1. #2781
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    I don't think this trumpster understands how filibusters actually work.
    Yes, I did notice he got caught lying about McConnell's Covid plan being filibustered for 6 months. I decided to let it slide, since he's simply another Eastern European American patriot who isn't actually well-versed in anything that isn't specific talking points.

  2. #2782
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Biden is a position of strength...assuming Sanders is correct and they already have the votes. I can't even maje a wild hairy assed guess what he coukd possibly say to the GOPers.
    It may go down the way trumps and both w. bushs tax cuts went down, but it will go down. Sanders is correct, they do not need 1 single GoP vote.

  3. #2783
    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post

    When they didn't destroy the legislative filibuster to pass Trump's agenda on a party line vote despite controlling Congress for 2 straight years.

    By the way: The GOP senators who proposed to negotiate with Biden over a COVID bill just now, you can thank them for not doing that. They could have.
    Oh my bad, I thought you had a passing knowledge of what's been going on.

  4. #2784
    Herald of the Titans Elenos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Biden is a position of strength...assuming Sanders is correct and they already have the votes. I can't even maje a wild hairy assed guess what he coukd possibly say to the GOPers.
    He is in a position of strength to get more then what they are offering, and a lot more then what Mitch is offering ( which is exactly zero ).

    What could Biden say to them? He'd negotiate to increase the size of the bill to over a trillion, pass it through the Senate without reconciliation and potentially get their support for future legislation that can't be passed without 60 votes.

    The price for all this? Probably half of what the Dems want to pass on a pure party line vote including $15/hour minimum wage being removed from the bill.
    Last edited by Elenos; 2021-02-01 at 02:46 AM.
    "Life is one long series of problems to solve. The more you solve, the better a man you become.... Tribulations spawn in life and over and over again we must stand our ground and face them."

  5. #2785
    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    He is in a position of strength to get more then what they are offering, and a lot more then what Mitch is offering ( which is exactly zero ).

    What could Biden say to them? He'd negotiate to increase the size of the bill to over a trillion, pass it through the Senate without reconciliation and potentially get their support for future legislation that can't be passed without 60 votes.
    And the first words out of their mouths should be:

    "We'll work with you guys, when you stop supporting rapists and white supremacists. Let us know when that happens."

  6. #2786
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post


    Biden invites GOP senators to White House for relief talks

    We'll see what comes of it.
    That's literally the best step. Meeting to negotiate is ideal.

    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    Yes to pretty much all of this. That's my view of what Biden should do.

    Now he could go down a pure partisan line. I think that would blow up in his face. It did for Obama and it did for Trump, especially Trump.

    P.S. To lay down my perspective on what the US needs given Biden's climate ambitions, poor infrastructure and COVID. I think he needs to spend trillions, likely over 10 trillion over his presidency on various bills, to achieve what he wants. I also think trying do that on a pure party line level is doomed to fail.

    That's beyond budgets by the way.
    Agreed on what the U.S. needs, for sure.

  7. #2787
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    And the first words out of their mouths should be:

    "We'll work with you guys, when you stop supporting rapists and white supremacists. Let us know when that happens."
    At this point, I think the more important thing that has to happen is that the democratic party needs to stay more or less unified. I listened to Sanders today, and he is doing what he can to be a team player, leveraging his fame as much as he can to help out Biden. So this is a huge positive.

    If Manchin decides to basically be the 51st republican that occasionally votes for democratic policies, then we just have to deal with the fact that we get one reconciliation bill and nothing else. And he has veto power over what goes in the reconciliation bill, so even THAT might be watered down quite a bit.

    Right now Biden has convinced me that he is doing what he can to fix things for non-millionaires. Yet, he is President over a country that is falling apart quite rapidly, with about half the country committed to making him a one term President, even if it means sabotaging the country. Trump supporters in LA really did protest people getting the vaccine, in Kentucky there is talk about impeaching the governor over his mask and social distancing programs, and Americans are talking about going to sports events as if the virus was basically over.

    Here are two articles that, to me, reflects the state of the US.


    Title: The 'SNL' cold open focused on what's not working in the US and fans are saying it was 'too real'

    Check out some of the twitter comments and skit details. Very well done.

    The "SNL" cold open usually tackles the week's most important political news with exaggerated impersonations and over-the-top dialogue, but many viewers said McKinnon's "What Still Works" segment resembled the country's real issues more than usual.

