1. #19041
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    But what if 10.0 deals with the aftermath of Jailer doing something in the end cinematic to Azeroth, and the bombardment. To people that don't follow PTR (which is probably the majority) it would be spoilers.
    I still remember the Cata reveal trailer and the lengths they went to don't spoil the end of Wrath, I don't think they will release 10.0 info until the SL end cinematic (unless they are totally unrelated and we talked nonsense up until now... not impossible but unlikely)
    Last edited by NikolaiShade; 2022-01-21 at 05:23 PM.

  2. #19042
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    And rewards. It's funny that Torghast is lacking in exactly same spots where Islands were strongest and vice versa.
    Because the devs believed that placing too many cosmetic rewards would make it feel required….because it’s totally optional now

  3. #19043
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    I still remember the Cata reveal trailer and the lengths they went to don't soil the end of Wrath, they won't release 10.0 info until the SL end cinematic (unless they are totally unrelated and we talked nonsense up until now... not impossible but unlikely)
    "As the fight against the Lich King continues" *One frame of the Lich King staring at the camera*

    Says it all really
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  4. #19044
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    "As the fight against the Lich King continues" *One frame of the Lich King staring at the camera*

    Says it all really
    Wrath and Cata were almost unrelated (story-wise) and they didn't say "After defeathing the Lich King" so it's unlikely they would simply spoil the end of SL, assuming said ending has any repercussion on the next xpac

  5. #19045
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    But what if 10.0 deals with the aftermath of Jailer doing something in the end cinematic to Azeroth, and the bombardment. To people that don't follow PTR (which is probably the majority) it would be spoilers.
    They could ignore it like they did when bfa was announced. Both trailer solely focused on faction war. No mention of azerite the end of the legion, sargeras, the giant sword etc.

  6. #19046
    For all the story weaknesses of WoW, they have done a significantly better job in future expansions of having each expansion's ending have direct ramifications for the next one. So it's much, much harder to pull that now compared to back in Wrath and Cataclysm. While we don't see Gul'dan get yeeted by Archimonde for Legion's reveal, Sargeras stabbing Azeroth for BFA's reveal, or Sylvanas hadoukening Saurfang for the Shadowlands reveal, those are required for context to know why we're going where we're going.

    We're unlikely to see a reveal until 9.2's ending.

  7. #19047
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadrak View Post
    Actually I dont mind scifi in Warcraft at all, or rather that kind of scifi WoW has. I like that.

    Im big fan of both scifi and fantasy.

    But tbh I really don't like Warhammer I think its in WH 40000, I dont know what that means but I assume its year 40000.

    And there are orcs with laser rifles.

    I dont like that one bit, thats too far me. That was repulsing.

    I never played anything Warhammer and I dont plan to.
    Orcs don’t use laser rifles in 40k they build weapons out of any thing they can get there hands on but they almost always shoot hard munitions and they prefer close combat mostly ignoring that they have guns all together to rush targets to fight in melee.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    Because players continue to play other MMORPGs short after expac releases. The best evidence for the incompetence of the developers, and in special the game director Ion Hazzikostas is the fact that 6 of 10 players stop playing after the first month. While other MMORPGs like FFXIV gain even new customers without any sub decline in sight.

    I mean.. you may dislike reality. But here it is. WoW sucks, and that is the reason people leave. Wow is made for a minority and has no gameplay for the normal player, just for ultra casuals (which are a minority) and for organized raiders (which are a minority).
    It’s not that people are leaving after expan launch’s in wow but sticking around in FF it’s that more people are trying FF which off set those who leave.

    FF was at like what 26 or so million accounts yet isn’t any where near that many subs because most people try it and then leave just like wow.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  8. #19048
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    - no idea what to do with "borrowed power", it was managed poorly, but there are no good alternatives (..yet) that would work in long run
    I got idea for borrowed power.

    Listen my idea:

    In next expansion will be something with dragons.

    New raids
    New dungeons
    New season
    8 new dungeons with 4-5 bosses
    Raid with intro boss and after that room like in Icecrown Citadel after Saurfang with multiple wings lets say 4 with 3 bosses.
    And a final boss, but you only need to clear one wing this time to kill final boss.
    You probably want to check other bosses too and get gear but you dont have to.

