1. #2601
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    IIRC the 100 days thing had to do with FDR fixing the great depression because Hoover simply couldn't be bothered to deal with any of it during his presidency(yeah deja vu huh?), but yeah FDR couldn't fix shit in 7 days, Biden certainly can't.
    We don't exactly have an FDR moment on our hands either... even if say Biden had 8 years.

  2. #2602
    buttigieg will fix bus prices!

  3. #2603
    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Mm and 250 billion to solve a world hunger crisis seems just fine if the world's governments got to actively and seriously working on it. Logistical nightmare sure... but is it only a nightmare because it hasn't really been a very top priority of the world's wealthiest nations to "solve" the issue to begin with?
    No, because there isn't anything approaching a consensus on how to address the issue, with proposals varying wildly and all with their unique challenges and hurdles.

    These are things that aren't solved simply by throwing more money at it. Money doesn't instantly solve every problem, even if it goes a LONG way in getting you to the solution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    "A true person who is serious about this issue would already be involved!"
    That's not a "no true scotsman", that's a statement of fact. If you're just complaining about shit on the internet, don't expect anyone to take it super cereal. If you're not willing to actually DO THE WORK, then you're engaging in online slactivism, at best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    "But I am serious about the issue and I am saying what I think needs to happen to put pressure on the senator via his constituents"
    That's a gross misrepresentation of my point, which has nothing to do with my engagement on those issues.

    It's the reality of a Representative Democracy. Politicians care about their constituents because they keep them elected (well, they care about money more and we can all agree on that). You'll find this in every developed Representative Democracy - the Reps focus on the issues of the people who elected them, along with the party line. Not the issues of someone who doesn't donate or vote for them because they're in a different state/county and have their own representative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    "But what about the phone banks?! See then you're not a person who is serious."
    It was a question as to if you were acting on your beliefs or not. Similarly not a "no true scotsman", simply a question to see if you were putting actions to your online rhetoric.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    In any case, I am involved in local politics on issues I care about.
    Fuckin rad!

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Your argument opens up the silly notion that even if someone is involved in politics if they're involved in something else and notice another issue unless they then go to that issue then they can't say anything about that other issue. It is a fucking bonkers idea.
    No, I'm just pointing out that complaining to Manchin, like you said we should do, isn't the way to go about it. And that if this is an issue you care bout, that there are far, far better ways to work to effect the change you want to see.

    - - - Updated - - -


    So it seems like some judges may have held off on retirement until Trump was out of power. Starting to get resignations now that Democrats can start filling those seats.

    Hopefully this is just the start, because there needs to be a counterbalance to the Republican court packing over the past four years.

  4. #2604
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    Rumors from the Portland scene! Andy Ngo is leaving Portland for Britain because people are mean to him.

    Sucks for those peeps threatening to leave the US for <reasons>.

    Thanks Biden! What a week, what a country!
    Government Affiliated Snark

  5. #2605
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Goddammit...Biden should have already conquered world hunger, cured cancer, and world poverty...he had almost week, that's plenty of time.
    Yeah I know! By this time, Trump had almost come back from his first vacation!

  6. #2606
    In a jolt of good news, it looks like while the Thanksgiving surge was real and devastating, there was not a noticeable Christmas or New Years surge.


    Title: CDC: 100K Projected to Die of Coronavirus in Biden’s First Month in Office


    As many as 100,000 people are projected to die of the coronavirus in the first month of President Joe Biden's tenure, raising the U.S. death toll above half a million, according to a forecast by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    The old estimate based on the expectation of Christmas and New Years surges was 150k a month, or an average of 5k a day. The CDC has dropped that down to around 3k a day, and that presumably there will be no major surge after this.

    I had the feeling that a lot more Americans are finally taking the virus seriously, which is in the process of saving around 50k lives in January. Many of the predictions for the future are all predicated on masks and social distancing. "The virus, in conjunction with masks and social distancing, works great", "Children can go back to school as long as there is full participation in mask wearing and social distancing."

    Imho, the issues we are having getting the vaccines out will be far outweighed by the fact that masks are being worn and social distancing is becoming the cool thing to do. This will give time for the vaccine issues have time to get resolved as the virus tapers off slowly but steadily.

  7. #2607
    The Unstoppable Force Theodarzna's Avatar
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    If he sticks to it, and there isn't a loophole; not selling guns to Saudi's for the genocide in Yemen is legitimately a good thing from Biden. If it sticks, great.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    i think I have my posse filled out now. Mars is Theo, Jupiter is Vanyali, Linadra is Venus, and Heather is Mercury. Dragon can be Pluto.
    On MMO-C we learn that Anti-Fascism is locking arms with corporations, the State Department and agreeing with the CIA, But opposing the CIA and corporate America, and thinking Jews have a right to buy land and can expect tenants to pay rent THAT is ultra-Fash Nazism. Bellingcat is an MI6/CIA cut out. Clyburn Truther.