    Many resonated with McKinnon's questions but said they didn't know if they could laugh at the topics.
    The piece about Rep Greene was borderline terrifying.


    Title: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Liked Posts Calling For Killing Democratic Politicians: Reports

    CNN’s KFile later found other troubling activity on Greene’s personal Facebook page after reviewing hundreds of her posts and comments. In January 2019, Greene liked a comment that said it would be “quicker” to remove Pelosi from office with a “bullet to the head.” On another post from April 2018, a commenter asked her if “H & O” — referring to former President Barack Obama and Clinton — should be hanged.

    “Stage is being set,” Greene replied, according to the archives obtained by CNN. “Players are being put in place. We must be patient. This must be done perfectly or liberal judges would let them off.”
    From the SNL skit in the first article:

    McKinnon continued, "When your colleagues found out about all these hateful and psychotic things you said, what did they do?"

    Strong's Greene replied: "I was promoted to the education committee."
    The time to push back hard is now. It will be a brutal time for the US over the next two years, probably longer. It does seem that Biden understands the situation, and is acting appropriately.

  8. #2788
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    At this point, I think the more important thing that has to happen is that the democratic party needs to stay more or less unified. I listened to Sanders today, and he is doing what he can to be a team player, leveraging his fame as much as he can to help out Biden. So this is a huge positive.

    If Manchin decides to basically be the 51st republican that occasionally votes for democratic policies, then we just have to deal with the fact that we get one reconciliation bill and nothing else. And he has veto power over what goes in the reconciliation bill, so even THAT might be watered down quite a bit.

    Right now Biden has convinced me that he is doing what he can to fix things for non-millionaires. Yet, he is President over a country that is falling apart quite rapidly, with about half the country committed to making him a one term President, even if it means sabotaging the country. Trump supporters in LA really did protest people getting the vaccine, in Kentucky there is talk about impeaching the governor over his mask and social distancing programs, and Americans are talking about going to sports events as if the virus was basically over.

    Here are two articles that, to me, reflects the state of the US.


    Title: The 'SNL' cold open focused on what's not working in the US and fans are saying it was 'too real'

    Check out some of the twitter comments and skit details. Very well done.

    The piece about Rep Greene was borderline terrifying.


    Title: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Liked Posts Calling For Killing Democratic Politicians: Reports

    From the SNL skit in the first article:

    The time to push back hard is now. It will be a brutal time for the US over the next two years, probably longer. It does seem that Biden understands the situation, and is acting appropriately.
    I think Biden will try and move past it, by simply pretending that being nice to people will fix everything.

    It will fail.

    There's still a massive cancer in the GOP, and it's not up to Biden to fix it. All Biden can do, is offer them a life boat, and invite them to become Democrats. And make no mistake, the GOP is fucking broken. They have no moral compass, they have no principles, and they have no platform that isn't based on outright racism and lies.

    Behind closed doors, he can approach all those "moderate" Republicans and offer them a one-time deal to jump ship to the Democratic Party, and he would make sure the DNC worked their asses of to get them re-elected, as Democrats. If they don't take the opportunity, then they get to wear the stink of Trump, white supremacist, Qanon, and beating cops to death as a scarlet letter forever.
    Last edited by Machismo; 2021-02-01 at 03:12 AM.

  9. #2789
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    What could Biden say to them? He'd negotiate to increase the size of the bill to over a trillion, pass it through the Senate without reconciliation and potentially get their support for future legislation that can't be passed without 60 votes.
    You'd have to be a fool to think the Republicans will back anything concrete the Democrats want to push forward. Their entire ideological basis for policymaking has been to oppose whatever the Democrats want. Hell, the Republicans didn't even have a platform for the 2020 election; their platform was literally "we support Trump". That's it. Full stop.

    They do not have an ideological basis for anything, and thus there is no ground on which you can possibly negotiate with them or find common ground. They don't have any grounding.

    They're the party of Jewish space lasers and pedo rings run out of pizza joints and stolen elections that were stolen so super good that there's no evidence but the same ballots are also magically perfect where they elected Republicans. They are a party that supports lunatic fringe conspiracy theories. Not from random voters, from sitting representatives in the House of Representatives and Senate. They have lost their minds, they have lost any reasoned ideological basis for policymaking, they have lost any capacity to functionally govern at all.

