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I still think both this and the other similar leak are fake just for the reason that I can't see them picking Hyjal/Felwood/Winterspring/Ashenvale as half of the revamp. The Lordaeron side is a region full of lore and interesting locations, with like a dozen different large cities and towns to revamp, a whole variety of factions with different political agendas and alliances (Scarlets, Argents/Silver Hand, Horde, Alliance, Druids, Scourge, Dwarves, Trolls (friendly and hostile), Naga, Dalaran remnants, High Elves, potentially Worgen, etc). The Kalimdor side is like 95% wilderness and forest, and is.... Furbolgs, Night elves and Orcs? Night Elves and leftover legion bits? Night Elves and leftover twilight bits? Green flight and Cenarion forces And then in Winterspring specifically, Blue Dragons, Goblins and High Elves.
They're just totally unbalanced. If you want to revamp a chunk that size on each continent and also give both Night Elves and Forsaken new homes, the obvious solution is to do greater Lordaeron on the EK and give Forsaken Stratholme, not the half-collapsed, plagued ruins of Lordaeron proper. And then revamp southern Kalimdor sans Uldum (Feralas, Silithus, Un'goro, Thousand Needles and Tanaris). That is roughly the same size as the northern Kalimdor section, but it gives Night Elves rebuilt Eldre'thalas and includes significantly more interesting areas and more groups. Now you have a reason for Gadgetzan revamp, you have the tauren involved, the ogres, the silithid and AQ remnants, titan keepers, goblins, sand trolls, wastewander forces, bronze dragonflight, naga, hapries, the same twilight and elemental remnants leaking in from the south, still green dragonflight and Cenarion forces, you can revamp the sword into a main set piece, update caverns of time to not look hilariously out of date, have significantly more terrain variation, etc.