1. #3741
    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    lol I am not into conspiracy,
    So I'm sure you'll show a source for that china check stuff any moment now?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    And backing up claims... with what? All the crap out there people call "facts"? Use your common sense, your intuition. This is a place for your opinions, there's no need to rely on others. I don't care about his tax returns. He could have have stolen George McFly's and used them as his own, for all we know. How does a man, like Joe, whose accomplished jack shit in his entire life, make so much money?
    Otherwise known as "I have nothing, listen to my ramblings as I can prove nothing I say, but you should absolutely trust me about something something both sides something something communism something something dark side."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    Biden lied his ass off, got the job, lied into firing tens of thousands of hard-working people the first week, with no plan to help these folks find jobs. Way to go.
    They weren't fired, they are contract workers that will get work elsewhere with the other contracts the companies have. The jobs loss are closer to zero than tens of thousands. You sure like being wrong though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    Donald Trump was in bed with the Chinese, until he realized, "Shit, these guys are going to ruin the entire world." Everytime we buy something from China, we do our country and our hemisphere a disservice. That's just common sense.

    He failed a trade war, his products are made there, his daughter has business there, and you think Trump tried to fight them AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    What's the color of the sky?

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  2. #3742
    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    You're right. There is no comparison. Biden is a shitstain, a communist, and Donald Trump is a product of the people. You may be a government worker, from the sound of it. I can see those people don't enjoy a non-government type winning the presidency.

    Remember, politics is a figment of your imagination. It's not a science, for starters. It's the art of rhetoric, at best. It's bullshitting. Biden is mediocre at it.

    Biden lied his ass off, got the job, lied into firing tens of thousands of hard-working people the first week, with no plan to help these folks find jobs. Way to go.

    Hey, his four years (if he's lucky) will be great. We can use the crap outta his administration for free money, then get someone real back up in there, someone with some common sense, someone like Tulsi, who's dropped being a Democrat for good reason. I grew up years ago, stopped following that cult of a party, because it doesn't work, and neither do the extremes on the other side, but at least they want to empower people, not keep them underfoot.

    This is a thread for the pedophile and the prostitute we have in office, right? The scales have to balance.

    And backing up claims... with what? All the crap out there people call "facts"? Use your common sense, your intuition. This is a place for your opinions, there's no need to rely on others. I don't care about his tax returns. He could have have stolen George McFly's and used them as his own, for all we know. How does a man, like Joe, whose accomplished jack shit in his entire life, make so much money?
    Oh, now I know you are fucking delusional. I have some information for you, there are no communists in this country, at least not in any form of government. And yes, Trump is a product of the people, the product of racist, white nationalist, and terrorist pieces of shit. And no, I am not a government worker, and Trump winning just showed how fucking incompetent he actually is.

    Biden lied his ass off? Really? I didn't see you complaining with well over 30k lies from Trump himself, those are confirmed. And the "thousands of hard working people"? They would be working for a couple of months then be unemployed again. And again, I didn't see you complaining when Trump's incompetency got 30-50 MILLION people out of work. Because he LITERALLY did NOTHING about the virus.

    Biden is in better shape than Trump. And Biden will do more for EVERYONE than just the 1% like Trump did. He didn't help me at all. Meanwhile Biden has done more for this country the first week than Trump did his entire presidency.

    And fucking Tulsi? That dumb bitch will NEVER see any higher office again. You claimed to stop following a cult of a party, yet, you are a fucking Trump supporter. FUCKING IRONIC.

    LOL, you claim Biden is a Pedophile, yet Trump is literally the only one with clear ties to Epstein, even a rape allegation from a fucking 13 year old that was provided by Epstein. And from what I understand, Ghilislaine Maxwell has all of the information on the stuff with Trump and Epstein and their dealings. Even knowing that Epstein taped everything with Trump and the girls he raped. https://www.tmz.com/2021/02/20/ghisl...-bill-clinton/

    And prostitute? Melania isn't the VP. She isn't in the Whitehouse anymore. Let me guess? You believe the conspiracy theories about Kamala as well, don't you? Not fucking surprising.

    Common sense and intuition are no match for EVIDENCE, FACTS, and everything else. If this is your common sense and intuition at play, you should probably go get some new ones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    Those tens of thousands were fired immediately after he took office. If you think otherwise, you're wrong. Hey, I'll take CCP Biden for 4 years, lots of free money, and I'll get unemployment out the wazoo.

    Donald Trump was in bed with the Chinese, until he realized, "Shit, these guys are going to ruin the entire world." Everytime we buy something from China, we do our country and our hemisphere a disservice. That's just common sense.

    What do you think of Tulsi? A much better future pick than Biden or Trump, no?

    P.S. My grandmother and my Dad make Donald Trump's comments look kind as Hell, when discussing his attitude, so that stuff went right past me. I like that he shook shit up, had the Chinese by the damn balls. No one's afraid of Biden, but those assholes overseas in Iran, China, etc. They didn't want to screw with Donald J. I'm glad I had the chance to see what a Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan byproduct would have looked like as President, because that's what our 45th was, when it comes down to it.
    He didn't have China by ANYTHING. He literally gave them everything they wanted. They now have more control over trade than we do, they have the biggest trade deficit they have ever had, they trade more with Europe than we do now, they are investing in places like South America and Africa, and all of this thanks to Trump. Lets not forget that he also caused thousands of farmers to commit suicide or go bankrupt, thanks to his shitty trade war. Also, he caused EVERY HOUSEHOLD to pay about $1000 more on average to buy things that are Chinese made, which happens to be just about everything.

  3. #3743
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Stop responding to the fascist, report him for spewing known conspiracy theories, and move on. He's not worth the data usage to update the thread page count.

  4. #3744
    Stimulus us moving. Covid has reached 500K deaths? Texas is literally freezing over. What is Newsmax focused on? Biden's dirty, mangy fuckin dog - https://www.businessinsider.com/news...ial-dog-2021-2

    "Did you see the dog? I wanted to show you something I noticed. Doesn't he look a little rough? I love dogs, but this dog needs a bath and a comb and all kinds of love and care. I've never seen a dog in the White House like this. I remember Buddy, I remember Milly, I remember lots of dogs, but not a dog who seems ... I don't know. I don't know how much love and care he is getting. This dog looks like, I'm sorry, like it's from the junkyard," Kelly said.
    This looks like a tan suit, to me.

  5. #3745
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This looks like a tan suit, to me.
    Not only that, it's calling a patently blue suit tan before crying foul. I've seen plenty of pics/video of those dogs; there's nothing wrong with either of them and they both appear to be the picture of health. It's obvious they're well taken care of and are happy, healthy puppers.

  6. #3746
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Not only that, it's calling a patently blue suit tan before crying foul. I've seen plenty of pics/video of those dogs; there's nothing wrong with either of them and they both appear to be the picture of health. It's obvious they're well taken care of and are happy, healthy puppers.
    Happy, healthy, dirty puppers! They probably POOP ON THE LAWN OR IN THE GARDEN, and then track mud all over the floors.

    Filthy. There's only one pet allowed in the White House nowadays, and I don't see Mike Pence in DC lately.

  7. #3747
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Happy, healthy, dirty puppers! They probably POOP ON THE LAWN OR IN THE GARDEN, and then track mud all over the floors.
    Speaking of tracking mud all over, do you think they deep-cleaned the chairs Trump used or just torched them?

  8. #3748
    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Speaking of tracking mud all over, do you think they deep-cleaned the chairs Trump used or just torched them?
    Apparently they "deep cleaned" the WH after the transition. I'd still be treating it as a den of disease for the next few weeks while things kept airing out.

    I wouldn't want to re-use any of that furniture, tho.

  9. #3749
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Apparently they "deep cleaned" the WH after the transition. I'd still be treating it as a den of disease for the next few weeks while things kept airing out.

    I wouldn't want to re-use any of that furniture, tho.
    I bet it still smells like fast food in there. *shudder*

    OT, it's looking like Biden's pick for Office of Management and Budget Neera Tanden might not get confirmed by the Senate:

    Neera Tanden's OMB confirmation on brink of collapse after two GOP senators say they won't support her nomination

    Manchin's not voting for her and both Collins and Romney have said they're not voting for her, so that might be the end of it. What's "funny" is they're citing her social media demeanor as the reason for not wanting her in the position, because they've all apparently been asleep the past 4 years.

    I'm kind of on the fence about it myself. I think we need more adults in the room and the less petty sniping done on Twitter by government officials the better. But on the other hand, if nobody is going to stand up to EVERY FUCKING GOP elected official who shitposts relentlessly on social media then that gives them the upper hand. AOC does pretty good work in that regard, but she can't shoulder it all herself.

  10. #3750
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    What happens if Neera goes down, and we have to settle for a less progressive OMB director to placate Manchin?

    Looks like a self own by the Senate Budget Chairman to frame this nomination with his own personal "mean tweets" grudge.
    The same guy who staffed his presidential campaign with twitter trolls.

    SO far, the meanest tweet is her calling Cruz "heartless". Also calling out Briana and David Sirota as dumb grifters.

  11. #3751
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    I bet it still smells like fast food in there. *shudder*

    OT, it's looking like Biden's pick for Office of Management and Budget Neera Tanden might not get confirmed by the Senate:

    Neera Tanden's OMB confirmation on brink of collapse after two GOP senators say they won't support her nomination

    Manchin's not voting for her and both Collins and Romney have said they're not voting for her, so that might be the end of it. What's "funny" is they're citing her social media demeanor as the reason for not wanting her in the position, because they've all apparently been asleep the past 4 years.

    I'm kind of on the fence about it myself. I think we need more adults in the room and the less petty sniping done on Twitter by government officials the better. But on the other hand, if nobody is going to stand up to EVERY FUCKING GOP elected official who shitposts relentlessly on social media then that gives them the upper hand. AOC does pretty good work in that regard, but she can't shoulder it all herself.
    I agree with everything you're saying here, however, these times where Manchin can play to his conservative constituents just helps the Democrats overall. There are probably a dozen qualified people to run OMB, and while it would be nice to get Biden's first pick, it won't be the end of anything either. And keeping Manchin in office is more important at this stage.