    Trump didn't cause any of this. He was just the perfect avatar to represent the deep, sanity-shattering drought of reason that is the current core of the Republican Party.

  10. #2790
    Herald of the Titans Elenos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    You'd have to be a fool to think the Republicans will back anything concrete the Democrats want to push forward. Their entire ideological basis for policymaking has been to oppose whatever the Democrats want. Hell, the Republicans didn't even have a platform for the 2020 election; their platform was literally "we support Trump". That's it. Full stop.

    They have lost their minds, they have lost any reasoned ideological basis for policymaking, they have lost any capacity to functionally govern at all.

    Trump didn't cause any of this. He was just the perfect avatar to represent the deep, sanity-shattering drought of reason that is the current core of the Republican Party.
    It was a bit more concrete then that and certain things that Biden has done already will greatly aid Republicans in their quest to retake Congress. Expect to see Keystone and related decisions being brought over and over for instance and Trump would have won had the moron ( and I am being nice here when I call him that ) actually taken COVID seriously beyond travel bans instead of trying to protect his Wonderland vision of the economy, because what he failed at screwed the economy anyway.

    As for the GOP "losing their minds". Sure if you're counting the wonderkids that are shouting "stolen election" every 10 minutes to try create some fantasy version in their heads of how they totally won then yeah those people have no place at the table, especially after the Storming of the Capitol. The problem is those lunatics form a significant portion of the GOP. How they are dealt with is a big question, but trying to pretend they don't exist or you ignore the GOP and do whatever you want went the GOP has 5 House Seats away from a majority and 1 Senate away from Mitch taking his throne again is it's own kind of lunacy ( something Trump completely ignored when Dems were poised to win in 2018 ).

    The more crucial point is that there are members of the GOP in Congress, in both House and Senate that are willing to negotiate in good faith to pass bills. Some of them voted to impeach Trump just recently in the House, some will vote to convict in the Senate. Many of these in the Senate with the other members have offered to work in good faith with Biden.

    Up to Biden what he wants to do: He shouldn't spit in their faces and instead extend a hand, but he also shouldn't accept any sort of bullshit.

    Make no mistake Susan Collins gives no shits for ideology. She wants power to influence these bills to secure her position as a dealmaker in the Senate and pour money into her state to get reelected every 6 years, same with Manchin on the Democrat side.

    You could also take the view that Biden needs Machin's vote and Manchin wants ( and needs for his own seat ) to put on the show that Democrats tried to work with the other side to pass a COVID bill.
    Last edited by Elenos; 2021-02-01 at 04:22 AM.
    "Life is one long series of problems to solve. The more you solve, the better a man you become.... Tribulations spawn in life and over and over again we must stand our ground and face them."

  11. #2791
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    How do you determine which candidates get funding and when?

    The Democrats put up 20 people in the debates. If you consider this party runs, let alone third party runs who never actually get on the ballot, you are talking about hundreds of people across all 50 states.

    I'm fine with outside money in direct-to-campaign donations, provided that everyone, individual or corporation, has the same (low) dollar limit. The bigger problem is PAC spending, and that's much harder to regulate.
    Outside donations work if they’re subsidized by the government and capped.

  12. #2792
    Guy runs on ending keystone pipeline, is endorsed by pipe fitting union even, wins, does it, but it'll be his undoing. okay.

  13. #2793
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    It was a bit more concrete then that and certain things that Biden has done already will greatly aid Republicans in their quest to retake Congress. Expect to see Keystone and related decisions being brought over and over for instance and Trump would have won had the moron ( and I am being nice here when I call him that ) actually taken COVID seriously beyond travel bans instead of trying to protect his Wonderland vision of the economy, because what he failed at screwed the economy anyway.
    I'm really not interested in your fanfiction.

    The Keystone Pipeline is basically only of value to oil barons. The horseshit bandied around about job creation is functionally nonsense; while there would be temporary jobs in building the pipeline, once built, it would only require an ongoing staffing of 35-50 people. That's insignificant. The Keystone is only a political football because of oil lobbying. It isn't to anyone else's benefit.