  8. #2608
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    No, because there isn't anything approaching a consensus on how to address the issue, with proposals varying wildly and all with their unique challenges and hurdles.

    These are things that aren't solved simply by throwing more money at it. Money doesn't instantly solve every problem, even if it goes a LONG way in getting you to the solution.

    That's not a "no true scotsman", that's a statement of fact. If you're just complaining about shit on the internet, don't expect anyone to take it super cereal. If you're not willing to actually DO THE WORK, then you're engaging in online slactivism, at best.

    That's a gross misrepresentation of my point, which has nothing to do with my engagement on those issues.

    It's the reality of a Representative Democracy. Politicians care about their constituents because they keep them elected (well, they care about money more and we can all agree on that). You'll find this in every developed Representative Democracy - the Reps focus on the issues of the people who elected them, along with the party line. Not the issues of someone who doesn't donate or vote for them because they're in a different state/county and have their own representative.

    It was a question as to if you were acting on your beliefs or not. Similarly not a "no true scotsman", simply a question to see if you were putting actions to your online rhetoric.

    Fuckin rad!

    No, I'm just pointing out that complaining to Manchin, like you said we should do, isn't the way to go about it. And that if this is an issue you care bout, that there are far, far better ways to work to effect the change you want to see.

    - - - Updated - - -


    So it seems like some judges may have held off on retirement until Trump was out of power. Starting to get resignations now that Democrats can start filling those seats.

    Hopefully this is just the start, because there needs to be a counterbalance to the Republican court packing over the past four years.
    I never said complain to manchin what I said was pressure him... which would mean to put pressure on him and to complain to him. I never said we should complaining "to" Manchin, please tell me where you got that from.

    And it is a no truescotsman.

    Take scotmans to be - a person who cares about a particular issue

    You are saying "you are not a scotmans unless you are doing this thing! and if you aren't then you mustn't be a soctmans!"

    You are deeming whether a person cares about something based on your own arbitrary measure of what it means to "care about" an issue.

    Tell me... can a black person not say they care about racist issues in the society unless they're out there marching and protesting? Only then do they get to complain about racism because only then do they truly care about the issue. It is such a fucking arbitrary argument.

    "Unless you are actively doing something then you aren't serious about the issue" is ridiculous.
    Last edited by Themius; 2021-01-27 at 11:21 PM.

  9. #2609
    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    I never said complain to manchin what I said was pressure him... which would mean to put pressure on him and to complain to him. I never said we should complaining "to" Manchin, please tell me where you got that from.
    I mean...make up your mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    And it is a no truescotsman.

    Take scotmans to be - a person who cares about a particular issue

    You are saying "you are not a scotmans unless you are doing this thing! and if you aren't then you mustn't be a soctmans!"
    No, not at all. This is functionally, "Put your money where your mouth is." nothing more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    You are deeming whether a person cares about something based on your own arbitrary measure of what it means to "care about" an issue.
    No, I'm differentiating between people who complain online and people who translate those complaints into concrete action in furtherance of their goals.

  10. #2610
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I mean...make up your mind?

    No, not at all. This is functionally, "Put your money where your mouth is." nothing more.

    No, I'm differentiating between people who complain online and people who translate those complaints into concrete action in furtherance of their goals.
    It's a fucking typo don't be that goddamn dishonest like for real dude. It's supposed to be about putting pressure on him via his constituents who then should complain to him.

    Your entire argument is full of shit dude.

    Your argument is trying to tell someone else whether they care about an issue based on what you deem to be arbitrary actions you deem whether a person is serious or not. Which is as idiotic as claiming any person who complains about racism but doesn't take political action or march concerning issues of racism that may personally affects them clearly don't care seriously about racism. It is pure folly.

    The reason your goddamn argument is a fallacy is that you're not simply saying "put your money where your mouth is" which is a challenge to do something, a call to action. you are deeming whether a person is serious about an issue by that measure, and that is why it is a bloody fallacy.

    If you take scotmans to be people who seriously care about an issue to then say anyone who doesn't do x thing mustn't a scotmans... do you see the bloody problem here...

    The other problem is you're also saying this:

    "anyone who complains about an issue but isn't actively doing something is a slactivist" which is pure idiocy unless you've now grown to be omnipresent and know the full extent of every person's life so that you are able to decide whether they're truly serious.