    We need his vote for PR and DC statehood.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    What happens if Neera goes down, and we have to settle for a less progressive OMB director to placate Manchin?
    Not much at all. And it might even be someone more progressive. Manchin just needs a "vote-against-the-liberals" to keep his peeps happy.

  12. #3752
    Biden's most notable achievement so far is getting the "equality act" in the senate which will cause even more division in an already divided nation
    Last edited by Rozz; 2021-02-22 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Minor Trolling

  13. #3753
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Not much at all. And it might even be someone more progressive. Manchin just needs a "vote-against-the-liberals" to keep his peeps happy.
    That's likely to happen with the minimum wage increase anyway.

  14. #3754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfire View Post
    Biden's most notable achievement so far is getting the "equality act" in the senate which will cause even more division in an already divided nation
    Said no one, ever, who's paying attention to reality. President Biden has had one of the most productive and active first month in office. No honeymoon period, no victory laps; literally getting down to brass tacks the afternoon after the inauguration.

  15. #3755
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfire View Post
    Biden's most notable achievement so far is getting the "equality act" in the senate which will cause even more division in an already divided nation
    He did?

    And how would this cause even more division? Are we diving the bigots from the non-bigots? Because those are the kinds of divisions that are pretty healthy.

  16. #3756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    That's likely to happen with the minimum wage increase anyway.
    Agreed. We'll see a few items drop off the COVID Relief bill, either because they were wish-list items (aka helps the nation but the GOP are fuckwads to they have to say "no" to everything) or to have more conservative members of the Democratic Party keep their constituents in line.

    It might suck to have Manchin killing some party stuff, but it would suck a whole lot more to have him with an "(R)" next to his name.

  17. #3757
    Gas went up 20%, The stock market is completely flat, Texas has went through Armageddon because of 3 inches of snow, thousands of jobs have been lost through executive action on Pipeline, and Unions have already turned their back on Joe and friends, nobody is getting the Promised $2000, student loan bill will never happen.

    It's been 1 month.

  18. #3758
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeezy911 View Post
    Gas went up 20%, The stock market is completely flat, Texas has went through Armageddon because of 3 inches of snow, thousands of jobs have been lost through executive action on Pipeline, and Unions have already turned their back on Joe and friends, nobody is getting the Promised $2000, student loan bill will never happen.

    It's been 1 month.
    Well, Biden has no control over gas prices, just like Trump had no control over it, same with the stock market, literally nothing Trump did helped the stock market, but he did do a lot of things to hurt it, the jobs were temporary at best, and at the moment they weren't even working considering the pipeline has been stopped.

    And the $2000 checks are stalled because Democrats are trying to get Republicans on board as he has no control over the purse strings, same with the student loan thing.

    Not fucking surprising you have no fucking clue how the government works.

    Oh, and Texas went through Armageddon because of themselves. They were warned in 89, 98, and 2011 to update and winterize their electrical grid, and Abbott sued in 2011 to stop the upgrade. Texas fucked themselves over, and hopefully they learn from this mistake and vote out the dumbass Republicans like Abbott and Cruz that fucked them over.

    The mere fact that you are blaming this on Biden just shows how fucking partisan and ignorant you really are.
    Last edited by postman1782; 2021-02-22 at 11:40 PM.

  19. #3759
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Well, Biden has no control over gas prices, just like Trump had no control over it, same with the stock market, literally nothing Trump did helped the stock market, but he did do a lot of things to hurt it, the jobs were temporary at best, and at the moment they weren't even working considering the pipeline has been stopped.

    And the $2000 checks are stalled because Democrats are trying to get Republicans on board as he has no control over the purse strings, same with the student loan thing.

    Not fucking surprising you have no fucking clue how the government works.
    Nothing you said makes sense. The gas prices going up are a direct result of Climate Change policy imposed by Biden. Do you really believe 20% increases are based on normal market conditions that just happen to coincide with Biden laying out his Policies targeting energy companies?

    Point 2- The Stock Market went up 56% under Trump in 4 years, this is not opinion.

    Point 3- Democrats never even proposed $2000 stimulus, so how is that GOP again? They have 3/3 full control, they could easily pass the $2000 but never even tried, just a false promise.

    Give me a challenge please, I have been gone for way too long.

  20. #3760
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeezy911 View Post
    Nothing you said makes sense. The gas prices going up are a direct result of Climate Change policy imposed by Biden. Do you really believe 20% increases are based on normal market conditions that just happen to coincide with Biden laying out his Policies targeting energy companies?

    Point 2- The Stock Market went up 56% under Trump in 4 years, this is not opinion.

    Point 3- Democrats never even proposed $2000 stimulus, so how is that GOP again? They have 3/3 full control, they could easily pass the $2000 but never even tried, just a false promise.

    Give me a challenge please, I have been gone for way too long.
    Covid lockdowns are easing up and more people are using fuel. That's what's called a normal market condition. There's also this thing called "winter" where people also use more fuel.

    It went up shit-tons with Obama too. But lets judge Biden for short term volatility.

    They can't pass it easily. That's not how the Senate works.

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