalization, though. I dunno if you can call that an "official" proper term or signifier, but I'll take the L.
Frankly, it would be way better as a term used internally to convey ambiance/effects to the player because aren't we fucking tired of cosmic stuff anyway?
Give me (leveling) Cataclysm type side stories that are relatively low stakes and grounded Azerothian goofiness to calm shit down for a change.
Yes, this. Keeps it simple.
Last edited by Vakir; 2022-01-20 at 06:08 AM.
Ever read Chronicle? If so, you’ll know there are factors outside of the Old Gods alone that contributed to Yogg’Saron being able to even accomplish all that in the first place.
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Okay? Why are you being a dick again?
No, not really. There's plenty of reasons why somebody might not be playing the game anymore that don't have anything to do with the game.
So, yeah, ounce of logic. Your turn.
Also, the comparison to FFXIV is somewhat meaningless, since we don't actually know how well they're doing comparatively since neither company releases meaningfull data on that topic.
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I'm kinda more getting a new mechanic vibe from this than new place.
Could it be that the livingworl animations are something used in the Jailer fight for Azeroth animations or a ingame cutscene during/after the fight? Honestly if it was just a couple files that slipped it might've been a messup, but this seems more like it is used in 9.2.
Does Jailer have a mythic only phase maybe, or is there an encrypted zone similar to Silithus?
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Agreed, while there is probably a majority that find FFXIV more fun than WoW, some people on this forum have mentioned that they left because their friend group prefers FFXIV.
I personally wanted to give FFXIV at least a try over the winter break, like I eventually try most MMOs, but unfortunately couldn't since it isn't available to buy for months now.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
This is it then? Affix and mythic mounts are in.
Which means this is the beginning of the end.
Also, jesus those are some juicy juicy holy changes.
Formerly known as Arafal
Also seems like the friendship mount is in.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
When FF14 launched brand new expansion and viewers peak was like ~80k, people explained that FF is uber popular, but people don't want to watch it because.. they want to avoid spoilers. I never bought this argument, more popular games just have more views on release, including single players where story is even more important (RDR II, Cyberpunk). And in theory most of these people are WoW refugees that somehow watched WoW on streams. And they were staying in massive queues that should increase viewership as well. And their version of world first race isn't popular as well, spoiler argument shouldn't work there, right? And we still have no sales numbers, only total registered amount (wow, it's growing every year! no shit sherlock).
FF14 may be great game. Can't tell, because this game has shit ton of actual fanboys, in WoW literally everyone has something critical to say towards game. For sure their increase was huge last year, since they can't manage current number of players. But there is nothing to suggest they were ever even close to WoW subs, even last summer.
That is my biggest issue that it has been months since the influx of people, and they still haven't come to a solution. Now I haven't checked if they made any statements that they are actively working on the solution or waiting for the influx to blow over.
I assume that when you purchase over their site it doesn't count on the steam charts, as well since its cross platform (from a quick google search) so we can't accurately judge with the amount of flow they are dealing and the peaks.
You may hate it but at least in Blizz they dealt in an automated way for the times when there was a jump in players (Sharding was added with Legion IIRC and since then queue times for expansions went way down).
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
Maybe it was already answered, but we still don't know what these are for?
Living World Proximity Enter
Living World Proximity Loop
Living World Proximity Leave
But after Shadowlands I don't see how "living" world will be relevant again. Maybe something for the pre-patch and the transition between Shadowlands and the next expansion?
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread