Sooner we will get date for reveal, the better. Not only it will officially start speculation season, but also more people will be interested in 9.2 to find clues.
Sooner we will get date for reveal, the better. Not only it will officially start speculation season, but also more people will be interested in 9.2 to find clues.
This and it would be the very best outcome if we get an announcement for the expansion reveal date. I still think it's just 9.2 release date.
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Which had nothing to do with WoW explicitly. That post was about "Blizzard Trust and Culture Efforts".
We also know we need to deliver content to our players on a more regular basis and innovate both in and beyond our existing games. We have some exciting things to announce, and I’ll be sharing more next week makes about 1/20 of that entire post.
Maybe he's just announcing an online event in the near future (aka Blizzconline) where more info will be revealed.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
To be fair, part of getting the trust of the community back (which the post was about) is actually talking about the future of their franchises, not exclusively Warcraft, but all of them.
I feel like with the context of this tweet together with the blurb from the blog post, it seems to be a pretty safe bet we'll be seeing some stuff come out throughout February. Whether or not we'll get a 10.0 reveal before the end of the raid (3 weeks into 9.2 release) remains to be seen.
Oh I am sure we'll be getting something, my point is just that they wouldn't bury an expansion announcement in a post that is basically all about company culture. So what's to be expected for next week is a schedule or timeline for the real announcements and not the game-related announcements themselves.
I'm just confused by the timing. They cancelled Blizzconline last year just to have pseudo Blizzconline at roughly the same time.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Don't think it will be an event, just for the games that they have upcoming stuff to announce it on the separate media channels they announce stuff for that game.
Blizzcon/Blizzconline isn't just about the game announcements, there is also all the deep dive panels, the workshop panels, chats, Q&A and other stuff. What we will get from the announcement is probably what we would get for a game in the opening ceremony segment that is a couple minutes per game (separated by game to each channel, without the additional stuff) and then the equivalent we get from the Whats Next panel about a game.
This is far from all blizzcon(line) is.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
My launcher is downloading something in the background
I think you misunderstood my post. Blizzconline also had various other panels that would be found on the regular blizzcon, however what we will get over the next month or two is just the announcements, which are a small part of both Blizzcon and Blizzconline. They did something similar to Blizzcon last year beacause of the mentioned world events, but this year it was canceled (because of the lawsuit i think) and thus we will just get the announcements for various games over the same period. No indepth info or various panels
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
But it has enough stuff to cover a Blizzconline, even if there's none of the (mostly poinless) fluff panels. I don't expect them just to throw out announcements without showing anything at all.
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There definitely will be an unexpected twist or mash up of themes / stories which these leaks do not cover.
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Yep. But this could have been their online event from the get go, I mean there is no ruleset as to how a Blizzconline has to be. I mean the one they had was pretty mediocre at best to be honest, so the bar wasn't set too high from the beginning.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
Acquisition would only be known by a select few people as it getting out beforehand becomes really complex really quickly when it comes to stock buying and such. It wouldn't be influencing any major public facing decisions like cancelling Blizzconline, especially not at that point.
So, what I noticed in all recent "leaks" never seem to mention faction cross-play. (Which was actually a hot topic in previous leak season.)
Personally, I think it's coming next expansion. Especially with how devs were hinting at it lately.
What do you guys think?
That's what I meant too, unless the CEO/a lawyer cancelled it without specifying a valid reason to anyone asking about it (which would be suspicious and cause for investigation on its own) it won't have been related to any possible buyouts. Arguably having an event like it (provided there's positive announcements) can only do them well as Microsoft had to buy out the shares.
I don't like this mirrored design with the same scratches on both sides:
I would say about 90% chance that it is fake. It is nicely composited, but makes a lot of basic design mistakes that suggest it was made by an amateur designing a fan logo rather than it being the product of iteration in a company that knows what it is doing making logos.