When did I push to gut it?
It is literally people new into the system paying in to take care of those who are already retired. It was a Ponzi Scheme from the start.
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Sure, the GOP sucks at balancing a budget. Trump is the least fiscally-responsible President in history, followed by Reagan, then Obama and Bush.
Okay? This doesn't give them a popular mandate, it makes it a minority government.
"Our colonies don't see us as imperialist" is a funny argument, lol.I do not think our allies see it as imperialism.
Go figure that the regimes which are curated to be favorable to the US and its policy goals might be hesitant to be critical of the US and its policy goals.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Patent lie on your part. Please don't spread mistruths or lie on subjects you are clearly uninformed about. You just make our job that much harder.
Social security was a fully funded retirement vehicle that has been decimated by Congress when they "borrowed" from it and then started to call it an entitlement.
Who said i would not see a tax increase?
I said general employment taxes need to go up as needed, which would cause me to pay more when the tax went up.
I listed multiple other things that could be done without a tax increase.
One would actually result in a major savings if you opened Medicare up for everyone. The very OPPOSITE of what you are claiming all democrats want to do. Its actually the republicans who are against this huge tax decrease.
No Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme and i refuse to go down that rabbit hole with you to explain why. Its been done before on this forum, so you can go read it there.
Yah the horror that the "wealthy" should be legally allowed to avoid paying taxes.
You have it half assed backwards on who is being fucked over.
So tell me what are you going to do with the population of people on SS whom are making less then poverty rates when their benefits are cut?
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Complaining about the taxes required to fund it, for starters.
Just like health insurance is literally healthy people paying into a system to take care of the sick.It is literally people new into the system paying in to take care of those who are already retired.
Congratulations, you seem to have discovered the basic principle behind cost-sharing. *slow clap* You just don't know what a Ponzi scheme is.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
It's not fully funded.
It hasn't been fully funded for... my entire fucking life, and long before that.
It's a fucking Ponzi Scheme.
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That's the problem, there's no end in sight for those tax increases. We've been down that road... more than 20 times before. I have zero reason to believe it would ever be enough, so the taxes would just keep going up.
This is ensured by increasing life expectancy, without increasing the retirement age.
Yes, it is a fucking Ponzi Scheme.
Up until just a short few years ago SS was still taking in more money then it was paying out. "fully funded" is a misnomer that is often misquoted a lot and taken out of context. Technically SS has always been underfunded since its expected to cover everyone, even kids who haven't even started contributing into the system yet.
SS was by all means fully funded till it started taking in less money then it was paying out. Decades and Decades it was technically "fully funded". Wasn't till about 10 years after the tax increases were stopped did it start to go down the road of insolvency.
Again the solution is a combination of tax increases, retirement age adjustments, income cap removal, benefit adjustments, opening up to Medicare for all, cost savings for M4A, all income regardless of sources being taxed, etc etc.
And no its not a fucking Ponzi Scheme no matter how you say it.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!