1. #8181
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    All the job growth that we’re seeing now? Obviously a backlog for which Biden’s competent handling of the pandemic and push for middle class growth is not responsible and that his liberal policies will undoubtedly destroy.

    But All those pipeline jobs that even the company constructing it said were almost exclusively temporary? Obviously Biden isn’t taking these actually permanent, never to be replaced gainful jobs into account when he bows to the radical hippy liberals and ends its construction!

    Right now, if you are a pipe layer, welder or steel worker, and you couldn't find a job, there could only be two reasons - serious criminal record or couldn't pass the pee test.

  2. #8182
    Quote Originally Posted by DKjaigen View Post
    The Corona crisis caused a backlog of work that nows need to be resolved. i would not be surprised if a lot of these new jobs are temporary . I will just wait untill things calm down a bit before making such claims.
    ROFLMAO, it's pretty obvious that this is the economy returning back to normal because of Biden's handling of the pandemic. You know just like everyone with half a brain told Trump that handling the pandemic was the key to winning the election and he ignored them. Trump lost to COVID not Biden, he was stupid enough to think that he could handwave a global pandemic.

  3. #8183
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Right now, if you are a pipe layer, welder or steel worker, and you couldn't find a job, there could only be two reasons - serious criminal record or couldn't pass the pee test.
    TBF those pee tests are nerve wracking. Like, how am I supposed to pee when there's someone right outside the door waiting for my warm urine.

  4. #8184
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    TBF those pee tests are nerve wracking. Like, how am I supposed to pee when there's someone right outside the door waiting for my warm urine.
    They were OUTSIDE the door when you did it? Lucky.

  5. #8185
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Right now, if you are a pipe layer, welder or steel worker, and you couldn't find a job, there could only be two reasons - serious criminal record or couldn't pass the pee test.
    Like, I've had Top Secret security clearances, and I've never had to pee in a cup. Fuck any employer who asks that kind of shit of you. Get a fucking court order, jackwads.

    Helps, of course, that Canada doesn't support at-will employment, so they need actual cause to fire me, and refusing to take embarrassing and invasive tests like that don't qualify.

  6. #8186
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    TBF those pee tests are nerve wracking. Like, how am I supposed to pee when there's someone right outside the door waiting for my warm urine.
    If you work or sub to one of the big construction companies (Turner, Skanska, PCL, Kiewitt, etc.) you get used to it quickly. Each new project, you ended up having to do pee test during the pre-con safety training. Those were the easy ones. You just had to make sure you drank a lot of coffee before hand. Then you had the surprise pee test. The safety officers tapped you on the shoulder and you are it. Some people have on the spot performance anxiety. I never had an issue.

    "Want me to do it around the corner?"

    "No! Use the pottie you pervert."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Like, I've had Top Secret security clearances, and I've never had to pee in a cup. Fuck any employer who asks that kind of shit of you. Get a fucking court order, jackwads.

    Helps, of course, that Canada doesn't support at-will employment, so they need actual cause to fire me, and refusing to take embarrassing and invasive tests like that don't qualify.
    Well, you are probably not operating heavy machinery or using volatile gasses or working on a narrow girder 100 feet up in the air.

  7. #8187
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    TBF those pee tests are nerve wracking. Like, how am I supposed to pee when there's someone right outside the door waiting for my warm urine.
    Military urine test in MEPS, they stand in the middle of the bathroom as you and multiple other guys go pee and you hand it to them afterwards.

    Chicken plant I applied to and couldn’t pee to get the job. Had a woman go in the restroom with me (a guy) and literally stood 3 feet behind me, arms crossed and staring at me like she just walked in on me and her mother. Tried to close my eyes and pretend she wasn’t there only for her to break out her cellphone and start playing a game that was loud.

    Going to pee alone in a room isn’t a deal breaker for most people.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  8. #8188
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Well, you are probably not operating heavy machinery or using volatile gasses or working on a narrow girder 100 feet up in the air.

    Court order to get my pee. Particularly as weed's 100% legal here in Canada and having traces show up that show you're a regular user won't disqualify you from anything.

    Also; I had a job where handling volatile explosives (black powder, specifically) by hand was a regular part of the job. And not just black powder rifle blanks, but cannon charges, enough to do serious damage to pretty much anything. No pee tests ever.

  9. #8189
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    TBF those pee tests are nerve wracking. Like, how am I supposed to pee when there's someone right outside the door waiting for my warm urine.
    I've had a case of stage fright myself...and then the dam broke and couldn't stop.

  10. #8190
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post

    Court order to get my pee. Particularly as weed's 100% legal here in Canada and having traces show up that show you're a regular user won't disqualify you from anything.

    Also; I had a job where handling volatile explosives (black powder, specifically) by hand was a regular part of the job. And not just black powder rifle blanks, but cannon charges, enough to do serious damage to pretty much anything. No pee tests ever.
    I'll leave the morality out of it. Personally, I feel better knowing the guy driving that backhoe equipped with R 9800 bucket in close proximity to me can pass the pee test.

