i didn't realize i'm supposed to prove what people say after i quote them directly saying it? if you think "dems should abandon bipartisanship to get things done, and strongarm legislation" as has been said so often means something... besides that then it seems like people are talking out of both sides of their mouth. thats literally (i even posted it straight from the source) the same rhetoric that was used by the gop that led to the rise of trump.
i don't think the dems completely have abandoned it yet, but its a bad thing for the country as a whole if they do and start acting like the GOP has. they have not completely yet, but there is a big push for them to and they are using it as a threat.
the breakdown and polarization of our country should not be celebrated because "my team might win this round."
people don't want to hear that thats the same road that has led the gop to their current state, because "we're the good guys" and anyone who says that maybe the "good guys" aren't doing the best thing is apparently a "bad faith troll" lol.
i am reminded of how i was called a "bad faith troll" on here for saying that i thought biden would win.

i posted a news article on how the dems are threatening to abandon bipartisanship in congress; is that a troll as well? lol.
its a thorny issue with no magic bullet solution, and i just think a degree of caution and perspective is necessary.
people keep calling it "an internal gop issue"... yet we're seeing a rise of "grassroots" candidates like marjory taylor greene. this ought to tell you that trumpism is something in the country at large, the GoP are just riding the wave. if it wasn't them, those same voters would just elect another party like them, which is why the focus on "they should fix it" is laughably misguided. sure maybe it started out "their problem", but its not anymore.
thats why we see biden stressing "bipartisanship... but with the electorate instead". he's trying to get through to the roots of the problem. the ones actually putting the scumbags in power. you can blame it all on gerrymandering and voter restrictions, but no one made the voters pick trump over, say, kasich.
anyways i think its pretty telling that this forum has largely become a circlejerk of late.