1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by IdiocracyIsReal View Post
    What you have posted is best case scenario, but I'm afraid it won't happen regardless of senate seats. Why? Because of part I'm quoting. Remember Obamacare? Trump destroyed it. Whatever Biden does, even if in 2024 Democrats win again, in 2028 most likely Republicans will win because people have short memories and will vote to change things and they will destroy anything done by previous administrations.

    So even if something changes, it is temporary. Temporary is not good enough.
    Maybe if Biden gets 1 term and Harris gets 2 then we'll have 12 years of a return to normalcy instead of just 8. And maybe that will be enough to turn the tide.

    But yeah I have to mostly agree with your analysis. I tried twice to write up posts that tried to refute your main thesis. Both were even more depressing than what you just wrote. All we can do now is take it one step at a time and try to move forward.

    The main reason I think the US has a chance is that I believe that there will be one HECK Of a lot more push back against the efforts of Trump supporters to sabotage Biden. When republicans shut down town hall meetings nationwide in Obama's first 2 years over Obamacare deliberations, democrats basically just flat out surrendered and folded. Which led to republicans having a really good mid-term election in 2010. I doubt that democrats will be quite as accommodating this time around.
    Last edited by Omega10; 2020-11-21 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #22
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Top priorities for Biden/Harris presidency:

    1. Handling covid, nationwide relief and safety/health laws.
    2. Economic stimulus to prevent a recession/depression.
    3. Dismantling Trump presidency embarrassments like the concentration camps on the border.
    4. Repairing the international damage Trump has done to the US.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Top priorities for Biden/Harris presidency:

    1. Handling covid, nationwide relief and safety/health laws.
    2. Economic stimulus to prevent a recession/depression.
    3. Dismantling Trump presidency embarrassments like the concentration camps on the border.
    4. Repairing the international damage Trump has done to the US.
    5. Corruption probes into Trumps protectors, enablers, and sycophantic followers who allowed him to do the stuff he did while turning their back on the law and the US Constitution.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    5. Corruption probes into Trumps protectors, enablers, and sycophantic followers who allowed him to do the stuff he did while turning their back on the law and the US Constitution.
    This is not all that Biden and democrats need to push back against.


    Title: Trump tries to drum out GOP election officials who won’t play his games

    The title says Trump, but the worst damage to America is being done by his supporters.


    Trump’s drive to discredit the results of an election he lost has put him at odds with the Republican elected officials and administrators who oversaw the vote in key states — and called it what it was: a free and fair election. Being at odds with Trump doesn’t go over well in today’s Republican Party, and Trump has turned their political bases against them, even unleashing threats from his most rabid supporters.

    No GOP official has caught more flak than Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a fairly conventional Republican who won the job as Georgia’s top election official two years ago running as a rock-ribbed, anti-voter fraud conservative — with Trump’s endorsement. Now, after refusing strident calls from Trump and allies not to certify results that show President-elect Joe Biden carried Georgia, he’s facing down a potential primary challenge in 2022 and his family is dealing with death threats.
    The people sending death threats need some stiff fines and a bit of jail time. The idea that republicans can threaten to kill elected officials doing their job has to come to an end.

    The threats “started out fairly general in nature,” said Al Schmidt, a Republican elections commissioner in Philadelphia. “But then regrettably, after the president tweeted my name, there were more of them, and they were far more specific in nature. So, referencing my children, and what they’re going to do to them.”

    Like Raffensperger, the president tweeted about Schmidt, also calling him a RINO and saying he “refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty.” Schmidt said he now has a security detail from the city to protect him and his family.

    “It’s not just me, it’s also my staff, the other commissioners,” Schmidt said. The threats are not new, either. Many election officials have been dealing with them for months.