    As for the GOP "losing their minds". Sure if you're counting the wonderkids that are shouting "stolen election" every 10 minutes to try create some fantasy version in their heads of how they totally won then yeah those people have no place at the table, especially after the Storming of the Capitol. The problem is those lunatics form a significant portion of the GOP. How they are dealt with is a big question, but trying to pretend they don't exist or you ignore the GOP and do whatever you want went the GOP has 5 House Seats away from a majority and 1 Senate away from Mitch taking his throne again is it's own kind of lunacy ( something Trump completely ignored when Dems were poised to win in 2018 ).
    Until such lunatics stop being elected by Republican voters, those voters can't be considered sane or reasonable and their concerns and interests should not be given credence as a result.

    While gaining ground with meaningful legislation would, obviously, be the ideal, simply stonewalling those lunatics and whatever they want is also a political win for Democrats. I know that isn't convenient for you, but it's the truth.

    The more crucial point is that there are members of the GOP in Congress, in both House and Senate that are willing to negotiate in good faith to pass bills. Some of them voted to impeach Trump just recently in the House, some will vote to convict in the Senate. Many of these in the Senate with the other members have offered to work in good faith with Biden.
    And? That is a factor that can't be considered anything but temporary for any given vote. They are not allies. And if they won't retake control of their party and reshape the Republicans into a functional political entity again, with policy arguments that aren't just plain moral failures writ large, then they're no better than their lunatic fringe colleagues. They're enabling those lunatics, rather than opposing them.

    Up to Biden what he wants to do: He shouldn't spit in their faces and instead extend a hand, but he also shouldn't accept any sort of bullshit.
    I think you have this all backwards, for some reason.

    If those Republicans want a chance to participate in any meaningful political action, they have to approach Biden, and serve Biden's interests and goals.

    Biden and the Democrats are not in any way obliged to kowtow to what Republicans want, right now.

    All this "the Republicans lost everything but they're still in control, super serial!" stuff is garbage, dude. They're a struggling party that's about to fall apart completely due to internal conflicts.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Guy runs on ending keystone pipeline, is endorsed by pipe fitting union even, wins, does it, but it'll be his undoing. okay.
    The Keystone issue is particularly silly to me. We're talking like 40 long-term jobs for the entire pipeline. Pushing green energy initiatives will create at least as many construction jobs as Keystone, for likely a much longer and more consistent timeframe, and a lot more other jobs in the industry in an ongoing basis.

    Keystone is only a plus for oil barons and people who don't understand what's going on but a rich guy told me to support something so who cares, that's good enough for me!

  14. #2794
    Herald of the Titans Elenos's Avatar
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    I'm really not interested in your fanfiction.

    The Keystone Pipeline is basically only of value to oil barons. The horseshit bandied around about job creation is functionally nonsense; while there would be temporary jobs in building the pipeline, once built, it would only require an ongoing staffing of 35-50 people. That's insignificant. The Keystone is only a political football because of oil lobbying. It isn't to anyone else's benefit.
    Nice word for word there about the jobs gained/lost. Here's the real fanfiction: You assuming those facts mean anything in an election and that Republicans won't campaign on Biden destroyed 11.000 jobs with a stroke of a pen ( that's the claim made )....when they already are, oh and just to reiterate the point of "Keystone and related matters"


    Now the value of his actions and the impact on the economy is not relevant, frankly I view them as rather pointless: Keystone won't change the state of the oil economy, or save the climate, nor will Biden's ban change anything really. As for jobs, maybe significant maybe not.

    What does matter is the optics. Biden's administration saying they want tens of thousands of new well paid green jobs instead...well ok, let's how that works out. He needs legislation for that to work.

    I think you have this all backwards, for some reason.

    If those Republicans want a chance to participate in any meaningful political action, they have to approach Biden, and serve Biden's interests and goals.

    Biden and the Democrats are not in any way obliged to kowtow to what Republicans want, right now.

    All this "the Republicans lost everything but they're still in control, super serial!" stuff is garbage, dude. They're a struggling party that's about to fall apart completely due to internal conflicts.
    Which they have and the entire point here was about how Biden should react to their offer to negotiate. Which by the way his reaction has been to invite them to the White House to talk. Welcome to the discussion.

    Calling the GOP a party that's about to fall part, now that is fanfiction. Someone will win the current struggle, be it the Trump fanboys or the moderates or they keep going together as they have for several years now with one side wielding more influence then the other, but this wonderland notion that the GOP is going to collapse, be destroyed, die out.