    So it will be something like Conduits.

    Point is that each dungeon and third boss in each raid wings will give you conduit too.

    But this conduit is in form of traits as well.

    Not only it has multiple ranks from m+ 1-15.
    But also LFR to Mythic raid.

    But it wont be conduit by rather just an essence,
    like dust, or anima power,

    You gain it forever for an expansion.

    So in raid it may be
    Blue dragon wing
    Black dragin wing
    Red dragon wing
    Green dragon wing

    Each will give you different dust, essence which in turn will give different conduit like ability.

    The point to this is basically the choice.

    Which content to play in which order so you get best bonuses.

    Basically to choose most ideal path too get your best bonuses fastest.

    Similar to Legion artefacts.

    Or maybe im just lost in the circle I don't know
    Last edited by Wadrak; 2022-01-21 at 05:49 PM.

  9. #19049
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Orcs don’t use laser rifles in 40k they build weapons out of any thing they can get there hands on but they almost always shoot hard munitions and they prefer close combat mostly ignoring that they have guns all together to rush targets to fight in melee.
    This guy is goddamn Lorgar Aurelian! He knows his orcs!
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  10. #19050
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    This guy is goddamn Lorgar Aurelian! He knows his orcs!
    The filthy Xeno’s do not worship the dark gods any knowledge is only for better removal.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  11. #19051
    I'm glad that for once they decided to allow us to actually speculate on how things will go post-raid, instead of revealing everything in PTR right away, thus ruining any amount of anticipation (8.3, IMO).

  12. #19052
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    SL is great and who cares if it's the most played or not? The only people that seem to care are people that hate it and look for an excuse to mald that the servers haven't shut down yet.
    SL is passable, and if you have a friends list like I do you’ll see that less than a tenth are still playing.

    What you see in game is sharding. Hell, even RP servers like Moon Guard have sharding now, which they promised it wouldn’t have.

    You see so much negativity outside the game and official forums because players won’t be arsed to sub just to give their opinion. They still care about the game, but the inverse isn’t true.

  13. #19053
    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    No, it is no "normal development", if a MMORPG expansion launches, and 60% of its players leave after the first month. An expansion could bring the novelty a new game does. It just does not, as the developers do not know how to do it.

    Also, no, FFXIV does not see a massive hype and a massive sub loss.


    The last 30 days had have the 2nd largest number of concurrent players the game had since its launch, having december as the best month in history of the game. Even if there are temporary losses, they always stabilize again within a few weeks. The game is 8 years old, WoW did already decline after cataclysm, and was spiralling down after 5 years. Since cataclysm end, the game suffers from sub losses, and blizzard already knew those days it was the casual/normal gamers that mainly left their games. They tried to gain casual gamers back since then but with an unfun implementation of the world content which was never engaging or fun.

    Fact is, WoW could be way more successfull if the devs just would get rid of their biggest mistake they started to implement since Catacylsm.. the massive dumbing down of gameplay for the masses, starting at dead dull world content and culminating in LFR being a theater trash version of the raiding game, without character progression, just being there to let millions see the content, to make raids work financially, while every aspect of good gameplay was lost to the developers bad idea to rape the raiding game to be compatible to matchmaking.

    Blizzard thought, for some reason, most of the casual gamers would like stupid gameplay, but obviously they had been wrong. Being a casual gamer does not mean you want to endlessly grind mobs which hit like a feather, it also does not mean you want to play a theater mode raid where the best thing you can do is not to troll other players out of boredom, as the matchmade raiding game itself is not compelling at all.

    If Blizzard wants to have a large audience of solo players or matchmade group content players, they have to create gameplay for them, and not just copy paste a game component like premade group raids and water them down to a zero-gameplay feature. Games have to be engaing, fun and not just content shows.
    Let me get this straight. Your solution to casual players leaving, is to make the game more exclusive, and hard?

    That's a bold strategy cotton, lets see if it pays off.