    Election officials across the country have reported receiving threats for doing their jobs. “There are those, including the president, members of Congress and other elected officials, who are perpetuating misinformation and are encouraging others to district the election results in a manner that violates the oath of office they took,” Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Their words and actions have consequences.”
    This is a national problem. And I strongly believe that Katie Hobbs and others need to not sugar coat what they are saying anywhere near as much. On the other hand, I can understand why she would not want to get death threats sent her way either.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    If he isn't going to go for reelection (which he shouldn't) he should at least give it to her his last year.

    The GOP would definitely pull a move like that, for different reasons.
    I hope he does not.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    Title: Morgan Stanley predicts it will take 4 to 9 months to vaccinate the rest of the US after first responders and vulnerable people
    With immunity lasting potentially as little as 3 months, I don't see how this is considered a workable plan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  7. #27
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    I hope he does not.
    Good call... Having her be president for the one year she is running for election, is a bad idea. People forget after nearly 4 years of Trump, campaigning your whole presidency is not normal. Biden and Harris will not be campaigning for the next 3 years. Biden can continue to be president and she can focus on running for her first term.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by TheramoreIsTheBomb View Post
    I wonder if Joe Biden will step down during his 4/8 years and let Kamala succeed him?
    only took a half dozen post for someone to mention one of the ree ree conspiracies out there...shocked it is you.....oh wait no
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    They also are most of the "essential workers" that end up working close together for long stretches of time. And if they get the virus - no problem, their position can be filled by someone else.

    The old saying is "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". I hope I am wrong, but I am not convinced that the vaccine will live up to its hype. And I suppose that 2020 has made me a bit too quick to fear for the absolutely worst possible outcome in political situations.

    We'll know how good the vaccines are in about 6 months. Fingers crossed.
    A good 30% or so of our population will refuse the vaccines out of conspiracys, and some non-minor percent won't bother because they'll see the whole "have to see a doctor for 2 doses within X time" thing as a chore.

    The vaccine isn't going to save us from this. It's time to start destroying the rich with taxes to help our problems.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    only took a half dozen post for someone to mention one of the ree ree conspiracies out there...shocked it is you.....oh wait no
    To be fair, the way they worded it doesn't scream conspiracy to me. There is a real chance he'll have to step down b/c of his age at some point, no conspiracy needed.

  10. #30
    Only way he steps down during his term is because he has no choice due to some health problem. Which isn't exactly that crazy since the guy is a bit old. But no, there is not some crazy plot to do it on purpose. For whatever crazy fucking reasons conspiracy theorists have come up with.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    With immunity lasting potentially as little as 3 months, I don't see how this is considered a workable plan.
    I would say that its definitely a workable plan. And, for better or probably for worse, it seems to be the plan the country is going with.

    The first set of questions are: How effective will this vaccine actually be? How long will it take for the vaccine to be worthless due to virus mutations? <possibly not very long>. What side effects will be prevalent, and what sets of people are effected by the various side effects?

    We will know only after the plan has been implemented. Well if we work hard and keep careful and accurate records and do good analysis of the data we will have some idea of the answers to these questions.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    I would say that its definitely a workable plan. And, for better or probably for worse, it seems to be the plan the country is going with.

    The first set of questions are: How effective will this vaccine actually be? How long will it take for the vaccine to be worthless due to virus mutations? <possibly not very long>. What side effects will be prevalent, and what sets of people are effected by the various side effects?

    We will know only after the plan has been implemented. Well if we work hard and keep careful and accurate records and do good analysis of the data we will have some idea of the answers to these questions.
    Alot of shit is really going to change if we're stuck with Covid forever like the flu, and it's giving even young people lasting damage.

    Maybe we'll finally tax the rich!......i'll keep holding my breath over here.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    5. Corruption probes into Trumps protectors, enablers, and sycophantic followers who allowed him to do the stuff he did while turning their back on the law and the US Constitution.
    Corruption and criminal activity need to be at the top to me. If we sit here after 4 years of hearing all the criminal garbage that has been going on, and nothing happens, then I don’t think anyone could cast shade on the “every man for himself” mindset. If nothing happens then one would have to assume it was just typical red vs blue bad mouthing, or they both are on on it and watching each other’s backs. If it’s real, it needs to be addressed, and if it takes down some dems with it, then good riddance to them as well.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post

    To be fair, the way they worded it doesn't scream conspiracy to me. There is a real chance he'll have to step down b/c of his age at some point, no conspiracy needed.
    whelp i guess based on his post history and my experience you are not seeing the whole picture of his comment
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    A good 30% or so of our population will refuse the vaccines out of conspiracys, and some non-minor percent won't bother because they'll see the whole "have to see a doctor for 2 doses within X time" thing as a chore.

