1. #1901
    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    I mean yeah it was, but like I said, I think that's just really fucking bad writing/story and screwing it up rather than it all just being boring by nature.
    Eh, they've never been able to tell a compelling faction war story in WoW. It was par for the course as far as that goes.

  2. #1902
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Eh, they've never been able to tell a compelling faction war story in WoW. It was par for the course as far as that goes.
    Yeah. I feel like the Faction stuff peaked in MoP, ngl.

  3. #1903
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    Yeah. I feel like the Faction stuff peaked in MoP, ngl.
    MoP is honestly the only expansion where the faction stuff has had a definite "ending". All the other faction war plotlines have fizzled out in some way or otherwise gotten sidetracked heavily to make room for what claims to eb the "real" plotline.

    In Cata the factio war led into MoP, so that might be claimed to be a part of that.
    In MoP it obviously ended with SoO.
    WoD just teased faction war and then didnt even really say why it even happened, or even if it ever stopped.
    Legion ahd the beginning of the Sylvanas that similarly just kinda meandered about.
    BfA tried to have a massive climactic finish to the faction war stuff going by all the promotional material that pushed that angle hard, then it just kinda stopped midway, never to be mentioned again.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  4. #1904
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    MoP is honestly the only expansion where the faction stuff has had a definite "ending". All the other faction war plotlines have fizzled out in some way or otherwise gotten sidetracked heavily to make room for what claims to eb the "real" plotline.

    In Cata the factio war led into MoP, so that might be claimed to be a part of that.
    In MoP it obviously ended with SoO.
    WoD just teased faction war and then didnt even really say why it even happened, or even if it ever stopped.
    Legion ahd the beginning of the Sylvanas that similarly just kinda meandered about.
    BfA tried to have a massive climactic finish to the faction war stuff going by all the promotional material that pushed that angle hard, then it just kinda stopped midway, never to be mentioned again.
    Mist was advertised more as "Look at this land of Pandaria" BFA really went ham on the faction v faction in advertising. Putting aside how it ended, if they stayed focus on the Old God related stuff all the way through(With some distractions obviously) maybe people(Not ppl here) would react different but they had to set up Sylvanas so... /shrug

    That said I enjoy Oribos more then Boralus.
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  5. #1905
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I am ranting is what I am doing.
    But yes, I do agree.

    My initial gut feeling for the final raid of the expansion was us returning to Azeroth in some capacity. I later assumed the final raid would be Torghast but now that avenue has fallen through I imagine my initial gut feeling was right.

    Not sure what Oribos could add beyond what we already have though. All hints for the new raid hint at some part of it at least taking place on the Arbiters platform. At worst just as an area for the players to be sent to after Sylvanas is defeated. Not sure what another raid there could add, not really like there is any part of it that really jumps out as somewhere interesting to raid. The only one that seemed like it was is now being used in the Sanctum of Domination.
    Yeah, I mean Sylvanas is basically destroying Torghast at the end of the raid, so there’s that. Torghast is gone. That’s why there’s really nothing else left besides the infamous Azeroth-multi-location-fight. I‘m sure they don’t want to introduce more stuff to Shadowlands, that door seems quite closed after 9.1.

    That basically leaves only Azeroth, which makes the most sense as we have to deal with Anduin and somehow Arthas (he will make an appearance one way or another, that’s pretty much undeniable). I mean sure they can just give us another plane of life or death or whatever, but I don’t see it happening. It doesn’t fit the course of the expansion anymore, it would feel rushed and really out of the place considering the f* up schedule. It would feel very out of the blue, but who knows.

    I guess Oribos, if used at all, will just have one or two fights maybe and will be the start of the raid where we try to get back to Azeroth via Oribos, but the Jailer‘s forces are trying to stop us from doing that. I could see a corrupted Speaker as a boss fight (or what their name is) and then maybe a boss with a household name that fights the Arbiter or whatever. After we’ve defeated them we’re going back to Azeroth. I imagine the final raid as follows:

    - 1-2 bosses in Oribos (maybe Helya attacking the Arbiter)
    - 2-3 bosses in Elwynn / Stormwind (dealing with Anduin, we don’t defeat him, he gets rescued by the Jailer‘s forces and brought to Icecrown)
    - 1-2 bosses in Lordaeron / Undercity (Arthas / Terenas throwback, maybe even with Uther)
    - 1-2 boss fights along the way to Icecrown (imagine the airship fights in WotLK and Dragon Soul)
    - 3-4 bosses in Icecrown Citadel with the Jailer being the final boss and Anduin being the boss fight right before where we free and purge him. I guess Arthas and Anduin will help us in the fight against the Jailer, maybe even the Covenant leaders are joining and fighting with us

    I know this is pure speculation, but I don’t see anything else as realistic. This seems like a scenario they’ve done before and that could work in a dramatic culmination of the Shadowlands story, to tie the lose ends together and to cash in on the nostalgic factor of WCIII and WotLK.

