1. #19621
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Hmmm actually no, this thread was made right before Shadowlands release. It is the "proper" 10.0 spec thread, including all 9.X specs into it. I should know, being OP hehe! The 8.X / 9.0 thread was another thread, we switch every expansion!
    Right you are. I suppose I should have remembered given how I can just click on the button that takes me right back to the beginning, but I guess that it just the kind of forgetful person I am.
    I must have mixed it up with a previous time the official speculation thread was effectively abandoned in favor of a new one.

    Still, my point stands. I was certain this thread would be abandoned before reaching 1000 pages.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #19622
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Right you are. I suppose I should have remembered given how I can just click on the button that takes me right back to the beginning, but I guess that it just the kind of forgetful person I am.
    I must have mixed it up with a previous time the official speculation thread was effectively abandoned in favor of a new one.

    Still, my point stands. I was certain this thread would be abandoned before reaching 1000 pages.
    Same, at one point it was so slow I thought that would be it! But eh, like phoenixes we riiiiiiiiise!

  3. #19623
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Tbh for me what throws it off is that it would make more sense to revamp the dragon zones in a dragon expansion if not everything is getting a revamp
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  4. #19624
    Quote Originally Posted by Arcinatoss View Post
    Imagine if they just dump the news that Ybarra was talking about tomorrow.
    Hmmm, I'm expecting Wednesday or Friday for the communication to happen! Tomorrow would be a nice surprise.

  5. #19625
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I still think both this and the other similar leak are fake just for the reason that I can't see them picking Hyjal/Felwood/Winterspring/Ashenvale as half of the revamp. The Lordaeron side is a region full of lore and interesting locations, with like a dozen different large cities and towns to revamp, a whole variety of factions with different political agendas and alliances (Scarlets, Argents/Silver Hand, Horde, Alliance, Druids, Scourge, Dwarves, Trolls (friendly and hostile), Naga, Dalaran remnants, High Elves, potentially Worgen, etc). The Kalimdor side is like 95% wilderness and forest, and is.... Furbolgs, Night elves and Orcs? Night Elves and leftover legion bits? Night Elves and leftover twilight bits? Green flight and Cenarion forces And then in Winterspring specifically, Blue Dragons, Goblins and High Elves.

    They're just totally unbalanced. If you want to revamp a chunk that size on each continent and also give both Night Elves and Forsaken new homes, the obvious solution is to do greater Lordaeron on the EK and give Forsaken Stratholme, not the half-collapsed, plagued ruins of Lordaeron proper. And then revamp southern Kalimdor sans Uldum (Feralas, Silithus, Un'goro, Thousand Needles and Tanaris). That is roughly the same size as the northern Kalimdor section, but it gives Night Elves rebuilt Eldre'thalas and includes significantly more interesting areas and more groups. Now you have a reason for Gadgetzan revamp, you have the tauren involved, the ogres, the silithid and AQ remnants, titan keepers, goblins, sand trolls, wastewander forces, bronze dragonflight, naga, hapries, the same twilight and elemental remnants leaking in from the south, still green dragonflight and Cenarion forces, you can revamp the sword into a main set piece, update caverns of time to not look hilariously out of date, have significantly more terrain variation, etc.
    You do probably need a "boring" area if you want to keep some good ideas going forwards.
    One half of a world revamp with the good ideas from EK and some of the less interesting ones from Kalimdor, then another where it's switched to be the interesting ideas from Kalimdor and the more boring southern parts of EK.

    Of course, if we were doing that then I would have much preferred just doing one whole continent at a time.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  6. #19626
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Hmmm actually no, this thread was made right before Shadowlands release. It is the "proper" 10.0 spec thread, including all 9.X specs into it. I should know, being OP hehe! The 8.X / 9.0 thread was another thread, we switch every expansion!
    Tbh I'm re-reading my post and have no idea what I meant to say there as I deleted and re wrote some sections and it makes no sense to me now but I'm sure I mixed around some expac names and continuity in my statement xD
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  7. #19627
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Tbh for me what throws it off is that it would make more sense to revamp the dragon zones in a dragon expansion if not everything is getting a revamp
    Maybe we're getting another split expansion like BfA, with two main storylines. Wheee........