    The vaccine isn't going to save us from this. It's time to start destroying the rich with taxes to help our problems.
    - - - Updated - - -
    Not only that, but if people stop wearing masks ... or continue to not wear masks, and reduce their social distancing because "the vaccine will save us", then we could look back fondly to the time when the number of virus cases and virus deaths were as low as they are now.

    As far as taxing the rich - none of this will pass the Senate at this time. Republican Senators are already making it quite clear to Biden that they won't budge on their priorities.

    I think that it will become more and more clear over time that things like taxing the rich has to happen if the US is to survive economically. If working class and middle class people aren't given major amounts of financial help soon, bad things will happen, and this badness will percolate up to people that are currently rich that might become quite a bit less rich. Broke people can't buy stuff. The only ways of this amount of money happening is to borrow a lot, or tax the rich a lot. There are no other sources for the money.

    Meanwhile, republican Senators already flexing their political muscle with regards to President-Elect Biden:


    Title: Republican Resistance Looms in the Senate for Biden's Nominees


    Sen. Bernie Sanders, the progressive Vermont independent, has emerged as a contender for labor secretary in President-elect Joe Biden’s administration, a prospect that would suit his ambitions of being a warrior for working Americans — and one that makes some Senate Republicans very uneasy.

    “I think that is somebody who we know is an ideologue and, well, it would be very unlikely he would be confirmed in a Republican-held Senate,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, one of multiple Republicans who said Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, would be unlikely to win the chamber’s approval.

    It is a testament to the deterioration of the Senate confirmation process that a longtime colleague — even one they vehemently oppose on policy — would face such a Republican roadblock. In the not-too-distant past, fellow senators got considerable leeway from the opposing party if they were selected to join the executive branch.
    The fact that republican Senators are already flexing their political muscle shows that they are already in Biden opposition mode, and plan to use the same scorched tactics they used versus Obama. This is not really a surprise.
    Last edited by Omega10; 2020-11-21 at 11:42 PM.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    If he isn't going to go for reelection (which he shouldn't) he should at least give it to her his last year.

    The GOP would definitely pull a move like that, for different reasons.
    Should give her the last two years honestly. That way she could have 10 years total and not just 9.

    The scenario I keep hearing is Biden stays until the next mid-terms to try to boost the Democrats into gaining control or more control of the Senate/House. Hands it over to Harris. In 2024 Harris runs, the Republicans distance from Trump and put up another Candidate. Trump runs and ends up being independent. Basically hands the election to Harris as this splits the conservative vote.

    Also, I've read that this allows us to find a cure for cancer, growing any organ that is needed for replacement, a Mars and Moon colony, and Human lifespan increases to an average of 200 years.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega10 View Post
    Ya even if we manage to take the Senate, i'll be over here holding my breath on all 50 dem senators, most of them neo-libs, passing any meaningful tax on the rich.

  18. #38
    Banned JohnBrown1917's Avatar
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    I'm just wondering how many days it will take Biden to commit his first war crime of his term.

  19. #39
    I'll just be glad we'll have qualified people working as secretaries. Even if I don't agree with a lot of the people he'll put in place, at least they'll be qualified. Like it'll be nice to have some one in charge of HUD that knows just about anything about it.

  20. #40
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBrown1917 View Post
    I'm just wondering how many days it will take Biden to commit his first war crime of his term.
    If that’s you mind set, why wait? Embrace the Trump supporter in you and start complaining without any merit.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

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