    Yeah, that's not happening. Eitherway the GOP wields significant power at this stage, as did the Democrats after 2016 when they were in the minority. Best thing Democrats can hope for in 2022 is 52-54 senate seats and maintaining their House Majority. Still not 60 votes, still not enough to ignore the other side.
    Last edited by Elenos; 2021-02-01 at 06:04 AM.
    "Life is one long series of problems to solve. The more you solve, the better a man you become.... Tribulations spawn in life and over and over again we must stand our ground and face them."

  15. #2795
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    @CostinR you know despite trying to sound like you're offering advice you're really basically just saying, "Democrats are damned if they do, damned if they don't."

    In which case, fuck it. Democrats should do.

    If the options are either to water down every bit of legislation via negotiation only for the Republicans to vote it down anyway, like they did with Obama, or to aggressively push for major changes, unilaterally if necessary, and then call out Republican obstructionism when it happens, then I'll take the latter option any day of the week.

  16. #2796
    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    Or Biden could pass a 2 trillion package and ensure Republicans will NEVER negotiate with him again in good faith
    Yeah, 'cause that's different than the last 12 years.

    No one really cares about if the bill is bipartisan or not, people want to know if they can pay for rent and food. Republicans don't deserve to offer people less when they already did nothing for the last four years and the better part of a year with a pandemic fucking about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    By all means do what you will. Just remember what you said here 2 years from now when Congress is controlled by McCarthy and McConnell and Biden is getting his executive orders overturned.
    I see this lame excuse a lot "If you don't let them do what they want then when they get in power they'll get what they want." So if they are just going to get what they want no matter want then what's the point of compromising? They haven't compromised in the least for years.

    It's the same excuse "independents" used when talking about Proud Boys. "You have to let them go crazy, if you try and convict them they'll just go crazy." It's the same crap we have from our local Civil War nut, every time one of them does a thing they go on and on about how you can't touch them else they'll murder people.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    If you're talking about Trump: Never.
    McConnell: Purely on budget and debt celling deals, nothing else.
    A few GOP members that want the Senate to work: Quite a few times.
    So you admit they do it almost never, and when they do it's not often, and the ones that do want to do it are in the minority. What was your argument again?

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  17. #2797
    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    Nice word for word there about the jobs gained/lost. Here's the real fanfiction: You assuming those facts mean anything in an election and that Republicans won't campaign on Biden destroyed 11.000 jobs with a stroke of a pen ( that's the claim made )....when they already are, oh and just to reiterate the point of "Keystone and related matters"


    Now the value of his actions and the impact on the economy is not relevant, frankly I view them as rather pointless: Keystone won't change the state of the oil economy, or save the climate, nor will Biden's ban change anything really. As for jobs, maybe significant maybe not.

    What does matter is the optics. Biden's administration saying they want tens of thousands of new well paid green jobs instead...well ok, let's how that works out. He needs legislation for that to work.

    Which they have and the entire point here was about how Biden should react to their offer to negotiate. Which by the way his reaction has been to invite them to the White House to talk. Welcome to the discussion.

    Calling the GOP a party that's about to fall part, now that is fanfiction. Someone will win the current struggle, be it the Trump fanboys or the moderates or they keep going together as they have for several years now with one side wielding more influence then the other, but this wonderland notion that the GOP is going to collapse, be destroyed, die out.

    Yeah, that's not happening. Eitherway the GOP wields significant power at this stage, as did the Democrats after 2016 when they were in the minority. Best thing Democrats can hope for in 2022 is 52-54 senate seats and maintaining their House Majority. Still not 60 votes, still not enough to ignore the other side.
    They can complain all they want, on whatever they want. Trump and his ilk love to lie (you supported those lies). The keystone Pipeline was a bad idea from the start, and was an attack on liberties.

    If you Trumpsters want to make that argument, then the Dems only need to respond with, "Why do you hate private property rights?"

    "Sure, you can come to the table, just as soon as you renounce the racism and conspiracy theorists in your party."

    "Why should we work with you, when you have refused to work with us?"

    "I have no reason to believe you at this point, as you have actively supported racism and violent attacks against American police officers."

    "Sorry, your party thinks that racism and rape are acceptable."

