1. #19661
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    Argus was a popular fan idea for an expansion and I think it was in part because, well, if an island could become an expansion, surely a whole world we'd never been to would be at least one expansion if not more, but as far as I know there's been no evidence that was the plan.

    If you really think about it, too, it's extremely difficult to make into a proper expansion. An expansion has to have a variety of things. New rep factions, a variety in zones, multiple quest hubs, enough content for another batch of leveling, that sort of thing. But if Argus was done justice as the homeworld of the Burning Legion, where would we find friendly rep factions, variety in a fel-dominated world, or any sort of friendly hubs?

    They could do it. Even as just three zones, Argus had a faction of hiding Broken, Mac'Aree as a less-corrupted zone, and a friendly staging area in each zone, but that was a stretch as it is. If that was stretched into an entire expansion, it would have had to have been completely watered down to the point of defeating its threat and draw as the Legion's homeworld.

    The other alternative would be to do an entirely unique kind of expansion and treat every zone more like the pre-9.1 version of the Maw in Shadowlands, but I don't think anyone would have actually enjoyed that in the long run. Challenging leveling is one thing, but a whole expansion of that would burn most people out fast.

    Yeah, it's a neat retroactive explanation for why they settled there beyond it just being available ruins. It gives a lot of character to the zone when it's otherwise not very deep.
    Any idea could be stretched into a full expansion if you really wanted. One could for instance easily imagine a full expansion set only in a larger version of each capital for instance, filled with dungeons, raids and unique things to discover.

    What we see in SL though is that just because you can doesn't mean you should. And that is exactly the thing with Argus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I mean Argus could be expanded with multiple zones as an expansion by building up the zones from invasion rifts. But I believe it is too hostile still for a full expac and 7.3 is best treatment it could get (worse being just 1 zone)
    Looking back I think Argus could have been half an expansion. Mac'aree for 7.2 and Antorus for 7.3.
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  2. #19662
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    If you could have any one mechanic added to the game as you imagine it (within reason) what would that be?
    Would it be housing? Better professions? Revamped flying?

    Personally I think I would absolutely adore the game if it made the old world evergreen and revamped flying.
    Less portals and more transport routes like boats, balloons, railway,...

    Coalesce all the Azeroth landmasses into one map to enable traveling between continents by transport without loading screens, tho it would take quite a few minutes. Obviously each continent would be a separate shard.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    That is a cool idea.

    A desert for Bronze.
    A forest for Green.
    An underground zone for Black.
    A... Something for Red?

    But lets hope that the Dragon Isles are in the sky and that they are more original than one zone for each flight.
    Meadows for Red could work
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  3. #19663
    I want zones to make me feel like im stuck in the wilderness.

  4. #19664
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Honestly, I don’t know. I feel like the community/leakers created the whole “Dragon Isles will have a zone for each flight” scenario. While it would be cool, there’s no precedent for this happening. Only thing I want from the 10.0 cinematic/trailer is to be WOWed while watching it. I don’t want to feel like, “Aww, really? That’s it?”
    Only 1-2 zone would have dragons ... in wow there is always mix of enemies you fight each expansion.

    Other races in other zones could be some dwarfs, perhaps elves ... or could be something new since Dragon Isles are unexplored anything could live there.

  5. #19665
    I have a strong feeling that the Dragon Isles is indeed the next expansion and it will release at the end of this year (November). Blizzard will definitely want to get it out this year for the Q4 numbers or else they will be disastrous. With this in mind, I feel the next expansion launch won't be as meaty as previous expansions. Dragon Isles will probably only be 3 or 4 zones and the campaign will likely follow a similar situation as Legion where we will revisit old zones, which I have no problem with.

    9.0 was incredible and it sucks the hardcore chooses to ignore most of the content because of no player power (numerous pets and mounts, all the covenant sanctum activities that award cosmetics and no player power, etc.). It had a monumental amount of content for casuals which Blizzard will probably reduce (the amount of this side content in the next expansion) which is barely participated by the majority and will save time to develop the expansion and launch.
    Last edited by Richardbro; 2022-01-23 at 11:07 PM.
    Pally Collector, 785+ Mounts, 1740+ Pets, 715+ Toys, 34000+ achieves.

  6. #19666
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    If you could have any one mechanic added to the game as you imagine it (within reason) what would that be?
    Would it be housing? Better professions? Revamped flying?

    Personally I think I would absolutely adore the game if it made the old world evergreen and revamped flying.
    Evergreen Azeroth. I could not agree more. Is a necessity. Plus get rid of systems that only last an expansion. Such a waste of resources...
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  7. #19667
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Less portals and more transport routes like boats, balloons, railway,...

    Coalesce all the Azeroth landmasses into one map to enable traveling between continents by transport without loading screens, tho it would take quite a few minutes. Obviously each continent would be a separate shard.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Meadows for Red could work
    Yeah, portals are definitely making the world feel smaller. Same with the version of flying we have now.

    The world would need to all be at the quality of the newer zones to be worth travelling through though.

    A hard mode where all zones are scaled to your level would be great for immersion as well I would think. Reasons to farm old zones at an appropriate level of difficulty would do the game wonders.
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  8. #19668
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Any idea could be stretched into a full expansion if you really wanted. One could for instance easily imagine a full expansion set only in a larger version of each capital for instance, filled with dungeons, raids and unique things to discover.

    What we see in SL though is that just because you can doesn't mean you should. And that is exactly the thing with Argus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Looking back I think Argus could have been half an expansion. Mac'aree for 7.2 and Antorus for 7.3.
    I feel like that would basically be stretching the 7.3 we got into 2 patches with probably some 7.2 bosses mixed in and then adding a miniscule amount of extra stuff.
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  9. #19669
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Maybe we're getting another split expansion like BfA, with two main storylines. Wheee........
    If the storylines are good I’m ok with it

    The faction war was a let down

  10. #19670
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    That is a cool idea.

