Has this been discussed/debunked yet? Sounds fake to me but there are some oddities to it that still make me wonder
Has this been discussed/debunked yet? Sounds fake to me but there are some oddities to it that still make me wonder
That might be the ticket. I still think it's too subtle, and far more subtle than any other logo, but at least that's a reason for the blue. It's the naval expansion. The Alliance and Horde are trying to recruit the Kul Tiras and Zandalar navies, and Azshara eventually pulls them into the depths of the sea. Okay, I can see that.
They toss a bunch of buzzwords that we have like “Living World” and “Galakrond’s End” and push the class customization stuff that has been a thing since SL speculation but overall it seems like one of the more probable leaks.
Also is there anyone not thinking 9.2 is late next month??
The grey and dark blue color scheme just doesn't have enough contrast. Water behind the logo might have worked if the whole thing wasn't so dark and muddy.
Otherwise, I think any of the alternative color schemes I mentioned would have been much more striking and appropriate to the expansion. If I was good at making a convincing logo I'd mockup a few alternatives just for fun.
A crazy swirling Azerite logo. Something representing Sargeras' sword in the globe.
A part blue, part red one to represent the faction war.
One that incorporated elaborate Zandalar and Tidesage iconography into the border.
It would have been kind of a spoiler, but something where the globe is replaced by N'Zoth's eye and the whole thing is all Ny'alothan.
Any of those would have been so much more fun and obvious, at least in my opinion.
The world revamp dream will never die!
That is not semantics at all. Did you even read the first post you replied to or did you just see the word "generic" and start typing immediately even though I specifically explained what sense of the word "generic" I was using?
Azeroth is literally a PROPER NOUN. It is a NAME. a SPECIFIC, GIVEN NAME for a thing. Like Shadowlands, or Draenor, or Pandaria, or the Cataclysm, or the Lich King. Every expansion title has a specific name in it. Every expansion has a specific, non-generic name reference to a thing in it. Battle for Azeroth's is Azeroth, the name of a planet in the IP.
Empire of Dragons is generic (read: NON-SPECIFIC). It does not have a NAME in it, it is a description of a thing, there is an Empire and and it is an Empire of Dragons. In line with previous expansion titles, it should not be called "Empire of Dragons" it should be called "the Empire of Uldraconis" or "Empire of the Dragon Isles" or even,"THE Empire of Dragons" if for some, insane reason the empire is literally just named "the Empire of Dragons".
Yeah, it’s fake. Thal’dranath was the name of the Broken Shore (Legion) in WC3 and before it got changed (Legion announcement) where the Tomb of Sargeras is. Where Gul’dan went, then Illidan…