  11. #8191
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    I'll leave the morality out of it. Personally, I feel better knowing the guy driving that backhoe equipped with R 9800 bucket in close proximity to me can pass the pee test.
    He might just be drunk. Or using any of a dozen or more over the counter sedative type drugs marked with "do not operate heavy machinery" warnings.

    Y'know, shit that isn't covered by pee tests, but which employers have to monitor for by evaluating employee conduct. Rather than demanding invasive medical testing for no justifiable reason.

    Pee tests in the USA exist solely as part of the "punish people for enjoying marijuana" agenda. Not about ensuring people don't work while high or drunk. They're useless for that purpose.

  12. #8192
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Pee tests in the USA exist solely as part of the "punish people for enjoying marijuana" agenda. Not about ensuring people don't work while high or drunk. They're useless for that purpose.
    I'm still confused why I needed to have an adult watch me pee in a cup as an under-age teen so I could work at a store bagging groceries. I was an excellent repackaging engineer, though.

  13. #8193
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Like, I've had Top Secret security clearances, and I've never had to pee in a cup. Fuck any employer who asks that kind of shit of you. Get a fucking court order, jackwads.

    Helps, of course, that Canada doesn't support at-will employment, so they need actual cause to fire me, and refusing to take embarrassing and invasive tests like that don't qualify.
    Given the insanity that seems to continue to be sweeping over the United States - do you know if Canada is seeing a marked increase in people moving there? I would imagine COVID is keeping those numbers down substantially.

  14. #8194
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm still confused why I needed to have an adult watch me pee in a cup as an under-age teen so I could work at a store bagging groceries. I was an excellent repackaging engineer, though.
    Like, if you can't trust someone to not work while high, why are you hiring them, again?

    As for not trusting them to pee in a cup rather than substituting someone else's pee, unless you're running a group home for at-risk teens with drug problems, what the everloving fuck is wrong with you?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Given the insanity that seems to continue to be sweeping over the United States - do you know if Canada is seeing a marked increase in people moving there? I would imagine COVID is keeping those numbers down substantially.
    Given that we just extended our border restrictions to any non-essential travel another month, to June 21, it's probably down, if anything; https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/corona...e-21-1.5433345

    The big thing is that you'd need a reason for Canada to want you. You can't claim refugee status from the USA (yet, at least), so it's gonna boil down to how valuable we think you'd be as a citizen; are you going to be self-supporting and find employment and so on and so forth. Some people seem to think that of course they can just move to Canada; it's like moving to Vermont, right? Yeah, not so much.

  15. #8195

    Fox News and Doocey shouldn't have much to complain about, question asked question answered.

    Glad Psaki isn't entertaining the bullshit.

  16. #8196
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Fox News and Doocey shouldn't have much to complain about, question asked question answered.

    Glad Psaki isn't entertaining the bullshit.
    She's a god damn american hero. The way she slices through all the QNON-based media outlets that slither into the White House Press Room is beautiful.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Given that we just extended our border restrictions to any non-essential travel another month, to June 21, it's probably down, if anything; https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/corona...e-21-1.5433345

    The big thing is that you'd need a reason for Canada to want you. You can't claim refugee status from the USA (yet, at least), so it's gonna boil down to how valuable we think you'd be as a citizen; are you going to be self-supporting and find employment and so on and so forth. Some people seem to think that of course they can just move to Canada; it's like moving to Vermont, right? Yeah, not so much.
    I've been reading up on it a bit, and it seems you can attain dual citizenship, assuming one follows all the rules, after just four years in Canada. Immigration is like you said, all about being able to productively contribute to society (lol Vermont) when one applies to initially move there, and then continuing to do so while living there.

    Have to say - I not opposed to the idea of giving it a go sometime in the future if things start really going to hell here.

  17. #8197
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm still confused why I needed to have an adult watch me pee in a cup as an under-age teen so I could work at a store bagging groceries. I was an excellent repackaging engineer, though.
    every time I took a drug test for work i was allowed to go into a private bathroom alone at a company that manages the test.

    did you really have to do it in front of someone?
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  18. #8198
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    every time I took a drug test for work i was allowed to go into a private bathroom alone at a company that manages the test.

    did you really have to do it in front of someone?
    I think that's just the military. Over the years I have done dozens, and I never had anybody went into the bathroom with me. They just made sure that I was not carrying anything with me when I went in.

  19. #8199
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Fox News and Doocey shouldn't have much to complain about, question asked question answered.

    Glad Psaki isn't entertaining the bullshit.
    Like, what was the question even meant to get at?

    I assume it was intended just regarding Fauci's actual conduct, in which case Psaki's response is perfect. I'm just betting that Fox will try and spin that more as "Biden would not fire Fauci even if he were convicted of murder-raping 12-year-olds".

  20. #8200
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    I assume it was intended just regarding Fauci's actual conduct, in which case Psaki's response is perfect. I'm just betting that Fox will try and spin that more as "Biden would not fire Fauci even if he were convicted of murder-raping 12-year-olds".
    "Could you imagine any circumstance where President Biden would ever fire him?"
    "Would Biden fire Fauci if he were convicted of murder-raping 12-year-olds?"
    "Frankly, that is not a circumstance I can imagine."
    "I did."
    "Then that says a lot more about you than about President Biden."

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