    A desert for Bronze.
    A forest for Green.
    An underground zone for Black.
    A... Something for Red?

    But lets hope that the Dragon Isles are in the sky and that they are more original than one zone for each flight.
    Perhaps a red/orange forest with furlines could be the red dragonflights zone.

  11. #19671
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I feel like that would basically be stretching the 7.3 we got into 2 patches with probably some 7.2 bosses mixed in and then adding a miniscule amount of extra stuff.
    It would, but it would have given us more time in Mac'aree.
    A more in-depth version of the seat of the Triumvirate so we could see more of the inside would be great.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  12. #19672
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    If the next expansion is indeed a dragon expansion, do you guys think each flight will have its dedicated zone or not?
    I would hope they mix some
    Black gets its own
    Bronze and blue share because of the infinite
    Red and green share because Ysera and her sister

  13. #19673
    Quote Originally Posted by rainhard View Post
    Perhaps a red/orange forest with furlines could be the red dragonflights zone.
    No, no, I got It! The red flight zone has to be the Titan zone! Something like Storm Peaks without the snow. We always need some Titan architecture.
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  14. #19674
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richardbro View Post
    I have a strong feeling that the Dragon Isles is indeed the next expansion and it will release at the end of this year (November). Blizzard will definitely want to get it out this year for the Q4 numbers or else they will be disastrous. With this in mind, I feel the next expansion launch won't be as meaty as previous expansions. Dragon Isles will probably only be 3 or 4 zones and the campaign will likely follow a similar situation as Legion where we will revisit old zones, which I have no problem with.

    9.0 was incredible and it sucks and it had a monumental amount of content for casuals which the hardcore chooses to ignore because of no player power (numerous pets and mounts, all the covenant sanctum activities that award cosmetics and no player power, etc.) Blizzard will probably reduce the amount of this side content in the next expansion which is barely done by the majority and will save time to develop the expansion and launch.
    I feel like BECAUSE we got 3 patches coalesced into 2 for SL we might still see 10.0 on time without much cut content than originally planned. Nothing so far says that they are behind on development with it (since November Blizzcon announcements were moved to February Blizzconline which was canceled, but announcement will probably still be around that time). The fact that we don't have an announcement yet doesn't mean they are behind, we might get a meatier alpha than for the previous expansions where we had to wait weeks/a month for a zone to continue leveling.
    We've seen it before where they would rather sacrifice a patch of the current expansion than delay the next one (WoD -> Legion)
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  15. #19675
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    No, no, I got It! The red flight zone has to be the Titan zone! Something like Storm Peaks without the snow. We always need some Titan architecture.
    That would be my take as well, with crimson trees everywhere.

  16. #19676
    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    Yeah, a lot of things for Warlords of Draenor took longer than usual. It may have had less patches, but it doesn't seem like that was because they were trying to make a quick expansion. A lot of behind the scenes things coincided and it seems like the expansion was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Roughly two years per expansion has never actually been broken.
    Well, what is notable is that up until WoD, Blizzard kept talking about wanting to do that. Afterwards, they stopped.

  17. #19677
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I feel like BECAUSE we got 3 patches coalesced into 2 for SL we might still see 10.0 on time without much cut content than originally planned. Nothing so far says that they are behind on development with it (since November Blizzcon announcements were moved to February Blizzconline which was canceled, but announcement will probably still be around that time). The fact that we don't have an announcement yet doesn't mean they are behind, we might get a meatier alpha than for the previous expansions where we had to wait weeks/a month for a zone to continue leveling.
    We've seen it before where they would rather sacrifice a patch of the current expansion than delay the next one (WoD -> Legion)
    I hope you are correct but I have a hard time seeing this and I mean that. I don't think it will be the end of the world if it doesn't though.

    Well, what is notable is that up until WoD, Blizzard kept talking about wanting to do that. Afterwards, they stopped.
    This to, I remember when Blizz loved to mention they wanted to do yearly expansions...then they stopped.
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2022-01-23 at 11:19 PM.
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  18. #19678
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    That would be my take as well, with crimson trees everywhere.
    Crystalsong forest meets Storm Peaks but RED
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  19. #19679
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Well, what is notable is that up until WoD, Blizzard kept talking about wanting to do that. Afterwards, they stopped.
    Yeah, but considering all of the factors that affected Warlords of Draenor (file system overhaul, new character models, huge team increase and training, and whatever caused it to still being drafted when we were first told about it), the explanation could simply be that they realized that their margins just weren't wide enough to reduce the time between expansions, not that they were actively trying to.

    Maybe at some point Warlords of Draenor was planned as an experiment in faster expansions, but it didn't fail because an expansion with only one real patch wasn't popular or anything like that. It only got one real patch to begin with because it was already wildly behind schedule and was having to cut things just to hit normal deadlines, let alone quicker ones.

    That's why I also think that 10.0 won't be unusually far. I think the two main things that had to have affected the development of Shadowlands, the state of the world and the internal conflicts, are bigger than anything they've had to compensate for before and I think they will throw off the schedule more than before, but the two year per expansion thing has been otherwise held to no matter what chaos any one expansion faces.

  20. #19680
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Crystalsong forest meets Storm Peaks but RED
    I mean if you check Blizzard "pattern"

    Valsharah - Drustvar - Ardenweald.

    Blizzard often includes zone which is for druids, ents etc ...

    You can see some patterns in the zones.
    Maybe it was too many of druid zones but you may predict other zones.

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