    Oh and another factor why I think this is possible: they don’t have to create any new assets as Oribos and Azeroth already exist. They just have to update some textures et voila.

    I know this sounds cliche and very much like 8.3 electric boogaloo 2, but that’s why I think it’s a likely scenario. I don’t expect a proper expansion rollout and this would save them time to work on 10.0 which has to be f* amazing to undo the damages they’ve done in BfA and Shadowlands.
    Last edited by Nyel; 2021-04-25 at 08:00 PM.
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  6. #1906
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    They have been setting up the Sepulcher since launch.
    This whole patch revolves around Zovaal getting all 5 sigils in order to access that place.

    We will very obviously go there in 9.2.

    Idk why we are ignoring its existence.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2021-04-25 at 08:09 PM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #1907
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    They have been setting up the Sepulcher since launch.
    This whole patch revolves around Zovaal getting all 5 sigils in order to access that place.

    We will very obviously go there in 9.2.

    Idk why we are ignoring its existence.
    We don’t ignore it, it’s just too vague to make more out of something that’s just a term right now. It could be a vault where the secret on how to get to Azeroth is stored. The Sepulcher could be a hidden place in Oribos. It can basically be anything or nothing at this point. The entire Sepulcher thing could be handled in a cinematic that works as culmination of 9.1 and prolog to 9.2.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Maybe the Sepulcher keeps the secret on how to corrupt a nascent Titan and the Jailer wants to turn Azeroth into an undead super Titan or whatever... I mean his motives are still in the shadows.
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  8. #1908
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    They have been setting up the Sepulcher since launch.
    This whole patch revolves around Zovaal getting all 5 sigils in order to access that place.

    We will very obviously go there in 9.2.

    Idk why we are ignoring its existence.
    I blame the fact BFA didn't resolve one of its three biggest plotlines so people are expecting Shadowlands to do it instead.

    That being Azeroth the World Soul.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  9. #1909
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    I blame the fact BFA didn't resolve one of its three biggest plotlines so people are expecting Shadowlands to do it instead.

    That being Azeroth the World Soul.
    What about her? Everything regarding her was resolved with Ny'alotha and our efforts to restore her through the Heart.

    You might say that some people expected a "resolution" to a plotline Blizzard wasn't actually interested in doing, but that's a different story.

  10. #1910
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    I blame the fact BFA didn't resolve one of its three biggest plotlines so people are expecting Shadowlands to do it instead.

    That being Azeroth the World Soul.
    They did, the World Soul is fine right now. We get you wanted more but that doens't mean it wasn't resolved.
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  11. #1911
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Yeah, I mean Sylvanas is basically destroying Torghast at the end of the raid, so there’s that. Torghast is gone. That’s why there’s really nothing else left besides the infamous Azeroth-multi-location-fight. I‘m sure they don’t want to introduce more stuff to Shadowlands, that door seems quite closed after 9.1.

    That basically leaves only Azeroth, which makes the most sense as we have to deal with Anduin and somehow Arthas (he will make an appearance one way or another, that’s pretty much undeniable). I mean sure they can just give us another plane of life or death or whatever, but I don’t see it happening. It doesn’t fit the course of the expansion anymore, it would feel rushed and really out of the place considering the f* up schedule. It would feel very out of the blue, but who knows.

    I guess Oribos, if used at all, will just have one or two fights maybe and will be the start of the raid where we try to get back to Azeroth via Oribos, but the Jailer‘s forces are trying to stop us from doing that. I could see a corrupted Speaker as a boss fight (or what their name is) and then maybe a boss with a household name that fights the Arbiter or whatever. After we’ve defeated them we’re going back to Azeroth. I imagine the final raid as follows:

    - 1-2 bosses in Oribos (maybe Helya attacking the Arbiter)
    - 2-3 bosses in Elwynn / Stormwind (dealing with Anduin, we don’t defeat him, he gets rescued by the Jailer‘s forces and brought to Icecrown)
    - 1-2 bosses in Lordaeron / Undercity (Arthas / Terenas throwback, maybe even with Uther)
    - 1-2 boss fights along the way to Icecrown (imagine the airship fights in WotLK and Dragon Soul)
    - 3-4 bosses in Icecrown Citadel with the Jailer being the final boss and Anduin being the boss fight right before where we free and purge him. I guess Arthas and Anduin will help us in the fight against the Jailer, maybe even the Covenant leaders are joining and fighting with us

    I know this is pure speculation, but I don’t see anything else as realistic. This seems like a scenario they’ve done before and that could work in a dramatic culmination of the Shadowlands story, to tie the lose ends together and to cash in on the nostalgic factor of WCIII and WotLK.