    "Can you admit Trump is one of the worst presidents of all time?"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    @CostinR you know despite trying to sound like you're offering advice you're really basically just saying, "Democrats are damned if they do, damned if they don't."

    In which case, fuck it. Democrats should do.

    If the options are either to water down every bit of legislation via negotiation only for the Republicans to vote it down anyway, like they did with Obama, or to aggressively push for major changes, unilaterally if necessary, and then call out Republican obstructionism when it happens, then I'll take the latter option any day of the week.
    He's also a Trump supporter, so taking his advice is silly, because he has completely different motivations. His team refused to compromise, and he supported them. Well, it's not actually his team... he's just here slinging shit, because he's not even from here, and these things have literally zero impact on him.

  18. #2798
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBrown1917 View Post
    Serious politicians understand you only need a simple majority to pass most stuff.
    But hey, if they want to pander to far right politicians for no reason, more power to 'em.
    Once again, they guy who love poking his nose in all these threads like he's an authority in American politics, shows how little he knows about American politics. Seriously dude, how do live knowing you are constantly wrong?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Sanders' says dems have the votes to fuck 'em if the GOP doesn't play nice.
    And it looks like the GOP proposal is going to suck ass; GOP's COVID-19 relief proposal totals $600B, includes $1K payments

    Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said on Sunday that the framework for a COVID-19 economic relief package unveiled by 10 Republican senators would cost $600 billion, less than half the price of the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion proposal.

    Cassidy said on "Fox News Sunday" that the pared-down GOP proposal unveiled earlier Sunday includes $1,000 direct payments to individuals that would be targeted to certain income levels. He did not specify if the GOP’s threshold would be those who made under $75,000 in the 2019 tax year. President Biden’s proposal includes a third round of direct payments of $1,400.

    Funding for schools is also slashed in the GOP package, which Cassidy said offers $20 billion instead of Biden’s $170 billion.

    Too lowball...fuck 'em.
    Exactly. If I were Biden, after his meeting, I'd hold a press conference to say, while I appreciate their efforts, it is quite apparent the GOP, once again shows they have no understanding for how serious this situation and has come to the table in bad faith. I tried but they refuse to play fair. So fuck 'em, reconciliation and if they try this play again, good by filibuster. We need to get things done for struggling Americans and the GOP just doesn't care about you.

  19. #2799
    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    Exactly. If I were Biden, after his meeting, I'd hold a press conference to say, while I appreciate their efforts, it is quite apparent the GOP, once again shows they have no understanding for how serious this situation and has come to the table in bad faith. I tried but they refuse to play fair. So fuck 'em, reconciliation and if they try this play again, good by filibuster. We need to get things done for struggling Americans and the GOP just doesn't care about you.
    Another option would be to pass the bill that the republican Senators proposed, and then once it is signed start work on the reconciliation bill to be passed in April. This bill would provide needed help between now and April, and in April a more comprehensive bill that democrats could run on in 2022 could be passed just with unanimous democratic support.

    We have come up with two really fine solutions for Biden. I hope that what he comes up with is as good as what you proposed, or what I proposed.

  20. #2800
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    Once again, they guy who love poking his nose in all these threads like he's an authority in American politics, shows how little he knows about American politics. Seriously dude, how do live knowing you are constantly wrong?

    I'm not wrong, and I never claimed to be an authority.
    But if you want to satisfy your weird fetish to be bipartisan and get GoP votes on everything, be my guest.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CostinR View Post
    Oh? Is the Senate Filibuster 50 votes threshold or is it 60. Passing a bill with the limitations of reconciliation ( including the likely possibility of throwing $15 minimum wage out the window ) is not "passing most stuff"

    Can democrats change this? Yes. Are there enough votes in the Senate to do it: No, and not just because of people like Manchin or Sinema.

    Also let's assume that Democrats DO change the rules: Pelosi has a four seat majority in the House that she might very likely lose in 2022 and the Senate majority Schumer enjoys, which isn't a real majority anyway, can easily be lost in 2022 too. So by all means take the piss on the 10 Senate GOP members who actually want to work with Biden here and ensure Mitch regains the Senate and McCarthy the House.
    If the dems dont pass anything while they have the power to do, they will also lose votes.
    I really don't get your fetish for working with the fascist shitstains who won't work with you once they are back in power.
    Last edited by JohnBrown1917; 2021-02-01 at 02:14 PM.

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