    And since you're on a bulslhit dishonest streak here's my posts that you morphed into "complain to Manchin"

    I never said complain to manchin what I said was pressure him... which would mean to put pressure on him and to complain to him. I never said we should complaining "to" Manchin, please tell me where you got that from. https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...1#post52976685
    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Moving quickly isn't all about Biden... I am aware he can't do every thing. There needs to be pressure on the democrats in the senate that aligning themselves in the centre and towards the republicans. What biden can do there is call them out... and the idea that it makes the party look split doesn't matter when they're out there saying things opposite of the majority senate leader and the budget chair.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Mm so what's the ideal way to solve that little issue? Just ignore it I guess.. I mean no need to pressure them or anything... not like public pressure may get them to change their minds like when Manchin came out against the $2k before being hit with a huge amount of backlash and then recanted...

    It almost seems like putting pressure on them by airing what they're doing and how it affects their own constituents may have an effect on them....
    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    The pressure is in the form of persuading their constituents.

    It's almost like you're making up shit that no one said arguing against "complain to" when i literally said "put pressure on.. pressure him"

    and in most rather bizarre turn that made no sense decided to say if I am not actively phone banking or trying to sway his constituents, i shouldn't be talking... and I am not serious about the issue at all... uh huh....

    Like is your day going alright? You're usually never intellectually dishonest. You said something I didn't say, argued I said something I didn't say. Used a fucking typo to argue I said something I didn't say, when we can just fucking go back and few pages and quote what I fucking said.
    Last edited by Themius; 2021-01-27 at 11:55 PM.

  11. #2611
    Hmf...someday I will be a true Scotsman...

  12. #2612
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Hmf...someday I will be a true Scotsman...
    You do not care to be a true Scotsman else you would be telling me what you're doing to be a true Scotsman, therefore, you aren't a Scotsman.

  13. #2613
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Hmf...someday I will be a true Scotsman...
    I'm wondering, what does it take to be a scotsman around here? Lets examine the last few pages.
    1. 8 pages of derailing a thread ... so about 160 posts divided by 2.5 Sealions.
    2. So about 64 posts too poorly argue a position.
    3. I think 22 of those require playing the victim.
    4. 4 posts complaining that people want to "shut you up", even though you've been ranting for pages.
    5. ????
    6. Grats, you're a scootsman.

    I dont think it's worth the effort. Ima stick to short and snarky.

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  14. #2614
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Strange having a press secretary that isn't hostile and combative. She... she's kinda... hot.
    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  15. #2615
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayirasi View Post
    Strange having a press secretary that isn't hostile and combative. She... she's kinda... hot.
    Fucking coomers everywhere!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PresidentGreymane View Post
    I dont think it's worth the effort. Ima stick to short and snarky.
    You will like this... I recently returned to Twitter and just helped Vaush’s chat “ratio” Joy Gray... I feel like this:

    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  16. #2616
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Fucking coomers everywhere!!!
    I can't help it! Whenever she speaks, I just...

    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  17. #2617
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayirasi View Post
    Strange having a press secretary that isn't hostile and combative. She... she's kinda... hot.
    Yea, especially when she talks dirty like this ..

    Sorry Liz Warren. Jen Psaki is now my Liberal PMC Dream Girl!

    I stonks for her.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  18. #2618
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Who the hell came up with that idea, should be put in solitary confinement. Because that's what you get with private prisons. They are cheap.
    Don't you feel it? The invisible hand of the FREE MARKET? For Profit prisons fuck up a person because they're just $$ not a person.
    Now you have created a demand for a for profit mental healthcare system! Those people only see $$ and not a person who spent 20 years in a prison and needs therapy.
    You've created a demand for the police when they snap!

    The one person in prison is creating a shitload of jobs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  19. #2619
    Banned Kellhound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    If he sticks to it, and there isn't a loophole; not selling guns to Saudi's for the genocide in Yemen is legitimately a good thing from Biden. If it sticks, great.
    In the end, all it would do is cost American jobs without preventing them from getting weapons from someone else.

  20. #2620
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellhound View Post
    In the end, all it would do is cost American jobs without preventing them from getting weapons from someone else.
    I'm perfectly okay with America reducing the amount of weapons they sell to shithole regimes. I find it strange that you aren't whatever excuse you like to justify it like a few jobs. Saudi having to pay more for shittier weapons and American reducing how much its complicit in indirectly or directly supporting oppressive regimes sounds like a pure win win to anyone who isn't a sick fuck.

    "What's the point of making murder illegal, people are still going to do it" is basically your argument. And it's bad and lazy.

    And i'd like to get you on record addressing @Themius 's point. Do you think the jobs lost would be more or less than the lives murdered by American weapons?
    Last edited by shimerra; 2021-01-28 at 03:13 AM.

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