  14. #19054
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polybius View Post
    SL is passable, and if you have a friends list like I do you’ll see that less than a tenth are still playing.

    What you see in game is sharding. Hell, even RP servers like Moon Guard have sharding now, which they promised it wouldn’t have.

    You see so much negativity outside the game and official forums because players won’t be arsed to sub just to give their opinion. They still care about the game, but the inverse isn’t true.
    Your friend's list is ancedotal and doesn't really determine if an expansion is good or not.
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  15. #19055
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Orcs don’t use laser rifles in 40k they build weapons out of any thing they can get there hands on but they almost always shoot hard munitions and they prefer close combat mostly ignoring that they have guns all together to rush targets to fight in melee.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It’s not that people are leaving after expan launch’s in wow but sticking around in FF it’s that more people are trying FF which off set those who leave.

    FF was at like what 26 or so million accounts yet isn’t any where near that many subs because most people try it and then leave just like wow.
    My guild has about 8 people who play FF14; they sub up whenever FF drops new content and we only see them for raid nights / Mythic+ nights, then after a month or so they come back full time to WoW. I do the same with ESO, I sub up when they drop new content and play it; then when I get bored I unsub.

    I know this is just a small sample size, but I'm curious how many other people keep their WoW sub going, but also play other MMO's. I have a friend who hasn't logged into WoW since end of October, but he popped on to get his Christmas toy and then hasn't been on since. He just keeps his sub going even if he's not playing the game currently.

  16. #19056
    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    Because players continue to play other MMORPGs short after expac releases. The best evidence for the incompetence of the developers, and in special the game director Ion Hazzikostas is the fact that 6 of 10 players stop playing after the first month. While other MMORPGs like FFXIV gain even new customers without any sub decline in sight.

    I mean.. you may dislike reality. But here it is. WoW sucks, and that is the reason people leave. Wow is made for a minority and has no gameplay for the normal player, just for ultra casuals (which are a minority) and for organized raiders (which are a minority).
    Can we stop blaming watcher lol
    The guy has admitted to not completely overlooking the systems with the benthic armor which if he looked at it for a second he could have seen the issue but he doesn’t oversee everything he has people in charge of those areas and thinks “they get paid to pay attention to the systems and see any possible issues that arise” and it turns out they just don’t understand anything about the game

  17. #19057
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veya30 View Post
    My guild has about 8 people who play FF14; they sub up whenever FF drops new content and we only see them for raid nights / Mythic+ nights, then after a month or so they come back full time to WoW. I do the same with ESO, I sub up when they drop new content and play it; then when I get bored I unsub.

    I know this is just a small sample size, but I'm curious how many other people keep their WoW sub going, but also play other MMO's. I have a friend who hasn't logged into WoW since end of October, but he popped on to get his Christmas toy and then hasn't been on since. He just keeps his sub going even if he's not playing the game currently.
    Can only speak for my self (and one friend who I normally buy game time for) but I tend to keep my wow sub running all the time even if I’m not playing much and will only cancel it if I plan on subbing to something else for a couple of months which I haven’t done in Mabye 2 or so years when I last went on a planet side2 binge.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  18. #19058
    Quote Originally Posted by Zers Editor View Post
    I'm glad that for once they decided to allow us to actually speculate on how things will go post-raid, instead of revealing everything in PTR right away, thus ruining any amount of anticipation (8.3, IMO).
    It’s going to either be beyond buggy and need nerfs or one shot constantly

  19. #19059
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Your friend's list is ancedotal and doesn't really determine if an expansion is good or not.

    Size doesn’t determine quality but it does determine retention. It’s also a pretty large size with simple random sampling thanks to adding randoms in instances and outdoor content. Of the ~500 only 20 are guildmates and longtime friends. The rest are newcomers, pugs, players that needed help outdoors, etc.

    It stops becoming anecdotal when you can replicate surveying players in game and count accounts and perform longitudinal tests.

    Edit: Margin of error is a thing.
    Last edited by Polybius; 2022-01-21 at 06:19 PM.

  20. #19060
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    It’s going to either be beyond buggy and need nerfs or one shot constantly
    I'm talking about the story.

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