  8. #19628
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Same, at one point it was so slow I thought that would be it! But eh, like phoenixes we riiiiiiiiise!
    I rmember back when this thread was fresh and new and I was proselytizing the wonders of Maldraxxus to anyone certain Night Fae was the way to go.
    Or when the big debate was on we would get a raid per covenant, or just one for Venthyr and then something all over the place for the rest.

    Good times, good times.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  9. #19629
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Hmmm, I'm expecting Wednesday or Friday for the communication to happen! Tomorrow would be a nice surprise.
    Yeah you're probably right, I'm just fueled by some industrial s-tier HOPIUM right now.

  10. #19630
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I rmember back when this thread was fresh and new and I was proselytizing the wonders of Maldraxxus to anyone certain Night Fae was the way to go.
    Or when the big debate was on we would get a raid per covenant, or just one for Venthyr and then something all over the place for the rest.

    Good times, good times.
    Even though I'm not currently playing the game, speculation threads are always a joy. And we're lucky some of the most toxic participants seem to have deserted, so we can go back to actual discussions about 10.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcinatoss View Post
    Yeah you're probably right, I'm just fueled by some industrial s-tier HOPIUM right now.
    Ah non hein ! Don't start with the copium/hopium thing...

  11. #19631
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    You do probably need a "boring" area if you want to keep some good ideas going forwards.
    One half of a world revamp with the good ideas from EK and some of the less interesting ones from Kalimdor, then another where it's switched to be the interesting ideas from Kalimdor and the more boring southern parts of EK.

    Of course, if we were doing that then I would have much preferred just doing one whole continent at a time.
    I guess. It just feels like DM is much more built to be a capital than the subzone around Nordrassil is.

  12. #19632
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I guess. It just feels like DM is much more built to be a capital than the subzone around Nordrassil is.
    Isn't Dire Maul still controlled by ogres though?

  13. #19633
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Isn't Dire Maul still controlled by ogres though?
    Yes ish but one would assume it wouldn't be forever but......... I don't see DM being occupied by the Nelves, I think thats Hyjal and Nordrassil is where their home will be. If any revamp comes.
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  14. #19634
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Isn't Dire Maul still controlled by ogres though?
    Nothing a few wardens, druids, sentinels and green dragons couldn't handle.

  15. #19635
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Nothing a few wardens, druids, sentinels and green dragons couldn't handle.
    I'm not sure it would be the best way to go though. After all... the Kaldorei have left Eldre'Thalas for a long time, and after losing their home, I'm not sure fighting to get a new one would be their approach. In that sense, Hyjal seems more likely in my opinion

  16. #19636
    The next expansion will likely feature Alleria and Turalyon in the undisputed spotlight. Blizzard has been banking on the WC2 nostalgia for quite some time (WC2 was very popular), starting in WoD with Gul'dan and Khadgar. I expect both Alleria and Turalyon to feature prominently in the next expansion, though I suspect that Alleria will feature a little bit more than her weak husband

  17. #19637
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The next expansion will likely feature Alleria and Turalyon in the undisputed spotlight. Blizzard has been banking on the WC2 nostalgia for quite some time (WC2 was very popular), starting in WoD with Gul'dan and Khadgar. I expect both Alleria and Turalyon to feature prominently in the next expansion, though I suspect that Alleria will feature a little bit more than her weak husband
    I expect both to be barely relevant to be honest, maybe we'll see a bit of Turalyon as an Alliance sub-plot, but I wouldn't expect any more of him until a proper Light-focused expansion.

  18. #19638
    All I hope is that they add Ogres as a playable race

    Copium overload, but please Blizzard.

  19. #19639
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Yeah thal'dranath was an early idea in Legion that eventually got merged into the Broken Shore.

    TLDR: Plans change
    I think it could be relict from 1 year expansions idea that failed in WoD and Argus was for 8.0 in first sketch.

  20. #19640
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    All I hope is that they add Ogres as a playable race

    Copium overload, but please Blizzard.
    Give us Ogres and Furbolgs thank yewwwwww!

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