    Oh and another factor why I think this is possible: they don’t have to create any new assets as Oribos and Azeroth already exist. They just have to update some textures et voila.

    I know this sounds cliche and very much like 8.3 electric boogaloo 2, but that’s why I think it’s a likely scenario. I don’t expect a proper expansion rollout and this would save them time to work on 10.0 which has to be f* amazing to undo the damages they’ve done in BfA and Shadowlands.
    We already know Oribos is getting attacked rn and the Arbiter's likely going to get attacked by Zovaal...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    They have been setting up the Sepulcher since launch.
    This whole patch revolves around Zovaal getting all 5 sigils in order to access that place.

    We will very obviously go there in 9.2.

    Idk why we are ignoring its existence.
    I've been saying it...

    The Sepulcher's not in the Realms of Death. It's in the Realms of Life. And if it's not, I'll eat some pineapple pizza.

  12. #1912
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    We already know Oribos is getting attacked rn and the Arbiter's likely going to get attacked by Zovaal...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I've been saying it...

    The Sepulcher's not in the Realms of Death. It's in the Realms of Life. And if it's not, I'll eat some pineapple pizza.
    I don’t think Zovaal would need to do that, one of his stronger allies could take this job as the Arbiter is basically defunct. And yeah we know what happens to Oribos, that’s why I used it as the first part of the upcoming raid.

    If the Sepulcher isn’t in the Realms of Death Zovaal would first need a way to step out of the Realms of Death and enter the Realms of Life. Can he do that by just using the portal in Oribos? Who knows. Or is he just ascending through the veil at the top of Torghast and basically spawning atop Icecrown (this is the end of the SoD raid), which basically is a portal from the Realms of Death to a Realm of Life. If so, Oribos is only a side stage in 9.2.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  13. #1913
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I don’t think Zovaal would need to do that, one of his stronger allies could take this job as the Arbiter is basically defunct. And yeah we know what happens to Oribos, that’s why I used it as the first part of the upcoming raid.

    If the Sepulcher isn’t in the Realms of Death Zovaal would first need a way to step out of the Realms of Death and enter the Realms of Life. Can he do that by just using the portal in Oribos? Who knows. Or is he just ascending through the veil at the top of Torghast and basically spawning atop Icecrown (this is the end of the SoD raid), which basically is a portal from the Realms of Death to a Realm of Life. If so, Oribos is only a side stage in 9.2.
    I always assumed the Sigils were the keys needed for him to rule the Shadowlands and be able to travel anywhere he wanted to, tbh

  14. #1914
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    I've been saying it...

    The Sepulcher's not in the Realms of Death. It's in the Realms of Life. And if it's not, I'll eat some pineapple pizza.
    That doesn't really tell us whether you're hoping to win or lose this one.

    That aside, it's called Sepulcher. Realm of Life would make no sense whatsoever for that.
    Last edited by huth; 2021-04-26 at 02:11 AM.

  15. #1915
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    That doesn't really tell us whether you're hoping to win or lose this one.

    That aside, it's called Sepulcher. Realm of Life would make no sense whatsoever for that.
    Which probably has some weapon of some kind probably titan related(If a world soul is the final prize).
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  16. #1916
    According to wowhead, there's an encrypted model for the Jailer in the files on the PTR. Maybe we'll see something more akin to the earlier idea for his model?

  17. #1917
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    According to wowhead, there's an encrypted model for the Jailer in the files on the PTR. Maybe we'll see something more akin to the earlier idea for his model?
    I've just read the post and it seems more likely that he'll just get the blue orb from the Arbiter and fills the hole in his chest with it:

    And let me make a guess: if he gets the orb back and fills the hole in his chest with it, all of the runes on his body will start glowing blueish.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  18. #1918
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I've just read the post and it seems more likely that he'll just get the blue orb from the Arbiter and fills the hole in his chest with it:

    And let me make a guess: if he gets the orb back and fills the hole in his chest with it, all of the runes on his body will start glowing blueish.
    You're probably right, but a man can hope...

    Even with glowing runes and such, he doesn't really strike me as that imposing. But you're probably spot on there.

  19. #1919
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I've just read the post and it seems more likely that he'll just get the blue orb from the Arbiter and fills the hole in his chest with it:

    And let me make a guess: if he gets the orb back and fills the hole in his chest with it, all of the runes on his body will start glowing blueish.
    His runes have been blue. Also, that kinda gives me the idea...

    What if the Orb is the Jailer's Sigil?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Meaning, if he gets all the Eternal Ones' Sigils + The Arbiter's + His very own, he'll end up being "complete".

  20. #1920
    well maybe we are lucky and his "shackles" and the silly bite-cone will be gone. Edit: And that awful belt.
    Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2021-04-26 at 07:14 PM.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

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